Inductive Approach of English Grammar in Middle School Class from the Perspective of Second Language Acquisition


校园英语·上旬 2017年9期


【Abstract】This thesis introduces the meaning of inductive approach and how to put it in English grammar teaching. There are also specific examples to direct how to carry out inductive approach in the class teaching, and finally to make the student do some related practice to solidify what they have learnt and direct them to act autonomous learning.

【Key words】autonomous learning; English grammar; inductive approach

1. Introduction

With a serious of reform carried on in education and teaching system, students gradually predominate a position in class. Although English teaching in class is a way of Second language acquisition for native Chinese students, most of them are losing interest in English, especially in English grammar. The teacher mostly adopts to teach knowledge first but do not give first a homologous example to draw the students attention.

2. The Application of Inductive Approach

From the perspective of second language acquisition, English learning strategies should be discussed and there could also be autonomous learning, which will help English teachers do some transposition thinking and know more about the students needs(Liu: 2008). The inductive approach is one way of autonomous learning, and it is based on the subject of students.

2.1 What is inductive approach?

When inductive approach is applied in the English grammar class, the students are usually presented certain number of examples about specific grammar point, and then they get some rules about the grammar by observing the examples and discussing with each other. And by dealing with the concrete and vivid grammar examples, learners will take an active part in searching the rules.

2.2 The way of implementation

There are three steps: showing the students solid examples, making students summarize grammar rules, and finally design some related exercises to strengthen what they have learnt. Whats more important, this kind of approach is based on students predominant position and autonomous learning in class teaching.

Firstly, the clear objects should be presented. Through the students observation of the grammar phenomenon, all the students will get a relatively similar grammar rule. When giving the grammar lessons, the teacher ought to instruct the students to analysis the examples.

The next step is to compare each sentence and discover the rule. By the way of observation, the students can discover certain grammar phenomenon, and have a true feeling about the phenomenon. To some degree, the teacher should raise the demand and have the students think actively, make comparisons, and then find out the rule. Based on observation, comparison is a further demand. Certainly, the objects of comparison should also be those that are observed.endprint

The third step is to induct and get the rule. Through observing and comparing a number examples, the students have a full understanding about the grammar phenomenon and think actively about the phenomenon. At this point, the teacher should encourage them to induct the rule bravely. And the induction can be from part to part, and gets to the usual usage.

2.2.1 Showing solid example

Now I examine one grammar teaching materials to illustrate how we can employ the inductive approach. Please observe the five sentences below, and summarize the common structure of attributive clause.

(1) The girl who spoke is my best friend.

(2) You are the only whose advance he might listen to.

(3) He is the man that was praised at the meeting.

(4) I have been to the city which you just visited.

(5) A doctor is a person who looks after peoples health

2.2.2 Summarizing grammar rules

Students can obviously find that there is a noun after which a sentence follows in each sentence. Therefore there comes a conclusion that an attributive clause consists of a relative pronoun, verb, and other dispensable ingredients.

2.2.3 The necessity of practice

When students draw a conclusion, more exercises should be offered. Not only in this way can they testify their summing-up, but they may have a strong impression about the structure they just learned. This method relatively suits a beginner stage, because there need not more grammar elucidation in many sentence constructions of beginner stage, and it can let learners imitate, then master it.

3. Meaning of Autonomous Learning

From the view of cognitive psychology, the foundation of language teaching success is applying the autonomous learning throughout the language teaching(Zhu: 2015). Autonomous learning is that students consider themselves as the subject, and achieve their study goals by exploring, practicing, analyzing and creating. When the learners are trying autonomous learning, the teachers should let the students go and offer help at the same time(Dai: 2013).

4. Conclusion

The grammar teaching is one of the cruxes in English teaching, and the grammar is permeated in each link of listening, saying, reading, writing .Only after acquiring enough grammar knowledge, students just can truly improve English studies efficiency. From the perspective of second language acquisition, much importance should be attached to the autonomous learning in middle school class.endprint

Autonomous learning of English grammar in middle school class is not that the students learn the knowledge entirely by themselves but they are the leader of the class learning and the teacher just offer them help when it is necessary. By applying this kind of learning style, the students will be more responsible for their study and the efficiency will be raised. And in the process, the inductive approach is a practical methods of English grammar in middle school class.


[1]Batstone,Rob.1994.Grammar.Oxford:Oxford University Press.

[2]Lei Hongyu.2011.Teacher autonomy:concept,ways and effect.Higher Education Forum.

[3]Zhang Wenzhong.2011.Autonomous learning in the foreign language classroom setting.Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences).











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