Elle Fanning: Now I’m an Adult!
艾丽·范宁(Elle Fanning)是美国最受关注的小童星之一,年幼时因童星姐姐达科塔·范宁(Dakota Fanning)的原因开始进入演艺圈,走进大家的视线。后来,随着小家伙日渐长大,演技不断进步,她也开始另立炉灶,所饰演的角色分量越来越重,观众也不断在她身上获得新的惊喜。在年初上映的电影《夜色人生》(Live by Night)中首次扮演成年女性的她对这一转变很是兴奋。那么,让我们来听听这位初尝成年滋味的大女孩的心声吧!
About the Mature Role in the New Movie
This felt like my most1)mature role. I’m not just playing the kid anymore, I’m finally a young woman. It matched up to the place that I’m at now, feeling like I’m on a2)cusp where I’m not quite an adult, but you’re3)treated more like one.
About Her Graduation from High School
I’m glad I had the experience of going to a totally4)normal high school. Some of my friends have gone to college, others aren’t, but we are in this5)limbo where we talk about, “Oh, we’re not in high school anymore. It’s such a strange thing.” So you do miss it, but then also you’re like, “I’m so glad I’m done.” Right now I’m just happy I graduated, but maybe in a couple of years, I’ll be missing high school. But I’m doing exactly what I want to be doing, so I’m very excited about that.
About Family
When you make choices, it’s more like, “Oh, I want them to be good for them.” “They” means my family. I don’t really think about it in any other way, so my family’s opinion matters the most. For sure. Always.
Because I travel a lot, going back home, and being with my family is always special. I live in the house that I grew up in since I was seven years old. So, being in my own room, with my family right there, is a very comforting feeling.
match up to
1) mature [mə'tʃʊə] adj. 成熟的
2) cusp [kʌsp] n. 事物开始发生转变的点,转折点
3) treat [triːt] v. 对待
4) normal ['nɔːml] adj. 正规的,标准的
5) limbo ['lɪmbəʊ] n. 中间过渡状态