黄靖雯 赖长江生 袁媛 张敏 周骏辉 黄璐琦
[摘要]共生的豬苓Polyporus umbellatus与蜜环菌Armillaria mellea均为药食兼用真菌,具有降血糖、调节免疫、抑制肿瘤等多种生物活性。猪苓菌核经菌丝体发育而来,其生长过程与共生蜜环菌有关;受其侵染,猪苓菌丝体可形成菌核。该文通过分析猪苓菌丝体、菌核和蜜环菌的化学成分,发现三者均含有甾体和含氮杂环等化合物,且猪苓菌核与蜜环菌中还含有三萜类次生代谢产物。猪苓菌核及其菌丝体的甾体种类存在显著差异,但部分成分存在一定的相关性。此外,猪苓菌核还特有长链脂肪酸、酰胺和苯酚等多种化合物,推测这些可能是因蜜环菌入侵而形成的多种次生代谢产物;而蜜环菌自身主要产生倍半萜、二萜等物质。猪苓与蜜环菌的化合物含量、种类与其共生繁殖密切相关,目前尚需对二者的共生机制进行深入研究,为提高二者产量及质量提供科学依据。
[关键词]蜜环菌; 猪苓菌核; 猪苓菌丝体; 化学成分; 共生; 次生代谢
Correlative analysis advance of chemical constituents of
Polyporus umbellatus and Armillaria mellea
HUANG Jingwen1,2, LAI Changjiangsheng2*, YUAN Yuan2*, ZHANG Min3, ZHOU Junhui2, HUANG Luqi2
(1 School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou 510006, China;
2 State Key Laboratory of Daodi Herbs, National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of
Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;
3 Hubei Mengyang Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, Jingmen 448124, China)
[Abstract]Medicinal Polyporus umbellatus is the dry sclerotia of P umbellatus, with the effect of diuresis; Armillaria mellea is a parasitic fungus which can infect plants up to 300 genera, with sedative, anticonvulsant and some other biological activities As the medicinal value of P umbellatus and A mellea is increasingly wide concerned, the market quantity demanded of them is gradually increased and the demand outstrips the supply The symbiotic A mellea and P umbellatus are both the medicinal and edible fungi with diverse activities, including hypoglycemic action, improve immunity and antitumor and so on The growth of the sclerotia forming from the mycelium of P umbellatus is related to the infection of the symbiotic A mellea and their secondary products In this study, by comparing the chemical constituents of the mycelium and sclerotia of P umbellatus and A mellea, we found that they all produced steroids and nitrogencontaining heterocycles. The sclerotia of P umbellatus and A mellea also produced triterpenes secondary metabolites In addition, the mycelium and infected sclerotia of P umbellatus mainly produced different steroids, and the sclerotia produced some other special secondary metabolites, such as longchain fatty acids, ceramides, phenol and so on By analyzing above all kinds of differences, speculated that these may be caused by the infection of the symbiotic A mellea which mainly produced sesquiterpenes, diterpenes and other secondary metabolites The contents and types of compounds of P umbellatus and A mellea are closely related to their symbiosis and reproduction, therefore, many symbiosis mechanisms should be found by utilizing more molecular biology technology to elucidate this complex symbiotic infection and provide scientific basis for improving the yield and quality of P umbellatus and A mellea.
[Key words]Armillaria mellea; sclerotia of Polyporus umbellatus; mycelium of Polyporus umbellatus; chemical constituents; symbiotic relationship; secondary metabolites
猪苓又名猪屎苓、鸡屎苓、猪灵芝和猪茯苓等,为多孔菌科真菌猪苓Polyporus umbellatus (Pers) Fries的干燥菌核,具有利水渗湿的功效,用于治疗小便不利,水肿,泄泻,淋浊,带下[1]。随着不断深入研究发现,豬苓还具有多种功效,例如:猪苓中所含的多糖化合物具有调节免疫和抗肿瘤作用[2];甾体化合物具有利尿和治疗慢性肾衰竭的作用[3]等。近年来,猪苓作为一种常用的真菌类中药材,其药用价值得到不断开发,市场需求量不断提高,这已导致猪苓供不应求[45]。
蜜环菌Armillaria mellea(Vahl ex Fr)为一类兼性寄生高等真菌,可侵染植物多达300个属[6],是猪苓的共生真菌。研究发现,蜜环菌中含有多糖、倍半萜和嘌呤等多种活性成分,具有镇静、抗惊厥、降血脂等功效,而且其中的多糖成分还具有较强的调节免疫、抗肿瘤、抗炎和抗辐射等作用,是中国传统的保健药材之一。随着对其功效以及药理活性的不断深入研究,蜜环菌的滋补防病功效受到广泛认可[78]。随着人们对猪苓和蜜环菌需求量的日益加大,如何提高二者的产量以及质量已成为亟待解决的问题。
蜜环菌化学成分的研究集中于20世纪70年代末至90年代初,主要针对菌丝体。随着分离手段及NMR结构鉴定技术的不断发展,蜜环菌子实体、菌索和发酵液中的成分也有了系统研究,共鉴定出伊鲁烷型倍半萜(protoilludane)、二萜(diterpenoids)、三萜(triterpenoids)、腺苷(adenosine)、甾体(steroids)及有机酸(organic acid)等多种化学成分;与此同时,在猪苓菌核及菌丝体中也发现了包括甾体(steroids),蒽醌(anthraquinones),三萜(triterpenoids),核苷(nucleosides),生物碱(alkaloids),酰胺(ceramides)及有机酸(organic acid)等化学成分。
从蜜环菌中分离得到的7 个二萜酸化合物[30],均为三环二萜,见图6。
猪苓菌核由其菌丝体发育而来,二者主要活性物质均为甾体,但甾体种类存在一定差异。其中在菌核中发现25种甾体化合物,在菌丝体中只发现4种,见表1。在猪苓菌丝体和菌核中均发现ergosterol(1)、ergosta7,22dien3one(3)和polyporusterone A(7),但在菌核中还发现了其他大量甾体化合物,包括1和3的衍生物(如甾體化合物2,4,6,16,21,24,26)以及polyporusterone类似物(如化合物8~13)等。由此推测,在菌丝体形成菌核的过程中,某些甾体化合物经过氧化等一系列生理生化反应,形成了新的甾体次生代谢产物。同时,在菌核中还发现了甾体化合物的前体物质长链脂肪酸27和28及其次生代谢物39~41,其中长链脂肪酸28可能在水解酶的作用下形成化合物27,且酰胺化合物39和41也可由长链脂肪酸27经体内催化合成。上述化合物是否在菌核发育中发挥重要的生理作用,还需要进一步研究。
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