土壤颗粒分布; 分形维数; 多重分形; 土地利用类型; 迎河小流域
目前,分形理论与方法已成为定量化研究土壤粒径分布(particle size distribution,PSD)特征的重要手段。在以往的报道中,多见于利用传统吸管法或比重计法测定土壤颗粒组成[7-8],研究土壤PSD简单分形的质量维数[7-10]。近年来,随着激光衍射法(激光粒度仪)在土壤颗粒组成测定中的应用[7-8,11-12],对土壤PSD多重分形特征的研究报道逐渐增多[13-16]。研究认为,多重分形可对土壤PSD的复杂性和非均匀性给予一定的解释[15]。其中,已有研究报道了不同土地利用类型或植被类型下土壤PSD多重分形维数与非均匀性质的变化[5-6,17-20],但少见有关坡耕地这一土地利用类型的报道。
1 研究区概况
迎河小流域地处河南省鲁山县,位于伏牛山脉东麓外方山余脉、淮河水系沙河上游,地理坐标E 112° 42′49″~112° 44′20″,N 33° 54′16″~33° 56′34″,总面积约5.83 km2。鲁山县属暖温带大陆性季风气候,多年平均年降水量685.4 mm,多年平均年蒸发量965.1 mm,多年平均气温为15.3 ℃,年日照时间1 625.9 h,无霜期245 d。迎河小流域地貌以低山丘陵为主,海拔在224.3~732.5 m之间。母岩主要有石灰岩、风化片麻岩,土壤质地以粉质及砂质壤土为主[2]。
2 研究方法
2.1 样品采集
在小流域踏查的基础上,选取4种土地利用类型(5种植被类型)为研究对象设置样地(表1),其中乔木林地和灌草坡地处于封禁保育状态。在每种土地利用类型中,设置3个临时样地(20 m×20 m),每个样地内采用5点取样法[17-18]挖取表层(0~20 cm)土壤,带回实验室将同一样地的土壤混合均匀,经风干处理后进行土壤颗粒组成测定。
表1 不同土地利用类型样地概况Tab.1 Structural situation of different land use types in the experimental area
2.2 测试方法
2.2.1 土壤颗粒组成测定 土壤颗粒组成采用激光粒度仪测定。将野外采集的土壤中>2 mm的石砾筛除,测定≤2 mm土粒的颗粒组成。取0.3 g土样加入10%的H2O2溶液去除有机质,之后加入10%的HCl溶液去除碳酸盐。加去离子水并除上清液,反复静置调pH值为6.5~7.0。加入0.1 mL/L的六偏磷酸钠,超声振荡10 min后,使用激光粒度仪(LS13320)测量土壤颗粒(0.02~2 000 μm)体积比例[18]。
2.2.2 简单分形维数计算 根据美国制分级标准[21]将土壤粒径分为7个级别,即黏粒<0.002 mm、粉粒0.002~0.05 mm、极细砂粒0.05~0.1 mm、细砂粒0.1~0.25 mm、中砂粒0.25~0.5 mm、粗砂粒0.5~1.0 mm、极粗砂粒1~2 mm,采用土壤颗粒体积分形模型,计算土壤PSD的简单分形维数(Dv)。具体计算方法详见文献[18]和[22]。
2.2.3 多重分形维数计算 利用广义分形维数谱函数(q-Dq)表述土壤PSD的多重分形特征,将土壤颗粒组成测定的粒径范围(0.02~2 000 μm)划分为64个小区间,利用q-Dq谱函数计算在-10≤q≤10范围内(步长为1)的Dq值,得到土壤PSD的q-Dq关系曲线。其中:当q=0、1、2时,即容量维数D0、信息维数D1和关联维数D2。具体计算方法详见文献[15]和[17-18]
2.3 数据处理
数据处理制图采用Office Excel 2003制作,相关性分析采用SPSS19.0软件,方差分析采用最小显著性差异(LSD)法。
3 结果与讨论
3.1 土壤粒径分布频率特征
0.25~1.0 mm的中粗砂粒范围,且明显高于其他粒径的土粒体积分数;在乔木林地中,PSD高峰区出现在粒径为0.002~0.05 mm的粉粒范围,与其他粒径中土粒体积分数的差别相对较小。按美国制土壤质地的粒级分类标准[21]分析,不同土地利用类型土壤颗粒组成表(表2)可得,不同土地利用类型土壤中的黏粒体积分数,以乔木林地的最高(5.98%~7.94%),坡耕地的最低(2.38%),灌草坡地和水平梯田的介于二者之间,乔木林地的2种植被类型分别比坡耕地高151%、234%;而砂粒体积分数以坡耕地的最高(73.94%),乔木林地的最低(35.82%~36.60%),坡耕地分别比乔木林地的2种植被类型高106%、102%。
QM-M:麻栎林,QM-Z:杂木林,GC:灌草坡地,TT:水平梯田,PG:坡耕地. 下同。QM-M:Quercus acutissima forest. QM-Z: Weed tree forest. GC: Shrub-grass land. TT: Terraced land. PG: Sloping farmland. The same below.图1 不同土地利用类型土壤颗粒体积含量频率分布Fig.1 Frequency distribution of volume of soil particles under different land use types
注:土壤粒级中的相同粒径包含在较大的粒级范围中。如粒径为0.05 mm的土粒包含在0.002~0.05 mm的粒级之中。Note: The same particle size in soil separate is included in larger size range, for instance, soil particle with a diameter of 0.05 mm,is included in the 0.002-0.05 mm soil separate.
3.2 土壤粒径分布分形特征
3.2.1 简单分形 土壤PSD简单分形维数可定量化表征土壤颗粒组成的性质,即反映土壤颗粒的大小及其比例关系和土壤质地的粗细程度[5,10]。分形维数由小到大,可表征土壤质地由粗到细或由疏松到紧实变化[12]。由表3可看出,不同土地利用方式下土壤PSD的简单分形维数(体积维数Dv)在2.489~2.658之间,表现为乔木林地(2.658和2.627)>灌草坡地(2.613)>水平梯田(2.540)>坡耕地(2.489),且不同土地利用类型之间Dv大小差异极显著(P<0.01)。
表3 不同土地利用类型土壤质地与PSD简单 分形维数(Dv)Tab.3 Fractal dimension (Dv) and soil texture under different land use types
注:不同小写字母表示不同植被类型间差异极显著(P<0.01)。Note: Different lowercase letters refer to very significant difference among vegetation types atP<0.01.
表4 土壤PSD分形维数与土壤颗粒组成相关性分析Tab.4 Correlation analysis between soil particle composition and fractal dimension
注:*表示在0.05水平上显著(P<0.05),**表示在0.01水平上显著(P<0.01)。Note: * refers to significantly different at 0.05 level (P< 0.05), ** refers to significantly different at 0.01 level (P< 0.01).
图2 土壤粒径分布的广义分形维数DqFig.2 Multi-fractal spectra Dq of soil particle distributions
3.2.2 多重分形 多重分形的广义维数(Dq,如图2)利用概率密度权重(q)的大小,量化分形测度的统计属性,可从不同局域或层次上量化表征土壤PSD分形结构的复杂程度和非均匀性质[15]。q<0时的Dq突出小概率测度区域的性质,可反映PSD分形结构的复杂或精细特征[17-18],其变化幅度(如D-10-D0值)越大,表征分形结构越精细或越复杂。q>0时的Dq突出大概率测度区域的性质,可反映PSD整体的非均匀性质[13,16,23-24],其变化幅度(如D0-D10值)越大,表征土壤PSD越不均匀。容量维数D0描述PSD整体的基本性质[5,13,15],可反映PSD颗粒群体数目的多少和粒径范围的大小[25];D0越大,表征土壤PSD的颗粒群体数目越多、粒径范围越大或缺失粒径越少。信息维数D1反映PSD测度在局域的集中程度[13-14,18],D1越大,表征PSD测度在局域分布的粒径范围越宽、集中程度越低,土壤PSD越均匀。关联维数D2反映PSD测度在局域间的离散程度[13],D2越大,表征PSD测度在不同局域间分布的差别越小、离散性越大,土壤PSD越均匀。
表5 不同土地利用类型土壤PSD的多重分形特征参数Tab.5 Multi-fractal parameters of soil particle distributions of different land use types
注:不同小写字母表示不同植被类型间差异显著(P<0.05)。Note: Different lowercase letters refer to significant difference among vegetation type (P<0.05).
4 结论与讨论
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Soil particle size distribution characteristics under different land usetypes in Yinghe Watershed of Funiu Mountain Area
FANG Xiaochen1, WANG Chunhong2, ZHANG Ronghua1, ZHANG Guangcan1, XING Xianshuang3,YANG Rui1, ZHAO Jie1
(1.The Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Ecological Restoration of Shandong Province, College of Forestry, Shandong Agricultural University,271018, Tai′an, Shandong, China;2.Water Resources and Hydropower Planning and Design General Institute,Ministry of Water Resources, 100120, Beijing, China;3. Hydrographic Office of Shandong Province, 250002, Jinan, China)
[Background] The soil erosion of Funiu Mountain Area has been one of the most serious problems in Huaihe River Basin even rocky mountain areas of northern China. Sloping farmland is the main source of soil erosion which causes loss of fine particle, degradation of the soil structure and performance. The soil fractal theory has been an important method to quantify particle size distribution (PSD). In this paper, we explore the degradation degree of sloping farmland soil physical property with fractal theory in Funiu Mountain Area in Yinghe Watershed, Lushan County of Henan Province. [Methods] On the basis of small watershed investigation, we selected four land use types (five vegetation types) as research subjects and set sample plots. In every land use type plot, three temporary sample plots (20 m×20 m) were set to dig surface soil (0-20 cm) with 5-point sampling method. The soil from the same plot was well mixed to dry for the determination of particle size distribution. After the determination by the laser granulometer, the frequency distribution of volume of the soil particle (< 2 mm) under different land use types was obtained. Then we divided the volume of soil particle into 7 levels according to American standard: clay: <0.002 mm, silt: 0.002-0.05 mm, very fine sand: 0.05-0.1 mm, fine sand: 0.1-0.25 mm, middle sand: 0.25-0.5 mm, coarse sand: 0.5-1.0 mm, very coarse sand: 1-2 mm. By soil particle volume fractal model and general dimension spectrum, the fractal dimensionDvand multi-fractal parameterDqwere obtained. Among them, whenq= 0, 1, 2, theDqis respectivelyD0,D1,D2. After the above method and comprehensive analysis, we studied the composition of soil particles size, variation of fractal dimension characteristic parameter and effect on PSD uniformity under four land use types. [Results] 1) TheDvwas manifested as: the maximum was arbor forest (2.658), and the sloping farmland was the smallest one by 2.489. The multi-fractal parameters (D0,D1,D2) was manifested as: the maximum was arbor forest (0.941, 0.926, 0.91), and the sloping farmland was the smallest one by 0.927, 0.899, 0.849. All the fractal parameters were manifested as: sloping farmland < shrub-grass slope land and terraced land < arbor forest. 2) There were significant positive correlation betweenDv,D0,D1,D2and clay, silt volume fraction, and all of them had significantly negative correlations with sand volume fraction. [Conclusions] Soil fractal theory and multi-fractal theory can be used to quantitatively characterize differences of soil texture granularity distribution and heterogeneity; the coarse graining and heterogeneity of sloping farmland is higher than other land use types, the loss of soil fine particle (clay and silt) lead to the increase of degree of coarse graining and heterogeneity of sloping farmland.
soil particle size distribution; fractal dimension; multi-fractal; land use type; Yinghe Watershed
†通信作者简介: 张光灿(1963—),男,博士,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:林业生态工程,植物水文生态。E-mail:zhgc@sdau.edu.cn
项目名称: 淮河水利委员会水土保持管理项目“淮河流域国家水土保持重点工程区水土流失存在问题及防治对策”(HWSBC2015002)