中国工商银行 至诚致远 收获成功


杭州金融研修学院学报 2017年3期

中国工商银行法兰克福分行 唐松楠

中国工商银行 至诚致远 收获成功

中国工商银行法兰克福分行 唐松楠









工银泰国Chairat Kongkreingkrai

My name is Mr.Chairat Kongkreingkrai who presently is in charge of Head of Asset Management Department of ICBC (Thai)Bank Plc.Backed to March 2001;I started working in ACL Bank Plc,the local Thai Bank which was officially acquired by ICBC later in July 2010.My working in Thai Bank was quite simple with Thai working culture environment and business dimension.ACL Bank Plc.previously was a small Thai bank which did not have much competitiveness with other competitors especially several big local banks. Not many financial products,less international business transactions and customers and inability of business enhancement were experienced during that time.

After ICBC’s acquisition over ACL Bank Plc in July 2010,by the valuable support from ICBC strong worldwide network,I have found significant changes in ICBC (Thai)Bank Plc.The certain business direction and more variety of financial products and services as well as the remarkable reputation of ICBC as one of the largest bank of the world could lead ICBC (Thai)Bank Plc to steadily increase business expansion and reputation to local market from time to time.I also noticed in the improvement of stronger competitiveness proven by more and more customers either corporate or individual particularly to Chinese customers and the customers who have business related to China.Of course I could imagine in ICBC (Thai)Bank Plc being as“The RMB Clearing Bank in Thailand”since then.

By the time,ICBC (Thai)Bank Plc has provided me the internationally professional experience and enhanced my developmentin knowledge and valuable skills.Global high standard working system was taken place in order to improve the working process and operational tasks to be more effectively.Rather than only working in Thai culture environment as before,I had the great opportunity to work with many Chinese colleagues since the first time that ICBC stepped in.Although we had some different culture and ideas,I had the good time with my Chinese colleagues to have discussion,to share experience as well as to exchange knowledge in order to achieve the same target for the Bank.More importantly all managements have expressed the warmness and friendliness to all staff consistently while they are always welcome for any question or problem before giving their appropriated recommendation.

Finally,with strong global network and extensive range of financial products and services to both international and local markets,I do believe in the continuity of business expansion and also the financial stability of ICBC and ICBC(Thai)Bank Plc. I am also pleased to be a part for another successful year for ICBC and ICBC(Thai) Bank Plcin 2017 by contributing my knowledge and valuable experience especially in non-performing loan management which has been accumulated for more than 15 years to support the business growth of the Bank in term of asset quality and profitability.


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