

重庆与世界 2017年8期



7月1 8日,市政府外事侨务办副主任王雯,在市外事大楼会见了南非水牛城常务副市长左拉·安德森·帕卡提率领的南非水牛城代表团一行,就积极推动重庆市渝北区与水牛城发展友好合作关系交换了意见。













来自重庆10所高校和香港1 5所高校的大学生欢聚一堂,畅谈学习理想,分享生活趣事,交流实习心得。渝港大学生纷纷表示,通过暑期实习活动,切实增进彼此感情,感受到不一样的重庆,有利于进一步搭建渝港青年的友谊桥梁。











由国务院侨办主办,重庆市政府外事侨务办、厄瓜多尔思源中国语学校共同承办的2017中华文化大乐园—厄瓜多尔基多营,于当地时间7月1 4日开营。中国驻厄瓜多尔大使馆大使王玉林、厄瓜多尔国家议会议员何塞俄加斯、重庆市政府外事侨务办侨务处处长王林、厄瓜多尔华人华侨联合会、中资企业代表及当地青少年2 0 0余人参加了开营仪式。

此次大乐园教师团1 2名教师,由西南大学、重庆邮电大学、重庆师范大学、重庆暨华中学等学校的优秀教师组成,开设中国历史、民族舞蹈、书法、武术、版画、欢乐快板等11种才艺课程。


Delegation from Buffalo, South Africa, Came to Visit Chongqing

On the date of July 18, Wang Wen, Deputy Director General of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Of fi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’ s Government, met with the delegation headed by Zola•Anderson•Pakati, Vice-mayor of Buffalo, South Africa in the Building of Chongqing Foreign Affairs. They exchanged views about how to promote friendly cooperation between Yubei District, Chongqing and Buffalo, South Africa.

Ms. Wang said that as Yubei District and Buffalo have obvious comparative advantages, both sides should seize the opportunity of signing the memorandum of building friendly cooperation to strengthen mutual exchanges, boost all-fields cooperation and enhance local communication, thus making vigorous contribution to the consensus of both countries.

During its visit to Chongqing, the delegation investigated Chongqing Xiantao Big Data Valley, Changan Auto Research Institute and other companies and institutes; had a work talk with Yubei District on how to deepen their cooperation in the fi elds of automobile manufacturing, electronic information, international trade, aviation logistics and people-people communication, and reached a series of cooperation intentions; signed the memorandum of friendly cooperation between both sides.

Yang Daqing Held a Talk with Overseas Leaders Participating in the Chongqing Camp of 2017“Journey to Seek Roots in China”

On the date of July 3, Mr. Yang Daqing, Deputy Director General of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’ s Government, held a talk with overseas leaders who came to Chongqing to participate in the Chongqing Camp of 2017 “Journey to Seek Roots in China” by overseas Chinese teenagers.

Overseas leaders introduced the participated overseas Chinese associations, schools and institutions in Australia, the United States, Canada, Ireland and German respectively; showed great gratitude to Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Of fi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and Chongqing Normal University for their elaborate preparation and warmhearted arrangement, and for the opportunity to have a routsseeking journey of knowing hometown culture and local development. They expressed that they would share what they saw in Chongqing with their relatives and friends.

Mr. Yang expressed thanks to those leaders for their hard working, hoping them to give a timely feedback about this activity to the local overseas Chinese associations and the participated children’s parents. He warmly welcomed more overseas Chinese teenagers to come to their hometown to experience the charm of Chinese culture, consequently broadening their prospects.

Mr. Jacob Zvi Yanovsky, Vice Consul General of Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu, Visited Chongqing before Leaving Of fi ce

On the date of July 21, Mr. Tang Wen, Deputy Director General of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, met with Mr. Jacob Zvi Yanovsky who came to visit Chongqing before leaving his of fi ce in the Building of Chongqing Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Tang appreciated his contribution in promoting mutual cooperation during his time in of fi ce. For the sake of great potentials in the cooperation between Chongqing and Israel, Mr. Tang hoped to make continued efforts with Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu to boost mutual exchanges and cooperation in the fields of science and technology, economy and trade, and culture.

Mr. Jacob said that Chongqing represents not only an important political and economic city but also a vivid and interesting city with exquisite scenery. Last year, with the help of Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu, Sichuan International Studies University set up the major of Hebrew, enabling Chongqing to become the third city of opening this major following Beijing and Shanghai. He hoped that Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu could gain continued supports from Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and conduct more activities in more fi elds at a deeper level.

In Chongqing Held 2017 Exchange Symposium about Chongqing-Hong Kong Summer Internship Program for College Students

On the date of July 1, the Chongqing Commission of Communist Youth League of China held 2017 exchange symposium about Chongqing-Hong Kong summer internship program for college students. Zhang Yaqian, Deputy Director General of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, attended this symposium and awarded excellent students.

College students from ten and fifteen colleges and universities respectively in Chongqing and Hong Kong gathered there to discuss their study and dreams, share their interesting life and exchange internship experience. All of them claimed that summer internship offered them an opportunity to promote their relationship and experience a quite different Chongqing, contributing to further cultivating friendly bridge linking Chongqing-Hong Kong young people.

Chongqing Representative Of fi ce of HKTDC Had an lnvestigation of Xiushan and Wulong

From July 19 to 21, the delegation of Chongqing Representative Of fi ce of HKTDC led by Zhou Hong headed to Xiushan County and Wulong District for investigation. The delegation visited Xiushan Industrial Park, Logistics Park and Miao Embroidery Exhibition Hall and investigated vegetable base in Mugen village, Wulong District and Baima Industrial Park.

In the deep exchange with local government department, the delegation has a deeper understanding of economic development and export-oriented economy in the Xiushan and Wulong. Mr. Zhou invited governments of Xiushan and Wulong to organize enterprises to participate in the logistics meeting, food and tea exhibition and gift fair held by HKTDC. He suggested that efforts should made to promote exports of agricultural products, tea and art works of both sides by providing enterprises in Xiushan and Wulong with both online and of fl ine international foreign trade platform with the help of HKTDC website.

Organizers of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Of fi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Attended Work Sharing Conference of the British Consulate

On the date of July 18, at the invitation of Consulate General of the United Kingdom in Chongqing, heads of Consulate Office and Protocol Office of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government came to the Consulate General of the United Kingdom in Chongqing to participate in its dinner study-sharing activity.

Head of Consulate Of fi ce introduced what British consular staff care about including work division of different offices, relative units visited by consular officials, outside activities held by Consulate General and Chinese employees; head of protocol Of fi ce introduced the procedures of receiving important guests in cooperation with Consulate General.

Mr. Stephen Agnew, Deputy Consul-General of Consulate General of the United Kingdom in Chongqing, attended this sharing conference and expressed gratitude for staff of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government to use lunch breaks to participate in this conference. Caroline Steele, Consul responsible for bilateral relation, together with more than 30 Chinese staff, participated in this sharing activity and harvested many fruits.

Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Of fi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Attended the Farewell Ceremony for the Second Batch of Chinese Medical Corps Assigned to Barbados

On the date of July 10, relative heads from Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Of fi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government attended the farewell ceremony for the second batch of Chinese medical corps assigned to Barbados. In light of the fact that Chongqing Health and Family Planning Commission has been responsible for assigning medical corps to Papua New Guinea , it possesses abundant experience in international cooperation. For that reason, Chongqing has been responsible for assigning medical corps to Barbados since 2014, and the first batch of medical corps went to Barbados in December, 2016. This second medical corps has eight excellent young and middle-aged clinical experts from the Hospital Group of the First Affiliated Hospital of CQMU as the leader, the Hospital Group of the Second Affiliated Hospital of CQMU and Chongqing People’s Hospital who will work for foreign medical aid for one year.

2017 Chinese Cultural Paradise—Quito Camp OpenedSponsored by Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and undertaken by Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and Ecuador Siyuan Chinese School, 2017 Chinese cultural paradise—Ecuador camp opened on the local date of July 14. More than 200 people participated in this opening ceremony including Wang Yulin, Ambassador of Consulate General of China in Ecuador, Jose Egas, Member of the National Assembly of Ecuador, Wang Lin, Director of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, Ecuador Overseas Chinese Federation, representatives from Chinese companies.

Twelve teachers in this Paradise consist of excellent teachers from the Southwestern University, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing Normal University and Chongqing Jihua Middle School. Eleven talent lessons were set up including Chinese history, folk dance, calligraphy, martial art, print and essay reading with happy allegro.


为侨服务献真情 十年一剑铸辉煌——“老侨务”叶明才的十年侨务创新路
创新发挥侨务优势 拓展海外统战工作