摘 要:将无源的概念从广义系統扩散到切换广义系统之中,进而研究了一类带有非线性扰动项和时滞不确定项的切换广义系统的无源控制问题。并且系统中的不确定性要满足有界条件。首先,基于一类广义Lyapunov函数结合线性矩阵不等式,获得了使非线性切换广义系统能够渐近稳定且严格无源的充分条件。然后,根据已给的条件设计出鲁棒无源控制器,使得闭环广义切换系统对于所有容许的不确定性是严格无源的。最后运用Matlab中的LMI工具箱具体给出实例,证明其可行性。
中图分类号:TP13 文献标志码:A
Abstract:The passive concept is extended from the generalized system to the swiched singular system and the robust passive control problem for nonlinear switched singular systems with time-delay is studied. At the same time,the uncertainty of the system must satisfy the bounded condition.First,based on the generalized Lyapunov function and linear matrix inequality,sufficient conditions are obtained to enable the nonlinear switched singular systems to be asymptotically stable and strictly passive.Furthermore,according to the given conditions,the qualified robust controller is designed.Finally,a numerical example is simulated by utilizing matlab LMI toolbox and the feasibility of the theorem is proved.
Key words:nonlinear;switched singular systems;time-delay;passive control
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