

中学生英语·中考指导版 2017年8期




1. W: Do you do well in Chinese, Mike?

M: No, I am better at English than Chinese. Our English teacher is friendly.

Q: What is Mikes English teacher like?

2. W: May I take your order?

M: Sure, we would like a bowl of rice, fried chicken, and a bottle of Qingdao beer.

Q: Where are the two speakers?

3. W: Hi, Sam!You look great today. What a nice blue coat!

M: Thank you, its my favorite color.

Q: What color does Sam like best?

4. W: Thats a beautiful mobile phone.

M: Thanks, I bought it for my son.

Q: Who did the man buy the mobile phone for?

5. M: How much is this kind of Volleyball, Mrs. Braun?

W: Its only twenty yuan each. I think its very cheap.

M: OK, I will take two. Here is the money.

Q: How much will the boy pay for the volleyballs?


W: Whats the day today?

M: Um, June twenty yet. Whats the matter?

W: Marks sixteenth birthday is in five days.

M: Oh, dear me, I almost forgot!What birthday present shall we send him, a radio or a bike?

W: Um, he has already got a radio and a bike. Lets choose something else. What about an mp4?

M: Thats a good idea!

Q6: How old is Mark?

Q7: What birthday present will the two speakers send Mark?


W: Hello, boys and girls, is everyone here today?

M: No, Mrs. Wang. Everyone is here except Ann.

W: What happen to her?

M: She hurt her right leg during the P.E. class.

W: Sorry to hear that. But do you know well she is now?

M: I heard she has been in the Peoples Hospital since yesterday afternoon.

W: Id like you to go with me to see her this afternoon, OK?

M: Yes, and I will call her before we go to visit her.

W: OK, lets start our first lesson now.

Q8: Why did Ann go to the hospital?

Q9: Who are the two speakers?

Q10 : When do you think it is now?


Last Friday evening, I went to the cinema with my friends to watch the American Captain. I hope to enjoy ourselves there. However, what some of the people did made me very angry. When we arrive there, the film has been on fifteen minutes. We found our seats quickly and sat down. However, some of the people in the hall were talking loudly, or even shouting when they saw some exciting pictures. Also some people threw away plastic bags and other rubbish on the floor. It made the floor very dirty. As we know, the cinema is the public place where we can have a nice time. All of us should obey the rules in public. In this way, we can live a comfortable life.


Emy has three sons, Dave, Bill, and Bob. Every year her son sent her an expensive gift on her birthday. The eldest son Dave had a lot of money, and he wanted his mother to have the most expensive gift. But he didnt know what to buy. So he put an ad “Wanted the Greatest Gift for my Mother” in the newspaper. About a week before his mothers birthday, a man came to his office. He brought a big bird. “This bird can speak six languages and sing eight songs”, the man said. “Really, Id like to listen to it”, Dave said. The man made the bird talk in French and tell a joke in Japanese. Then, the bird sang a beautiful song. Dave was very happy, and paid 8,000 dollars for the bird. The next day, Dave sent the bird to his mother with the birthday card. The day after his mothers birthday, he called his mother. “Well, mother,” he asked, “what do you think the bird?” “Oh, its very delicious, dear,” said his mother.

16. Dave was the eldest son.

17. The bird could speak eight languages and sing six songs.

18. The man made the bird talk in French and tell a joke in Japanese.

19. The bird cost Dave $800.

20. The mother thought the bird was delicious.


1~5 CBAAB 6~10 ABCAC

11. Friday 12. watch 13. angry

14. loudly 15. rules 16~20 TFTFT

21~25 ACABC 26~30 ABACB 31~35 CCABB

36~40 CBCBA 41~45 FFFTT

46. More than nine.

47. It can decrease stress.

48. He should talk to his doctor.

49. No, it doesnt.

50. Listening to some light music before going to bed helps us to relax.

51~55 BACCA

56~60 BBCAC

61. widely

62. course

63. Even

64. spoken

65. yourself

66. 祖父會给每个孩子一些硬币,叫他们买喜欢的东西。

67. He got support from all his family.

68. 那不公平,于是他也停止存钱了。

69. Her parents felt very disappointed with her.

70. 但是她家太穷了,负担不起她上小提琴课的钱。

71. This is Bruce speaking.

72. Can I see you this morning

73. Whats the matter with you

74. How long have you been like this?

75. What should I do?

One possible version:

Our Environment in Ten Years:

for Better or Worse?

Many students are optimistic about tour environment in ten years. In fact, they think that more and more people will take part in the environmental protection and our government will take more measures to improve our environment. As a result, our world will be more beautiful and we will have better lives.

However, other students are worried about the future. They say a number of trees will be cut down and there will be more and more private cars. Therefore, we will have even more environmental problems and live in a world with less energy available.

But in my opinion, I think we will find ways to solve our problems and everyone will live more happily.

