

农业工程学报 2017年5期

陈彩文, 杜永贵,周 超, 孙传恒※


陈彩文1,2, 杜永贵1,周 超2, 孙传恒2※

(1. 太原理工大学信息工程学院,太原 030024;2. 国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心,农业部农业信息技术重点实验室,北京市农业物联网工程技术研究中心,北京 100097)

为了解决循环水养殖中的投喂难题,该文以镜鲤为试验对象,基于计算机视觉技术,提出了一种通过分析鱼群的纹理来评估鱼群摄食活动强度的方法。首先利用均值背景建模重建出没有鱼群的背景图片,提取出目标鱼群,使用灰度共生矩阵对逆差矩、相关性、能量和对比度这4个纹理特征进行分析,得到鱼群的摄食活动强度。试验结果表明通过鱼群纹理的对比度与传统方法面积法得到的鱼群摄食活动强度,其线性决定系数可达0.894 2,说明该方法可以用来表征鱼群的摄食活动强度,研究结果为鱼群的摄食活性强度测量提供了一种参考方法。


0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

本研究选用镜鲤(Cyprinus carpio specularis)为试验对象,该鱼种鳞片少、生长速度快、含肉率高、肉质好,已被中国水产委员会审定为适合在中国推广的优良水产养殖品种。为了更加符合工厂化的养殖环境,本试验挑选55条镜鲤放入水槽内进行饲养,鱼体体长在10~25cm之间。水槽直径为1.5 m,高为1.2 m。在采集视频之前,镜鲤已经在此系统中生活了数月,已经充分适应了循环水养殖系统的各种条件。

1.2 视频的采集

本试验是在北京小汤山国家精准农业示范基地采集数据,试验系统如图1所示,该系统包括养鱼的水槽、生物滤池、UV紫外线过滤装置、一台微滤机、过滤泵和一台摄像机。在试验中,采用浮性饲料对鱼群进行饱食投喂(有少量饲料浮在水槽表面,且大部分鱼群潜入水槽底部,不再摄食,即可认为鱼群已经吃饱,即可停止投喂),然后对鱼群的摄食活动强度进行分析。视频采集系统中,摄像机安装在水槽的斜上方1 m高的位置进行拍摄,摄像机为尼康D90,其采集图像为24-bit RGB、1 280×720像素真彩图像,格式为JEPG,采集帧率为24帧/s,采集到的数据直接存储在摄像机自带的采集卡中,截取视频的软件为Daum Potplayer,图像分析软件采用的是MATLAB R2013a和OpenCV2.4.9。

图1 循环水养殖系统示意图Fig.1 Sketch map of circulating water culture system

2 基于图像纹理的鱼群摄食活动强度测量

图像的纹理分析技术是目前计算机视觉领域研究的一个重要方向,任何物体的表面,在一定的时间空间状态下,一定会显现出纹理,而且图像的纹理特征与图像的色彩信息无关,它能反映出不同图像的空间组成特征[27-29]。所以利用纹理的这一特性对鱼群摄食活动强度进行分析时,可以免去鱼群运动时激起的水花及水面波纹的干扰。本文为了对鱼群的摄食活动强度进行量化,所采用的数据是截取鱼群摄食前后11 min的视频,然后每隔1 s截取一帧,从中挑选了630幅质量较好的图片对其进行分析处理,首先利用均值背景建模生成没有鱼群的背景图片,然后通过背景减法提取出前景目标鱼群,再把图片灰度化生成灰度共生矩阵,对比鱼群纹理的各个特征量,最后得到鱼群的摄食活动强度,本文的算法如图2所示。

图2 纹理分析鱼群摄食活动强度的流程图Fig.2 Flow chart of texture analysis of shoal feeding activity

2.1 背景生成及背景减


式中im(x, y)是第m帧视频在(x, y)位置处的像素值,N表示帧数,B( x, y)是背景图像在(x, y)处像素的平均值,不断改变(x, y)的值可以获取整张背景图片。提取图片的前景鱼群时,只需要将当前帧图片和背景图片进行相减即可。该算法是在VS2013和OpenCV2.4.9的试验平台下,取视频的前200帧图片就可以重建出成像质量较好的背景图片,如图3所示。

图3 生成的背景参考图像Fig.3 Generated background reference image

2.2 提取鱼群的纹理特征


2.3 灰度共生矩阵及其生成

设(,)f x y为一幅二维数字图像,其大小为MN×像素,灰度级别为gN,则满足一定空间关系的灰度共生矩阵为:

式中#(x)表示集合x中的元素个数,P 为Ng×Ng的矩阵,如果(x1, y1)与(x2,y2)间的距离为d,两者与坐标横轴的夹角为θ,则可以得到各种间距及角度的灰度共生矩阵P(i, j, d,θ)。

图4 鱼群各个阶段的原始图片和灰度化以后的图片Fig.4 Original image and gray image in each stage of shoal

2.4 灰度共生矩阵特征量的提取







3 结果与分析

3.1 鱼群纹理的分析结果



3.2 基于面积法的鱼群摄食活动强度测量



3.3 用两种方法测得的鱼群摄食活动强度的比较


图5 逆差矩、相关性、能量和对比度的特征曲线图Fig.5 Characteristic curve of homogeneity、correlation、energy and contrast

图6 鱼群面积获取的过程Fig.6 Process of obtaining area of shoal

表1 鱼群纹理的各特征量和鱼群面积的相关性Table1 Correlation between characteristic quantity and area of shoal

从表1中可以看到鱼群纹理的对比度与通过面积法得到的鱼群摄食强度的相关性最好,其决定系数可达0.894 2。而且由图7可以看到,通过图像纹理得到的鱼群摄食活动强度和通过计算前景中的鱼群面积得到的摄食活动强度,两者呈现出相似的变化规律,说明图片的纹理信息可以用来表征鱼群的摄食强度变化。

图7 通过面积和纹理得到的鱼群摄食活动强度的曲线图Fig.7 Curves of feeding activity of shoal by area and texture

而利用面积法来量化鱼群的摄食行为易受水面抖动和反光等问题的影响,给图片后期处理带来极大的困难甚至得不到处理结果。从图7中可以看到,用本文提出的用灰度共生矩阵量化鱼群的纹理特征时,当鱼群的纹理对比度值在0.1~0.19时为鱼群的摄食阶段,当纹理对比度值在0.04~0.10时为鱼群的非摄食阶段。而且利用本文的算法无需对鱼群抢食激起的水花、引起水槽水面波动等不利因素进行去除,因为本文的算法主要是针对由鱼群摄食活动引起的纹理特征变化为主要因素进行分析的,因此基于纹理对鱼群摄食活动强度的测量方法相对稳定、可靠,它能够客观的评价鱼群活动的信息。而且利用本文算法平均处理一幅图片的时间为1.294 s,这也能够达到对鱼群实时监控的要求。如果它能够作为一个有效量化鱼群摄食活动强度的工具,并且这种方法用到实际检测鱼类摄食过程中,它将有效的避免过量投喂事件的发生。而且本文所提出的方法在预测鱼类福利状况方面也有一定的潜力。因为相关研究表明,过于活跃的鱼群活动意味着不正常的鱼类福利。

4 结 论

在水产养殖中,量化鱼群的摄食活动强度具有十分重要的现实意义和经济价值。本文利用纹理特征分析法对鱼群摄食前后的摄食活动强度进行了定量的研究,绘制出图片各个纹理特征参数的变化曲线,找出了鱼群摄食过程中逆差矩、相关性、能量和对比度各个参数的变化规律,并且跟进食鱼群面积的方法进行了比较,其决定系数R2分别为0.514 3、0.417 0、0.479 6和0.894 2,发现鱼群纹理特征量中的对比度能够很好地表征鱼群的摄食活动强度,而且用鱼群纹理量化鱼群的摄食活动强度时,可以避免对鱼群内个体的追踪,直接以鱼群摄食活动引起的纹理变化为关键因素进行分析,跟传统方法进行比较,本方法简单,且具有良好的实用性。


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Evaluation of feeding activity of shoal based on image texture

Chen Caiwen1,2, Du Yonggui1, Zhou Chao2, Sun Chuanheng2※
(1. College of Information and Technology, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China; 2. National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Key Laboratory of Agri-informatics, Ministry of Agiculture, Beijing Engineering Research Center of Agricultural Internet of Things, Beijing 100097, China)

Currently, about 60% of the world’s fish come from China. China is the biggest aquaculture country in the world. However, China’s traditional aquaculture farming method still plays an important role. This will lead to a waste of human resources and land resources. In recent years, more than 90% of the fish farming workers prefer to apply RAS (recirculating aquaculture system), because RAS not only creates a good rearing condition and feed utilization environment for the good growth of the shoal, but also provides a necessary prerequisite for the sustainable development of the aquaculture. Although RAS is more convenience, it still has a lot of problems: the over-feeding events continue to affect the welfare of shoal, the operation of system also influences the growth and survival of shoal, and in addition, the water quality of the system increases the risk of diseases and leads to the extra-load on the mechanical filters, bio-filters and oxygenation equipment. Therefore, the most direct and effective way to solve these problems is to determine the amount of feeding activities according to the appetite of the shoal. In actual operation, manual observation is an effective method. But, on the one hand, this way requires fish-farming workers to pay the labor and time costs. On the other hand, the most difficult problem is how to measure feeding activity. This is because the result of visual observation for the shoal appetite is often hampered by high shoal density and some other unfavorable factors. In recent years, several methods have been developed to enable the tracking of several fish in the same tank, but these methods are invasive, potentially disturbing, or need restricting conditions. In order to solve this problem, a novel method, with the help of the original method based on image texture of the Cyprinus carpio specularis, is proposed to evaluate the feeding activity of the shoal. With this method, the feeding activity of Cyprinus carpio specularis is recorded by a camera mounted on the rearing tank. Then, the video is decomposed into a sequence of frame images, the background interference is removed, and the foreground object is extracted. Next, the texture of shoal is extracted by using gray level co-occurrence matrix. By this way, it can avoid the interference of surface vibration, spray and other adverse factors. At last, we find out the similarity and difference of the texture features. To sum up the above arguments, this method can be used for the quantifying analysis of the feeding activity of the shoal. To evaluate the reliability of shoal image texture, the other way is put forward to quantify the feeding activity of shoal. Before this research, the diffusion and aggregation indices used by some researchers describe the feeding activity of shoal. The index is calculated by summing the individual area of each group. A group is a single black area created by the outlines of overlapping fish. Using this method, it is easy to observe that when the shoal is spreading, the index will be high, and otherwise, the index will be low. The determination coefficient for the above methods is 0.894 2. Hence, the feeding activity of shoal can be quantified by the image texture. This method provides a sensitive, non-invasive, simple and widely applicable tool to quantify the behavior changes associated with the various challenges in aquaculture conditions.

computer vision; image recognition; textures; gray level cooccurrence matrix; area of shoal; feeding activity of shoal


S951.2; TP391.41



陈彩文, 杜永贵,周 超, 孙传恒. 基于图像纹理特征的养殖鱼群摄食活动强度评估[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(5):232-237.


Chen Caiwen, Du Yonggui, Zhou Chao, Sun Chuanheng. Evaluation of feeding activity of shoal based on image texture[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(5): 232-237. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.05.034




陈彩文,研究方向:图像处理。太原 太原理工大学信息工程学院 030024。

※通信作者:孙传恒,研究员,研究方向:农业信息化。北京 国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心100097。


人与熊猫 和谐共生