三只梨 林风眠Three Pears by Lin Fengmian
The“Lonely Shadow of Wild Duck”Exhibition Showcased the Charm of the Master Artworks by LIN Fengmian
“Lonely Shadow of the Wild Duck: Exhibition of Master Art Works by LIN Fengmian” was held from January 20 till March 5 at the Art Museum of Beijing Fine Art Academy (BFAA). The exhibition was sponsored by China Artists Association (CAA), Shanghai Artists Association (SAA), Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy (SCPA), China Art Palace (CAP) and BFAA. It gathered 36 pieces of master art works by Mr. LIN Fengmian for the period between 1940s and 1970s, including paintings of still life, flowers, birds, maidens and landscape. Majority of the exhibits came from the collections of SAA, SCPA and CAP. Two artworks from BFAA were introduced to the public for the first time in this exhibition.
Mr. LIN Fengmian carried special significance in the 20th-century Chinese fine arts history, not only because he was an icon figure for the convergence of Chinese and Western paintings, testified by his impressive appeals in words and accomplishment in creative works which had all enriched the 20th-century painting history, but also for his unique circumstances in life and his meaningful responses, which intensely and vividly reflected the distinctive cultural context in the 20th-century painting history.