

广东造船 2017年4期


摘要:研究开发性能优良的舵型,改善舵的水动力性能,对提高船舶操纵性十分重要。对某28000DWT MPC轮设计了制流板舵,并采用CFD软件FLUENT分别计算了舵球舵、制流板舵的水动力性能系数,制流板舵的升力系数比舵球舵高约7.1%。根据实船操纵性试验数据对比,在舵叶面积不变的情况下,采用制流板舵比普通舵球舵稳定回转直径减少大约4.3%。制流板舵可有效地减少横向绕流,提高升力和舵效,改善船舶的操纵性能。制流板舵结构简单且基本不增加舵机功率,因此非常适用于船舶的技术改造。


中图分类号:U667.9 文献标识码:A

Analysis on Hydrodynamic Performances of Swash Plate Rudder and Application in Ship

OU Lijian1 , MA Zicong2

(1.South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640;

2.Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024)

Abstract: The maneuverability of a modern ship is guaranteed by rudders. A good performance rudder is very important for maneuverability of a ship. In this paper, a swash plate rudder is designed for a 28000DWT MPC, and the hydrodynamic performances of rudder-bubble rudder and swash plate rudder are researched based on CFD software FLUENT. The result shows that lift coefficient of swash plate rudder is about 7.1% higher than that of rudder-bubble rudder. The maneuverability trail shows that the stable turning diameter decreases about 4.3% when swash plate rudder is used. Swash plate can effectively decrease the cross flow and improve the lift, rudder effects and the maneuverability. Because swash plate rudder has a simple structure and almost no need to increase the power of actuator with the same rudder area, swash plate rudder can be widely used for ship technical transformation.

Key words: Swash plate rudder; Hydrodynamic performance; CFD

1 引言



某28000DWT MPC轮:总长166.50m、垂线间长158.32m、型宽27.40m、型深14.20m、设计吃水8.50m;单机、单桨、单舵;舵球舵面积为28.7m2。其尾部侧视图如图1所示。该轮于2011年交付营运,船公司认为该轮操纵性能较差,2015年提出改造舵叶,以提高舵效。


4 实船应用效果及结论

2016年夏天,某28000DWT MPC轮进坞特检期间,将原舵球舵上、下端面安装上、下制流板,改造为制流板舵,如图8所示。




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