Travel in the Great Northwest行走大西北,遇见别样之美
阅读(快乐英语中年级) 2017年11期
中国的大西北广袤无垠,高原、盆地、大漠、湖泊,处处风光无限。与江南水乡的秀美不同,它是大气蓬勃、苍凉神秘的。Now, follow me and Ill take you to see the beautiful sceneries there.
这里有很多著名的盐湖。 Look, Qinghai Lake is blue like the ocean. A lot of salts pile up in Chaka Salt Lake like icebergs(冰山).
We ride camels, cross the Gobi Desert and visit Mo Kao Grotto at Dunhuang.
Qilian Mountains(祁連山脉) are amazing. 它拥有多种不同的地质景观。张掖七彩丹霞的斑斓色彩、卓尔山绿茵茵的草原都令人流连忘返。
行走在广袤的大西北土地上,我们难抑兴奋、激动。Look,our mothers are jumping so high!