(1. 山东农业大学机械与电子工程学院,泰安 271018; 2. 山东省园艺机械与装备重点实验室,泰安 271018;3. 中国农业机械化科学研究院,北京 100083)
(1. 山东农业大学机械与电子工程学院,泰安 271018; 2. 山东省园艺机械与装备重点实验室,泰安 271018;3. 中国农业机械化科学研究院,北京 100083)
为提高果园升降平台调平精度和稳定性,设计了一种自动调平控制系统。通过调平机构动力学分析,建立了调平控制系统数学模型;利用融合卡尔曼滤波的模糊PID控制电磁阀驱动油缸伸缩调整工作台姿态,实现其自动调平。对控制系统进行仿真,结果表明:模糊PID控制较PID控制性能好,峰值时间缩短47.82%,调节时间缩短48.10%,最大超调量减小52.78%,经卡尔曼滤波后控制误差降低44.57%;对系统响应时间和调平效果进行测试,结果表明:自动调平控制系统响应时间为0.078 s;在平台不升降和升降2种工况下,最大坡度满载下自动调平最大误差分别为1.08°和1.74°,调平精度相对原果园升降平台调平系统分别提高了1.69°和1.91°,较好的实现了工作台自动调平控制。该研究为农业机具调平控制提供参考。
0 引 言
1 自动调平控制原理
图1 果园升降平台结构示意图Fig.1 Schematic diagram for structure of orchards lifting platform
图2 自动调平控制结构示意图Fig.2 Schematic diagram of automatic leveling control system
2 调平控制系统数学模型
2.1 调平机构动态微分方程
图3 调平机构简化模型Fig.3 Simplified model of leveling mechanism
2.2 液压系统微分方程
2.3 调平控制系统状态空间模型
根据调平机构动态方程和调平液压系统微分方程,以工作台倾角(x1)、倾角变化率(x2)、调平油缸位移(x3)和位移变化率(x4)作为系统状态向量,电磁阀阀芯位移为输入,工作台倾角为系统输出,令X=[x1x2x3x4]T, U=XV,由式(1)、(5)、(8)、(9)得调平控制系统状态空间模型为
N为输出矩阵,N=[1 0 0 0]T。
3 卡尔曼滤波的模糊PID控制
图4 卡尔曼-模糊PID控制器结构图Fig.4 Structure diagram of Kalman fuzzy PID controller
3.1 模糊PID控制
3.1.1 控制算法
3.1.2 模糊PID控制的实现
图5 隶属度函数曲线Fig.5 Curve of subordinating degree function
表1 KP模糊控制规则表Table 1 Fuzzy control rule list of KP
将上述模糊关系运用Mamdani 推理得相应的控制输出量模糊集合
3.2 卡尔曼滤波
4 仿真分析
利用Matlab7.0/Simulink6.0建立升降平台调平控制系统模型,假设升降平台在水平良好路面上,横梁以5 rad/s匀角速度转动,对系统进行仿真,所需的部分参数如表2所示。4
表2 仿真模型参数Table 2 Parameters of simulation model
.1 PID和模糊PID控制
图6 PID和模糊PID控制单位阶跃响应曲线Fig.6 Unit step response curve of PID and Fuzzy PID control system
表3 控制性能指标对比Table 3 Comparison on control performance index
4.2 卡尔曼滤波的模糊PID控制
在建立的卡尔曼滤波器状态方程中加入均方差为0.1的系统干扰与测量白噪声信号,输入阶跃信号幅值为1,干扰噪声协方差矩阵Q=0.5I,测量噪声协方差矩阵R=2I,仿真时间间隔为2.5 s,系统阶跃响应和误差响应曲线分别如图7和图8所示。
图7 模糊PID和卡尔曼-模糊PID控制单位阶跃响应曲线Fig.7 Unit step response curve of fuzzy PID and Kalman-fuzzy PID control system
图8 模糊PID和卡尔曼-模糊PID控制误差响应曲线Fig.8 Error response curve of fuzzy PID and Kalman-fuzzy PID control system
由图7和图8分析可知,卡尔曼滤波之前,控制系统响应较慢,峰值时间为0.71 s,t=2.5 s时,稳态误差为−0.092°;经卡尔曼滤波后,峰值时间为0.40 s,t=2.5 s时,稳态误差为−0.051°,降低了44.57%,表明卡尔曼滤波对干扰和噪声有较好的抑制作用。
5 试验与分析
5.1 系统响应时间
升降平台自动调平控制响应时间[30]包含:单片机运算时间、倾角传感器采集信号时间、电磁阀和调平油缸动作反应时间。其中单片机运算和传感器采集信号时间在系统扫描周期内完成,忽略不计。进行测试程序设计,以单片机发出调平信号至油缸运动1 mm停止的时间记为系统响应时间。升降平台在良好水平路面上,在发动机额定转速下,横梁匀角速度转动,控制系统输出信号后,测得调平油缸从行程最小和最大位置开始运动到执行动作结束的时间,利用HG-C1100激光位移传感器测量油缸伸长量,得出调平控制系统响应时间和油缸位移曲线如图9所示。
图9 系统响应时间位移曲线Fig.9 Curves of system response time and displacement
由图9可知,调平油缸伸长时,控制系统响应时间为0.078 s,比油缸缩短时的反应时间长0.008 s,主要原因是工作台重力导致液压阻力较大。
5.2 调平测试试验
5.2.1 试验设备与条件
表4 果园升降平台主要参数Table 4 Main parameters of orchards lifting platform
由于果园作业环境复杂,地形不规则,地面坡度不宜测量,因此在山东农业大学校内硬质地面上进行试验,测得试验坡地坡度分别为5.1°、10.5°、14.5°、18.8°,如图10所示,试验时间为2016年12月。采用北京瑞芬星通科技有限公司的DMI108数显倾角仪(精度0.01°)和上海直川电子科技有限公司的ZCT230M倾角仪(精度0.05°,数据通过RS485连续输出)测量工作台倾角;采用日本Panasonic公司HG-C1100激光位移传感器测量调平油缸位移量,精度0.01 mm;此外,还包括瑞因思仪器有限公司的质量仪表(200、0.01 kg)、卷尺(3、0.01 m)等。
图10 试验现场Fig.10 Test of field
5.2.2 试验内容及方法
根据《农业机械生产试验方法》(GB/T 5667-2008)[31]进行调平效果试验,以原调平控制系统为对照组,当平台不升降时,安装在工作台的倾角传感器将实时输出工作台倾角,并显示在触摸屏上,观察数据平稳时,停止拖拉机运转,利用瑞芬DMI108数显倾角仪测得工作台倾斜角度;当平台升降时,利用ZCT230M倾角仪将工作台倾角实时在显屏上输出。分析自动调平在不同坡度(5.1°、10.5°、14.5°、18.8°),不同载质量(0、50、100、150 kg)下的调平性能。
5.2.3 试验结果与分析
表5 调平数据Table 5 Data of leveling
升降平台在4种坡度(5.1°、10.5°、14.5°、18.8°)下满载情况(150 kg)进行升降作业,试验过程中工作台倾角变化如图11所示。从图11可知,在斜坡上进行升降作业,原调平系统受结构影响,调平误差呈现出周期性的变化,自动调平则没有这种现象。通过对比图11a、11b、11c、11d可知,随坡度增加,原调平系统累积误差不断增加,调平误差呈增大趋势,在4种坡度上最大调平误差分别约为1.73°、2.27°、3.05°、3.65°;自动调平误差相对稳定,工作台倾角始终维持在0°附近,最大调平误差分别约为0.65°、1.12°、1.51°、1.74°,调平精度最大提高了1.91°,满足升降平台工作要求。
图11 两种调平控制的工作台倾角变化Fig.11 Change in tilt angle of platform under two types of leveling control mechanisms
6 结论与讨论
3)对控制系统进行响应时间和调平效果测试,结果表明:系统调平响应快,响应时间为0.078 s;在平台不升降和升降2种工况下,随坡度和负载增加,自动调平误差变化不大,最大分别为1.08°和1.74°,调平精度相对原果园升降平台调平控制系统分别提高了1.69°和1.91°,调平效果较好。
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Design and experiment of automatic leveling control system for orchards lifting platform
Fan Guiju1,2, Wang Yongzhen1, Zhang Xiaohui1,2※, Zhao Jinying3, Song Yuepeng1,2
(1. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai'an 271018, China; 2. Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Horticultural Machinery and Equipment, Tai'an 271018, China; 3. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing 100083, China)
Lifting platform for orchards plays a significant role in the fruit industry, because it successfully solves many difficult problems of picking fruit and trimming branches. However, there are some uncontrollable problems such as leveling instability, poor operational capacity in current machines. So it is necessary to design better leveling system to improve their working efficiency and stability. Domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of researches on the leveling system for high-altitude lifting platforms, which provide important academic reference for the design and improvement of the leveling system for orchards lifting platform. There are higher leveling requirements because of poor terrain in orchards. United States, Australia and Japan are the earlier countries to produce lifting platform for orchards and their devices have achieved the automatic leveling. They are yet too expensive for Chinese farmers to afford. In China, it was not until 1980s that the lifting platform for orchards was made. Some types of the lifting platforms made in China realized mechanical leveling, but their leveling accuracy and working efficiency were lower. To this end an auto leveling control system was designed on the basis of the related information at home and abroad. Such a leveling control system consisted of lifting platform, leveling mechanism, hydraulic system and control system. By analyzing forces and movement of the leveling mechanism of the leveling control system, the dynamic mathematical model for the control system was set up. As we all know, the fuzzy control can decrease the overshoot, and PID (proportion, integral, derivative) control can increase the response speed, and Kalman filter can reduce signal interference. So the fuzzy PID control system with Kalman filter was designed. According to the information collected by inclinometer, the control system makes a decision, and then controls electromagnetic valve to drive the leveling cylinder to extend or retract, which can change the motion of the work platform and keep it level. The results of simulation showed that the performance of fuzzy PID control system was better than that of traditional PID. Firstly its rise time was 0.09 s, it’s peak time was 0.12 s, its regulation time was 0.41 s, and they were respectively shortened by 43.75%, 47.82%, and 48.10%, respectively, which indicated the initial and overall speed of fuzzy PID control system were better. Secondly the maximum overshoot was 17%, which was reduced by 52.78% of traditional PID’s, so fuzzy PID control system realized a good stabilization. Moreover in combination with Kalman filter, the leveling precision of fuzzy PID control system was improved greatly. Its steady state error was about 0.051° and was reduced by 44.57% of PID’s. The experiments were done in different slopes (5.1°, 10.5°, 14.5° and 18.8°) and different loads (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg). The results showed that the performance of automatic leveling system was better compared with the original leveling control system. The response time of automatic leveling control system was shorter and was about 0.078 s. When the platform wasn’t lifted, under the maximum load and the slope of 18.8°, the maximum automatic leveling error was 1.08°, the automatic leveling precision was increased by 1.69°. In the process of the platform lifted, the maximum automatic leveling error was 1.74º, and the automatic leveling precision was increased by 1.91°. In addition, there were some occasional phenomena such as leveling inaccurately and running slowly in the process of experiments. There were following main 3 reasons: 1) Irregular terrain disturbed the signals collected by angle sensors; 2) The workbench deviated from the set position because of hinge clearances; 3) With the action of motion inertia, the workbench swung back and forth when rising or falling too fast. So the following works will be carried out, including modifying the mechanical structure of lifting platform, and researching control algorithm and mathematical model of the control system to improve control accuracy and leveling efficiency. In conclusion, the automatic leveling control system can meet the design requirements and effectively improve leveling degree and work efficiency, and is well suitable for orchards.
algorithms; control; design; lifting platform; auto leveling
樊桂菊,王永振,张晓辉,赵金英,宋月鹏. 果园升降平台自动调平控制系统设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(11):38-46.
10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.11.005 http://www.tcsae.org
Fan Guiju, Wang Yongzhen, Zhang Xiaohui, Zhao Jinying, Song Yuepeng. Design and experiment of automatic leveling control system for orchards lifting platform[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(11): 38-46. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.11.005 http://www.tcsae.org
樊桂菊,女,山东曲阜人,博士,副教授,主要从事智能农业装备设计与研究。泰安 山东农业大学机械与电子工程学院,271018。
※通信作者:张晓辉,男,山东聊城人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业机械设计及理论研究。泰安 山东农业大学机械与电子工程学院,271018。Email:Zhangxh@sdau.edu.cn