

Special Focus 2017年4期


Chapter 7: Tea Road of Ten Thousand Miles, Glory of A Hundred Years




The Tea Road witnessed an unending stream of commerce over centuries of years.

In the scorching desert wilderness and the vast expanse of golden sands, where azure sky meets amber horizons, western traders with sharp angular noses and large sunken eyes come and go, high-spirited and highly ambitious; caravans of humpback camels loaded down with tea bricks plod like an undulating mountain chain; a symphony of huffs and puffs dings and dongs as camel bells pierce the desert air…

Since Zhang Qian envoyed Central Asia, commercial dealings between China, Central Asia and Europe have increased rapidly. Great business minds from every nation have feasted their eyes upon this lengthy stretch of road that laid bare before them China’s ancient civilization and long history, returning to their homelands with their eyes and hearts as fully loaded as the backs of their camels. From this time Chinese tea spread to the four corners of the earth.

The Tea Road originated in the 17th century is the second international trade route across Asia and Europe, parallel to the renowned Silk Road. Stretching out over 13,000 kilometers, it has more than 300 years of history and has been hailed as the “artery” connecting China and Russia. It is precisely because of this trade route that Chinese tea is widely known throughout the world.

▲汉口东洋码头 Hankou Toyo Wharf

● 宋代诗人苏轼Su Shi, Song Dynasty poet







The origin of the Tea Road has always been controversial, some people say it began in Hankou, other claim it originates from Yangloudong in Chibi City, while still others argue it actually started in the Xiamei Village area of Wuyi City in Fujian Province.

Feng Tianyu, a professor and historian at Wuhan University believes that though Hankou is not a teaproducing area, it is in reality the world’s largest tea distribution center. Since Hankou found its beginnings as a commercial port in 1861, Russian businessmen started tea processing plants there, and the tea trade with Russia soared until the early 20th century. No other city in China could boast the tea production levels of Hankou at that time, so Hankou’s title as “the beginning of the Tea Road” is well deserved.

So, why is it that the Russians, who live in an icy cold area, are fond of Chinese tea?

According to historical records, in 1638, when the Russian emissary Starkov stationed in China returned for an audience with the Czar, he carried 64 kilograms of tea as a gift to the newly established Romanov Empire. After taking a sip, Czar Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov heaped praise upon this slightly acerbic Chinese herbal beverage.

Song Dynasty poet Su Shi once pointed out in his poem that, the bitter tea drink had come into people’s lives since as early as the Zhou Dynasty (1046–256 BC) as recorded in the poetry of the time. The possible reason why the ancients drank tea was that it broke down fat and cleared the throat after a meal with fatty meat. For those residing in cold, high-elevated areas, tea consumption not just helps to break down fat, but also to eliminate internal heat.

Russia is located in a medium to high latitude frigid zone; locals prefer black tea to green tea and have a unique recipe for making imported tea. They cut brick tea up with a knife; roast it in the oven, then add sugar and milk. Drinking hot black tea helps them to fight off the freezing cold of Russia’s long, drab winters.

Gradually, drinking tea came into vogue in Russia, spreading from high society to the commoners. The ordinary people began imitating this little luxury, which originally only belonged to the nobles and the aristocracy.

▲恰克图茶叶交易场面 The Tea Market in Kyakhta, a border city

▲伊林博物馆展现茶叶之路 The Tea Road exhibited at Yilin Station Museum





By the 18th century, Chinese brick tea had a large and dedicated group of consumers in Russia and even the whole of Europe. The nomads of Siberia, whose staple foods were meat and milk, in particular, even got to the point that they “would rather go a day without food, than go a day without tea.” Demand for tea in Russia soared.

In the Russian border town of Kyakhta, a single brick tea could be exchanged for a whole sheep. The sheer profitability of tea spurred herds of Russian traders to venture out on the 13,000-kilometer long trek to China, in order to market Chinese tea to Russia.

In 1689, China and Russia signed the Treaty of Nerchinsk and long-term trade began to unfold. Since then, from Zhangjiakou to Mongolia, Siberia to Russia; Russian caravans selling tea and silks became more active, while tea output increased steadily.

Trade caravans traversed the border of Kyakhta with two or three hundred camels loaded to the hilt with pelts that they planned to exchange for tea. Their travel was slow and the camels plodded along as every animal was carrying four crates of tea, weighing approximately 270 kilograms. Carrying the tea from the growers in South China to consumers in Russia generally took anywhere from 16 to 18 months. In order to transport the tea easily and protect it from dampness, the tea dealers autoclaved the black tea into smaller bricks that wouldn’t be affected by the moisture.

▲砖茶 Brick Tea

▲纵贯大漠,功不可没的驼队 The caravans in the endless desert

▲张家口——茶叶路上新兴的贸易之城 Zhang Jiakou, a booming business town on the Tea Road

▲库伦——茶叶路上重要的商业中心 Kulun, the business center on the Tea Road

▲行进在万里茶道中的“小骆驼祥子” “Little Camel” trudging on the Tea Road









According to statistics, around the 13th year of Guangxu’s reign (1887), tea was shipped from the tea producing regions to Hankou for processing and from there shipped out to other areas, and the cost of tea per dan (50 kilograms) plus processing and delivery was only 6 or 7 taels of silver, while the selling price was 260 rubles in Saint Petersburg—an unbelievable trade imbalance.

High profits drove Russians to leave their hometown, bear the hot summers in subtropical areas, and even become permanent residents of Hankou in order to develop their business along the Tea Road.

From the beginning of the 20th century, when Chinese tea monopolized 86% of world tea market, domestic exports from Hankou accounted for 60% of the total trade volume, until the year 1905, when the Siberian railway opened, great changes took place that affected the tea route from Hankou to Russia. The October Revolution later also threw the tea business into chaos and recession.

At this point, the long and crowded tea road that had lasted for more than two centuries was in decline, but the Chinese and Russian people alike will never forget its legacy.

On October 25th 2014, representatives of the mayors of the Chinese and Russian cities running along the “Tea Road” signed the “Wuhan Sino-Russo Tea Road World Heritage Consensus.” As of January 2016, the cities running along the Tea Road had finished their general site surveys and Wuhan is advocating and contending strongly for its inclusion on the tentative national list of Tea Road world heritage sites.

The Tea Road is comparable to the Silk Road, but unparalleled in others, as the Tea Road is not simply a way by which trade and cultural communion between the East and West takes place, but in exporting Chinese agrarian civilization to Europe. Western industrial civilization was brought into China’s interior, which hastened the transformation of the great ancient Eastern civilization that is China into a modern industrial power.

Time and tide have waited for no man, many a foot has traversed these long and winding paths. The Sino-Russo Tea Road has been drawing the fascination of the world for generations. In the past, it attracted men of commerce, as those who made the long and arduous journey across it were rewarded handsomely with a profitable exchange. But now, the deep and lasting appeal is the long and fascinating history behind it that draws the gaze of people all over the world.

(Part of the photos herein courtesy of Wuhan Yellow Crane Tower Tea Co., Ltd.)

▲蒙古包见证艰辛的茶叶之路 The Mongolian yurt, witness of the arduous Tea Road

▲唐河——茶叶路上重要的一环 Tanghe, an important chain on the Tea Road

