

风景园林 2017年3期




1 景观设计平面图Landscape layout plan


阿卡狄亚幼儿园位于英国爱丁堡的爱丁堡大学国王建筑校区(King's Buildings Campus)。幼儿园所在的场地位于校园的边缘区域,是校区景观缓冲带的一部分。场地现状风景优美,其中已有30多棵成熟的乔木,开阔的草甸,春季时草坪上呈现出美丽的水仙花海景观。同时,场地毗邻约瑟夫·布莱克化学教学楼、大卫·布鲁斯特雕像(万花筒的发明者)以及繁忙的西主路。

2 从林地中向外观赏约瑟夫·布莱克化学楼和大卫·布鲁斯特雕像Looking from inside the woodland towards the listed Joseph Black Chemistry Building and the David Brewster Statue

3 粗壮的绳桥连接将环绕树木的书屋两端连接起来The treehouse bridge winds around the existing trees with a large rope bridge connecting either end



1)设计意图与概念:在与建筑师的合作下,景观设计师以自然式玩耍、斯堪的纳维亚式的自由游戏(Scandinavian Free Play)作为设计主题,方案提供了一系列包含不同活动内容的空间序列流线,以此为孩子们提供室内外交互式体验的幼儿园。在室外,设计师营造了一系列花园和活动场地,空间尺度与特点各不相同,使人从室内退至室外空间时能够充分感受到自然的野趣。我们的意图是设计一个儿童玩耍的花园而不是“操场”。正如幼儿园新建的建筑,这个花园不仅具有功能性和教育性,同时有景观性和启发性。与此同时,设计师在方案中试图运用自然的材料、生态的手法并结合现代设计美学进行设计。

2)景观设计师的角色:erz景观设计事务所负责园区外部环境所有的设计以及与项目相关的衍生工作。马尔科姆·弗雷泽(Malcolm Fraser)建筑设计事务所负责合同管理控制,而erz景观事务所将与之密切合作,确保设计的进程和花园的建设与协调工作。

3) 环境因素:具体来说,在不危害树木健康的情况下,方案利用30多棵成熟乔木的树荫营造了一系列完整而多层次的花园。在植物种植规划中侧重选用了本土植物作为树篱和灌木群落,以丰富现有的乔木景观的层次,同时使用混合播种的草甸覆盖林地土壤,提升整体植物景观的观赏性。场地中的游戏设施使用的结构材料大多来自于这所大学校园内的木材。





场地规划和景观设计由erz景观设计事务所承担,幼儿园建筑由Malcolm Fraser建筑设计事务所完成。



4 不锈钢“泡沫圈”为孩子们提供了观赏并体验桥梁的机会Stainless Steel 'bubbles' provide visual and physical opportunities to interact with the bridge.

5 “泡沫桥”以下沉花园、草地台阶和台地3种不同类型的边缘形态为孩子们提供了多种游戏的可能The 'Bubble Bridge' form the edge to the sunken garden, grass steps and terraces form 3 edges for lots of opportunities to roll and play





2) 30m长的“树屋”结构使用特制的高架轨枕基础,从而使其能够从现有的成熟乔木下方穿过。这一策略是风景园林师、林业栽培专家和土木、结构工程师合作的结果。







6 沿着树屋桥内侧边缘设置了各种各样游戏和互动的设施The treehouse bridge provides hundreds of different opportunities for play and interaction along the inside edge.

7 绳桥连接了树屋桥的两端,为孩子们提供了挑战自我的机会The rope bridge connects either end of the tree house bridge and provides a challenge for the children


项目团队:erz 景观设计事务所(景观设计)







面积:2 300m2



校对:张诗阳 ,王晞月

Site / Subject Information

Arcadia Nursery, University of Edinburgh, King’s Buildings Campus, Edinburgh. The site for the new nursery forms part of the landscape buffer at the edge of the Kings Buildings Campus. The site was already quite beautiful and featured over 30 mature trees, meadow grasses and a sea of daffodils in the spring. The site is also adjacent to the B listed Joseph Black chemistry building, a statue of David Brewster (the inventor of the kaleidoscope) and the busy West Mains Road.

Design Concept

To design and build a new nursery garden as part of the consolidation of the UoE's existing two nurseries into a single purpose built facility. The new nursery was to be a unique environment that would reflect the quality and standards of theUoE. The nursery wanted to promote the ideas of free play and have elements of forest schools and natural play within the garden.

1) Project philosophy and intent: Working in collaboration with the architects, erz drew on the philosophy of natural play and also Scandinavian Free Play to develop a nursery school that operates as an indoor/outdoor experience for the children, with fluid movement between a series of spaces, each offering different types of activity. Outside, we designed a series of gardens or playscapes, with distinct scales and characters,that become increasingly 'wild' as you retreat from the building. Our intent was to create a children’s garden in which to play and not a ‘playground’. Like the new nursery building the garden is intended to be not only functional and educational but also beautiful and inspiring. We also sought to partner a contemporary design aesthetic with natural materials and a strong ecological remit.

2) Role of the Landscape Architect: erz were responsible for the design and development of all external works associated with the project. Malcolm Fraser Architects acted as contract administrator and erz worked closely with them to ensure the process for the design and delivery of the garden was well coordinated.

8 灌注橡胶纹理源自于大卫·布鲁斯特发明的万花筒图像(大卫·布鲁斯特的雕像毗邻幼儿园)The wet pour rubber patterns were based on images of the kaliedescope which were invented by David Brewster (who is commemorated with a sculpture adjacent to the nursery)

3) Environment, specifically, a complex and formal series of gardens was delivered under the canopy of over thirty mature trees without endangering tree health. The planting was enhanced with a palette of native hedging and shrubs, and a new meadow seed mix designed for light woodlandcover. Play structures were sourced from timber from the University's own estate.

9 将激光切割钢板结合到步道之中,该设计是基于儿童绘画图案的抽象Lazer cut steel panels were incorporated into the walkway with the design based on abstracted versions of the children's drawings

10 在花园中,通过“泡沫桥”回看幼儿园建筑Within the formal garden the 'bubble bridge' gives glimpses back to the nursery building

11自然游戏设施的木材均来源于大学校园中Natural Play Trees were sourced from the grounds of the universities campus.

The investment in the outdoor space associated with pre schools is critical to the health and well being of our children. This project is an exemplar that shows what can be delivered if parents, staff and stakeholders involved in nursery education are forward thinking and ambitious.

4) Innovation: There are a number of innovations on this project from the design and layout of the space to the resolution of concerns from the local planning department and technical solutions to the problems associated with the trees.

Background to the Landscape Design

Arcadia Nursery is a new nursery serving the staff and students at Edinburgh University. It is built on a prominent gateway site at the historic King’s Buildings Campus. The brief was to create an indoor/outdoor nursery with a free play philosophy - enabling children to choose what activities to do and which spaces to play in. The garden and building are a single facility - the garden as inspiring for children and staff as the building, both creating innovative, playful and exciting spaces.

The site planning and landscape design were undertaken by erz (landscape architects). The nursery building was designed by Malcolm Fraser Architects.

The design of the site plan seamlessly leads the child from the front door of the nursery right through the building and out into the garden -sight lines cut through the building on two main axes that are then boldly taken right through the whole site.

The timber construction of the building is carried forward into the landscape. In the formal gardens these axes are timber decks or bridges -they continue informally as the tree house, gateways and windows through the fencing, and as a series of focal points concluding with the willow arbor in the outlying meadow.

Timber Technologies

To take maximum advantage of the site it was necessary to build a large part of the garden within the root protection area of more than thirty mature sycamore trees. The Landscape Architect, with input from the Arboricultural Clerk of Works, developed a bespoke system for building timber structures under the mature trees without compromising tree health or the rooting structure.

The following timber structures feature in the gardens:

1) Scot larch timber decking on bespoke tree friendly footings with pillars organised to avoid major tree roots.

2) A thirty metre long ‘treehouse’ with specially engineered elevated sleeper foundations allowing it to weave beneath existing mature trees. The development of this was a collaboration between the landscape architect, arboriculturalists and civil/ structural engineers.

3) Curving timber wall to new public minisquare.

4) Living willow construction of formal cirular stilted arbour;

5) Handmade timber play equipment in green oak and beech, including a hand carved staircase carved from one trunk, benches and stepping cubes.

Timber Related Features

The Landscape Architects have used high quality oak and Scottish larch, living willow and handmade timber play elements, contemporary forms and a playfulness with scale and enclosure. A series of gardens emerge that offer an elegant response to the historic setting, and innovative spaces for play and learning. Most importantly, the gardens are action packed and fun filled, showing you can use timber to create contemporary play spaces, without resorting to standard and mass produced metal and plastic play furniture.

Client: University of Edinburgh

Project team: erz(Landscape Architect)

Malcolm Fraser Architects (Architect)

AED (Structural Engineer)

Harley Haddow (M+E Engineer)

Blebo Consultants (Arboricultural Clerk of Works)

Applied Ecology (Ecologist)

Alan Kain (Artist)

Area: 2 300m2

Date of completion: 29th June, 2014

Translator: LI Xin

Proofreader: ZHANG Shi-yang, WANG Xi-yue

Arcadia Nursery

erz Sdudio


作 品:景观设计
设计事务所 芬兰PES建筑师事务所