江 冰,毛 天,唐大卫,邬智俊,韩光洁(. 河海大学物联网工程学院,常州 30;. 常州市传感网与环境感知重点实验室,常州 30)
江 冰1,毛 天1,唐大卫1,邬智俊1,韩光洁2
(1. 河海大学物联网工程学院,常州 213022;2. 常州市传感网与环境感知重点实验室,常州 213022)
由于无线传感网络节点的能量有限,如何有效地利用有限资源以及实现数据的有效传输,成为研究热点问题。针对农田区域广以及种植作物杂等环境特征,为延长农田无线传感器网络的生命周期,提高传感网的数据包投递率,构建了适用于农田信息采集的无线传感器网络架构,提出了一种混合式的分簇路由算法HCRA(hybrid clustering routing algorithm),研究了簇的形成、簇头竞选以及簇间路由过程,并对HCRA算法与低功耗自适应集簇分层型算法LEACH(low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy),以及使用固定簇半径的混合节能分簇算法HEED(hybrid energy-efficient distributed clustering)进行了仿真试验。结果表明:在1 000次迭代周期下,采用HCRA算法的网络生存时间要比LEACH算法长约28%,比HEED算法长约12%;采用HCRA算法的数据包投递率要比LEACH算法高约34个百分点,比HEED算法高约16个百分点。该研究可为农田环境信息采集自动化监测系统提供参考。
0 引 言
为延长网络生存周期,分簇是比较常用的一种办法。LEACH (low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy)是为WSN (wireless sensor networks)设计的低功耗自适应路由协议,其基本思想是网络周期性地随机选择簇头节点,其它的非簇头节点就近地加入相应的簇头,形成虚拟簇[12-14]。
PEGASIS(power efficient gathering in sensor information system)协议基本思想是从网络中离汇聚节点最远的节点开始,采用贪婪算法,将网络中的所有传感器节点形成一条链,使得节点只需要与离它距离最近的相邻节点进行通信即可[15-17]。HEED(hybrid energy-efficient distributed clustering)协议是由Ossama等提出的。簇头的选择主要依据主、次2个参数。主参数依赖于剩余能量,用于随机选取初始簇头集合。具有较多剩余能量的节点将有较大的概率暂时成为簇头,而最终该节点是否一定是簇头取决于剩余能量是否比周围节点多得多。考虑到分簇后簇内的通信开销,HEED以簇内平均可达能量(AMRP,average minimum reachability power)作为衡量簇内通信代价的标准[18-20]。
近些年,国内外相关学者对路由分簇算法也有一定的研究。陈炳才等[21]提出了一种基于LEACH协议改进的簇间多跳路由协议,刘伟强等[22]对无线传感器网络中的PEGASIS算法进行了研究与改进,姚新兵等[23]提出了一种基于HEED的簇首多跳融合路由算法, Amirthalingam[24]、Sapna Gambhir[25]、Bennani Mohamed Taj[26]等对LEACH 算法进行了研究与改进,Mishra[27]、Ghosh[28]等对PEGASIS算法进行了研究与改进,Taheri[29]、Jain[30]等对HEED协议进行了研究与改进。
LEACH算法中,所有簇头节点都直接与汇聚节点进行通信,这会使得离汇聚节点较远的簇头节点能量消耗严重;PEGASIS算法虽然减少了与汇聚节点直接通信的节点数,然而容易使网络形成较长的链路,从而缩短网络的寿命;HEED算法采用簇头直接与汇聚节点通信也要消耗很大的能量[31]。基于农田监测范围大,针对无线传感网的能量消耗问题,参考LEACH算法和HEED算法的原理,本文提出了一种适用于农田信息采集的混合式分簇路由算法HCRA(hybrid clustering routing algorithm)。
1 网络模型与能耗模型
1.1 网络模型
1.2 能耗模型
图1 无线传感网节点能量消耗模型Fig.1 Wireless sensor network node energy consumption model
式中a1和a2分别表示放大器在自由空间模型和多路径衰减模型中将1 bit数据传输1 m2时所需的能量消耗。d0=为临界距离。当传输距离d小于d0时,功率放大损耗采用自由空间模型;当传输距离d大于等于d0时,采用多路径衰减模型。此外,从式(1)可以看出,无线传感器网络节点发送数据的能量消耗随着其与接收节点之间的距离的增大而增大。
2 HCRA算法
2.1 簇的形成
图2 传感器网络分簇示意图Fig.2 Sensor network clustering diagram
2.2 簇头竞选
2.3 簇间路由
3 算法仿真试验
本文使用MATLAB作为平台,对提出的HCRA算法进行了仿真试验,并将其与LEACH、HEED 2种算法在无线传感网络生存时间和能量消耗方面进行了对比,网络仿真参数如表1所示。
3.1 网络生命周期
从网络生命周期上分析,仿真结果如图3a所示。LEACH算法,在0~150次的网络运行轮数中,节点死亡速率较快,100~700次,节点近乎全部死亡。HEED算法,在0~50次网络运行轮数时,没有节点死亡,在50~300次中,节点死亡速率较快,300~800次,节点死亡速率缓慢,近800次之后,节点几乎全部死亡。而HCRA算法经过1 000次的迭代,在0~75次的网络运行轮数中,几乎没有节点死亡,75~400次,节点死亡幅度较快,400~500次,节点死亡速率较75~400有所下降,500~900次,死亡幅度较慢,近900次之后,节点近乎全部死亡。据仿真结果分析可知,在迭代1 000次的情况下,采用HCRA算法的网络生存时间在相同的条件下要比LEACH算法长约28%,比HEED算法长约12%。
3.2 数据包传递率
从数据包传递率上分析,所有节点发送4 000 bit数据,对比3种算法下基站收到的数据包数目,仿真结果如图3b所示。基于LEACH算法时,在0~150次的网络运行轮数中,基站收到的数据包数目在不断增加,在200次时,投递率达到33.7%左右,并且随着节点全部死亡之后,基站收到的数据包数目不再增加。HEED算法在0~300次的网络运行轮数中,基站收到的数据包数目在不断增加,在500次时,投递率达到51.2%左右,500次之后数据包数目不再增加。而HCRA算法在0~500次的网络运行轮数中,基站收到的数据包数目在不断增加,在600次时,投递率达到67%左右,700次之后数据包数目不再增加。从仿真结果可以看出,在迭代1 000次的情况下,基于HCRA算法的数据包投递率在相同条件下要比LEACH算法高约34个百分点,比HEED算法高约16个百分点。
图3 网络运行轮数与各参数关系曲线Fig.3 Graph between number of running cycles of network and parameters
4 结 论
依据农田环境,构建了适用于农田信息采集的无线传感器网络架构,将农田划分为无数个小的扇区,便于节点的定位,采用层次型路由形式,实现了传感网簇头节点的均匀分布以及能量消耗的减少。基于HCRA(hybrid clustering routing algorithm)算法的分析,详细描述了传感网分簇过程、簇头的竞选过程以及簇头之间的路由,给出了仿真结果。根据仿真结果分析,在1 000次迭代周期下,采用HCRA算法的网络生存时间要比LEACH(low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy)算法长约28%,比HEED(hybrid clustering routing algorithm)算法长约12%;采用HCRA(hybrid clustering routing algorithm)算法的数据包投递率要比LEACH算法高约34个百分点,比HEED算法高约16个百分点。
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Clustering routing algorithm based on farmland wireless sensor network
Jiang Bing1, Mao Tian1, Tang Dawei1, Wu Zhijun1, Han Guangjie2
(1. Department of Internet of Things Engineering, Hohai University, Changzhou 213022, China; 2. Changzhou Key Laboratory of Sensing Network and Environmental Perception, Changzhou 213022, China)
As the wireless sensor network node's energy is limited, how to effectively use the limited resources and the effective transmission of data becomes a hot topic. In order to extend the life cycle of farmland wireless sensor network and improve the packet delivery rate of sensor network, a wireless sensor network suitable for farmland information collection was constructed, and a hybrid clustering routing algorithm (HCRA) was proposed in this paper. Two classical algorithms, LEACH (low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy) and HEED (hybrid energy-efficient distributed clustering), were evaluated for their merit to extend life cycle of wireless sensors. In the LEACH algorithm, all cluster head nodes communicate directly with the sink nodes, so that energy consumption of the cluster head node far from the sink node was serious, and cannot guarantee the cluster head evenly distributed, which could make some cluster head nodes’ energy consumption too large, affecting the network life cycle. The HEED algorithm, on the other hand, used the cluster head to communicate directly with the sink node, which consumed a lot of energy. Because the farmland information collection range was large, those two algorithms were not fully applicable to the wireless sensor network information gathering in farmland environment. Based on this evaluation and the principle of the HEED algorithm, we proposed a hybrid clustering routing algorithm (HCRA) for farmland information collection. In the proposed algorithm, the network model and the energy consumption models were described separately. In the network model, the monitoring area of the sensor network was abstracted as a circle area. Each node in the network had its own unique ID, and the location was not changed after the deployment was completed. All nodes were distributed evenly in the area. In the energy consumption model, the energy consumption of the wireless sensor network increased with the increase of the distance between the transmitting node and the receiving node, regardless of the power dissipation loss using the free space model or the multi-channel attenuation model. Besides, we also descried the HCRA algorithm in detail in this paper, including formation of cluster, cluster bidding and inter-cluster routing. The formation of the cluster was as follows: the center node sink was placed in the center position, and then from the sink node, taking r (the distance between layers and layers), 2r, 3r…as the radius, the entire circular area was divided into m flows. The entire area was divided into six parts, each of which was subdivided into small areas with equal area according to the number of layers. Each small area was a cluster in the wireless sensor network. The cluster head bidding process was as follows: the cluster head node was selected according to the heed algorithm, i.e., the cluster head was generated according to the initial probability of each node. When the cluster head was selected, other non-cluster head nodes joined the cluster selectively according to the collected information from the competition stage. The inter-cluster routing was the information transfer process between cluster heads, cluster head selected the next cluster head based on energy consumption. Finally, the proposed HCRA algorithm along with LEACH and HEED algorithm were simulated experimentally under the same conditions. The experimental results showed that the HCRA algorithm had 28% longer network lifetime than the LEACH algorithm, about 12% faster than the HEED algorithm, under the iteration period of 1000 times. The HCRA algorithm had a packet delivery rate, which was about 34 percentage points higher than the LEACH, and about 16 percentage points higher than HEED.
wireless sensor networks; data transfer; algorithms; clustered routing protocol; life cycle of network; packet delivery rate; HCRA(hybrid clustering routing algorithm) algorithm
TP393; S24
江 冰,毛 天,唐大卫,邬智俊,韩光洁. 基于农田无线传感网络的分簇路由算法[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(16):182-187.
10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.16.024 http://www.tcsae.org
Jiang Bing, Mao Tian, Tang Dawei, Wu Zhijun, Han Guangjie. Clustering routing algorithm based on farmland wireless sensor network[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(16): 182-187. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.16.024 http://www.tcsae.org
江 冰,女(汉族),江苏常州人,教授,研究方向:现代通信技术、智能信息处理。Email:jiangb@hhuc.edu.cn