项目面积:89 855 m2
项目类型:国际招标 中标实施方案
Acreage: 89 855 m2
Begin time: 2008
Project type: International biding competition - selection buildup scheme
Completion time: 2015
Client: Construction Headquarters of China National Aviation Holding
Partner: China IPPR International Engineering Co., Ltd.
新中航集团总部大厦位于北京市朝阳区三元桥东南角,与三环三元东桥相望。规划用地面积为19 967.75平方米。建成之后将成为中航集团总部在北京最集中的办公基地。
Sky is the stage of Air China, and it is Air China that connects heaven and earth. Aero plane industry is always a representation of high-tech skills; there fore Head Quarter of Air China should embody the essence of Chinese culture, in other words, harmony of human and nature.
The Head Quarter of Air China Group is located on the south east corner of Sanyuan Bridge in Chaoyang District, Site area is 19 967.75 square meters. The Head Quarter of Air China Group will be the most dense office area in Beijing.
From the view at the corner of North Third Ring Road, the building reveals its simple and big massing that is changing with the movement of the view angle. Being different from the cubic and heavy buildings around, the Head quarters tower represents itself by a slim vertical line. The entry point of the building ex-presses the business image of Air China by the form of simple and big scale. The inward space creates a pleasant environment for people. Along the East Third Ring Road, the façade of the building is divided into two different characteristics so as to represent a contradiction of Air China Group.
Squared hollow sun louvers of different sizes are applied to the facades, which could not just solve the western exposure problem of the facades, but also skillfully utilize in a simplified manner the prototype of plane’s side windows to embody the airline company’s unique identity. The workers in the building can generate a feeling of being in the plane flying over the cloud when they look out of the window through the façade sunshades.
总图 masterplan
首层平面图 ground floor plan
剖面图 section
Head Quarter of Air China Group Beijing, China