Introduction of Sleep Research Society and Sleep Medicine Academy
German Sleep Society
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung
und Schlafmedizin (DGSM)
German Sleep Society
Current President: Prof. Dr. Geert Mayer
Foundation year:1992
Number of members:2,240
Composition of members(degree, specialties,subspecialties, etc.):Internal Medicine (including pneumology) 60%, Psychiatry & Neurology (old specialisation) 13%,Paediatrics 10%, Neurologists 6%, Psychiatrists 5%, General medicine 2%, Dentistry 1%,Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 1,5%, Other 1,5%
Historical perspective of the society:
1988 Foundation of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft klinischer Schlafzentren by the first 15 sleep laboratories
1989 Development of accreditation procedures.
1992 Foundation of the German Sleep Society (DGSM)
1992 Standardized accreditation of sleep laboratories
1994 Sleep specialists (somnologists) by the DGSM
2003 National acknowledgement of sleep medicine as sub-speciality
2001 First national treatment guideline (S2) for sleep disorders
2009 First evidence based national treatment guideline (S3) for sleep disorders
Important sleep physicians / researchers in the history of the NSS:Researchers in the history:
Important sleep physicians:
S. Andreas, M. Arzt, H. Becker, H. Benes, A. Bosse-Henck, H. Danker-Hopfe, I. Eisensehr, J. Ficker,I. Fietze, P. Geisler, G. Hajak, S. Happe, W. Hochban, B. Högl, M. Hornyak, S. Kotterba, D. Köhler,C. Lauer, G. Mayer, J. Maurer, W. Oertel, M. Orth, E. Paditz, T. Penzel, T. Podszus, T. Pollmächer,W. Randerath, F. Raschke, D. Riemann, A. Rodenbeck, T. Schäfer, B. Schönhofer, S. Scholle, R. Schulz,A. Steiger, K. Stiasny-Kolster, B. Stuck, H. Teschler, C. Trenkwalder, U. Voderholzer, T. Wetter,H.-G. Weeß, A. Wiater, M. Wiegand, J. Winkelmann, P. Young
Number of Sleep Medicine Centers(link to their titles and locations):320
Link: http://www.charite.de/dgsm/dgsm/schlaflabore_liste.php?language=english
Number of Sleep Research Centers(link to their titles and locations)
There is no differentiation between Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Centers. Some Sleep Medicine Centers hold beds for Sleep Research.
Accreditation / Certification procedure:
-Peer-reviewed quality assurance by a commission of the DGSM. Biannual evaluation on procedures,outcome, and quality by a standardised manual.
-Revisitation of sleep medicine centers: In case of change of director or person in charge of sleep medicine center.
-Certification of professionals: Certificate for physicians (by chamber of physicians), non-medical staff(by DGSM) and technicians (by DGSM)
-Examination of scientists by the DGSM as requested: 0.5 h theoretical, 0.5 h practical examination by 4 experts from different sleep fields.
Educational programs:
-Teaching courses (basic): 4 h basic courses in national congress, regular courses provided by the local DGSM groups (general physicians: 4~10 h, introduction into sleep medicine: 30 h, hands-on course: 20 h)
-Teaching courses (advanced): Curriculum sleep medicine 90 h, 4~6 h courses in national congress.1.5 day theory and practice courses for technicians
-Workshops: organised locally
-Training facilities and fellowships at specified sleep medicine centers
-Training of sleep nurses and technologists at specified sleep medicine centers
Present activities,working groups, task forces:-Sleep symposia within the conferences of the national societies of pneumology, neurophysiology & imaging, neurology, psychiatry, pediatry, ENT and dental medicine
-Workshops with young scientists
-Publication of national guidelines
-Publication of patient guidelines and patient brochures
-Cooperation with patient groups
-Negotiation with health authorities on reimbursement issues for sleep medicine.
Task Forces:
Accreditation/quality assurance
Payment of sleep medicine
Medical devices
Certification of Somnologists
a) physicians
b) psychologists/scientists
c) technicians
patient support groups
FAQs, implementation and support of AASM PSG guidelines
Working Groups:
Alertness Management
Circulation and Sleep
Movement Disorders
Pathophysiology of Breathing
Surgical Methods of Therapy
Training and Education
Miscellaneous:Symposia/congresses: Annual national meeting
Scientific awards: poster and scientific awards
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