Mean Values of the Hardy Sum
WANG Xiao-ying,YUE Xia-xia
(School of Mathematics,Northwest University,Xi’an 710127,China)
Mean Values of the Hardy Sum
WANG Xiao-ying,YUE Xia-xia
(School of Mathematics,Northwest University,Xi’an 710127,China)
Let p≥5 be a prime.For any integer h,the Hardy sum is defined by
which is related to the classical Dedekind sum.The mean values of the Hardy sum in short intervals are studied by using the mean value theorems of Dirichlet L-functions.
Dedekind sum;Hardy sum;mean value;Dirichlet L-function
For integers h and k>0,the classical Dedekind sum is defined by
The sum S(h,k)plays an important role in the transformation theory of the Dedekind η function(see[1]and Chapter 3 of[2]for details).
In[3]Berndt studied the following Hardy sum
which is related to the classical Dedekind sum and obtained some arithmetic properties(see[4]). Sitaramachandrarao[5]and Pettet[6]expressed the Hardy sum in terms of the Dedekind sum as follows
For k=p being an odd prime,Zhang and Yi[7]studied the 2m-th power mean of H(h,p) and proved the following formula
where m is a positive integer and ζ(s)is the Riemann zeta function.
Xu and Zhang[8],studied the mean values of the Hardy sums in short intervals and showed some asymptotic formula.
Proposition 1.1Let p≥5 be a prime and let b denote the multiplicative inverse of b modulo p.We have
where ε is any fixed positive number.
By using the ideas of[8],Liu[9]also studied the mean values of the Hardy sums in short intervals.
Proposition 1.2Let p≥5 be a prime.Then
We continue the study on the mean values of the Hardy sums and give some formulae.Our main results are the following
Theorem 1.1Let p≥5 be a prime.We have
§2.Identities Involving Certain Dirichlet Series
Then we have
ProofNoting that r(n)is a multiplicative function,we get
It is easy to show that
From Euler product formula,we can get
This proves(2.1).
Similarly we have
This proves(2.2).
By the Euler product formula we also get
This completes the proof of(2.3).
It is not hard to show that
This proves(2.4).
Similarly we have
It is not hard to show that
This completes the proof of(2.5).
§3.Mean Values of the Dirichlet L-functions
In this section,we shall prove some mean values of the Dirichlet L-functions,which will be used to prove Theorem 1.1.
Theorem 3.1 Let p≥5 be a prime and let k and l be fixed non-negative integers.Then we have
all odd Dirichlet characters modulo p.
Proof Let N be an integer with p≤N<p4.By Abel’s identity we have
From the P´olya-Vinogradov inequality we get
So we haveNow from(3.1)~(3.4)and the orthogonality relations for characters we get
First we consider M11.We have
It is not hard to show that
Then from(3.6)~(3.10)we have
Similarly we can get
Now taking N=p3and combining(3.5),(3.11)~(3.12),we have
Note that r(2kn)=r(n).Thus from Theorem 2.1 we immediately get
Similarly we have
Theorem 3.2Let p≥5 be a prime and let k and l be fixed non-negative integers. Suppose that χ3is the non-principal character modulo 3 and χ4is the non-principal character modulo 4.Then we have
Proof Note that
Thus from Theorem 2.1 and the methods of Theorem 3.1,we have
Theorem 3.3Let p≥5 be a prime and let k>0 be fixed integer.Then we have
ProofNote that
Thus from Theorem 2.1 and the methods of Theorem 3.1,we have
§4.Mean Values of the Homogeneous Dedekind Sums
Let q>3 be an integer and let χ be a Dirichlet character modulo q.The generalized Bernoulli numbers Bn,χare defined by
Let r be a positive integer prime to q and let k≥0 be an integer.By(6)of[10]and(2.12) of[11],we have
By using the above formula Liu[12]showed the following Lemma.
Lemma 4.1Let χ be a primitive character modulo q>3.Then
On the other hand,let p be a prime and a be a positive integer with(a,p)=1.By[13]we know that
From Lemma 4.1 we have XX
Similarly we get
This proves Theorem 1.1.
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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11571277);Supported by the Science and Technology Program of Shaanxi Province(2016GY-077)
Biography:WANG Xiao-ying(1964-),female,native of Changwu,Shaanxi,a professor of Northwest University,Ph.D.,engages in analytic number theory.
CLC number:O156.4
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