

速读·中旬 2017年9期


Benjamin Franklin is forever remembered as “Doctor Franklin”,philosopher,scientist and political leader.He built U.S.A.for what the nation is today is largely due to the forethought,the wisdom,and the ability of Benjamin Franklin①.Franklins life is full of charming stories which all young men should know——how he was made Major General Franklin,only to quit because,as he said,he was no soldier②,and yet helped to organize the army that stood before the trained troops of England and Germany; how he raised a kite from a cow shed,and was showered with all the high degrees the colleges of the world could give.

The story of Benjamin Franklins kite is known everywhere.He had been experimenting with electricity,and in 1751 published a paper saying that electricity and lightning were the same thing③.Both were bright,both were the same yellow color,both made a noise,both made crooked flashes,and both would pass through metal.

In order to test his claim,regardless of great danger④,he and his son took a kite made of silk(because it is stronger than paper),and added a long wire to the top and a piece of silk to the end of the string with which he controlled the kite⑤.A metal key was hung where the silk and string met⑥.They flew the kite up into a thunderstorm,keeping themselves dry under a roof⑦.When the kite reached the storm clouds,Franklin noticed that all the loose parts of his string began to stand up and shake.When the kite touched lightning,a spark ran down the string to the key; a rush of electric sparks began to appear on the key.The wetter the string became,the faster the sparks came⑧.They were sparks of electricity.Lightning was indeed electricity.

Franklin decided to use this knowledge in a practical way.He invented the lightning rod(避雷針).Ladies in Europe took to(对……产生好感)wearing lightning rods on their hats and trailing a ground wire——a fad(一时的风尚)that began after Benjamin Franklin published instructions on how to make them,in his book Poor Richard Improved,in 1753.


①他创立了美国,因为这个国家的今天,很大程度上归功于他的远见卓识和能力。what the nation is today是主语从句;is largely due to为固定搭配,“应归于”,是谓语部分。

②他是如何成为富兰克林少将,结果他却辞掉了,按他的说法,因为他不是军人。only to quit作结果状语,表令人意外的结果。

③在1751年,他发表了一篇论文,说电和闪电是一回事。saying that...是作a paper的定语。这里的say意思是(用文字、数字、图画)表达,说明(信息)。例如:The clock said twenty past three.这钟显示时间为3点20分。The card doesnt say who sent the flowers.卡片上甚至没说是谁送的花。

④为了测试他的声明,不顾巨大的危险。in order to...为了做……; regardless of“不管,不顾”。

⑤用一根长金属丝接在风筝的顶端,并且把一块丝绸系在他用来控制风筝的绳子末端。此句中含有省略,连词and后应为added a piece of silk to the end of the string.

⑥在丝绸和绳子的连接处,挂着一只金属钥匙。where the silk and string met为地点状语从句。例如:Stay where you are.呆在原地别动。

⑦他们自己站在屋顶下。这个部分是-ing分词短语用作伴随状语。例如:They lay on the grass,watching the stars in the sky.他们躺在草地上,仰望着天空的星星。

⑧绳子越湿,火花来得越快。这是一个特殊句式,由两部分组成,前后各一个含有比较级的句子,表示“越……,越……”。例如:The more he learns,the more scared he becomes.他了解得越多,越感到害怕。The harder you work,the greater progress you will make.你越努力,你取得的进步就越大。The sooner,the better.事不宜迟。endprint


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Comparative Adjectives (形容词比较级)
新目标八年级(下)Units 1—2句子解密