葛海霞,张枝焕,闵 伟
(1.中国石油大学 地球科学学院,油气资源与探测国家重点实验室,北京 102249;2.中国石化 胜利油田石油开发中心,山东 东营 257015)
葛海霞1,张枝焕1,闵 伟2
(1.中国石油大学 地球科学学院,油气资源与探测国家重点实验室,北京 102249;2.中国石化 胜利油田石油开发中心,山东 东营 257015)
1 区域地质概况及样品分布
青东凹陷为位于济阳坳陷东部、郯庐断裂带西侧的新生代陆相断陷湖盆,在太古界结晶变质岩之上发育了古生界、中生界、新生界及第四系等沉积岩系,目前已钻至中生界,古近系孔店组、沙河街组,新近系馆陶组、明化镇组及第四系平原组。沙三下和沙四上亚段为烃源岩和油气分布主要层位。凹陷存在常规原油和稠油,常规原油分布在深洼地带,埋深大于2 000 m;稠油分布在凹陷边缘,埋深小于2 000 m。原油在不同深度和部位遭受生物降解程度不同,过渡带(青东4井)达到8级,西部斜坡带(青东17井)为6级,青东5井区为2级[6](图1)。
2 原油地球化学特征及成因类型划分
2.1 Ⅰ类原油
图1 渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷青东凹陷区域构造位置及样品分布据詹润等[17],2012,有修改。
表1 渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷青东凹陷古近系典型原油族组分、饱和烃及芳烃参数指示成熟度特征
注:F1= (3-MP+2-MP)/(1-MP+2-MP+3-MP+9-MP);F2=2-MP/(1-MP+2-MP+3-MP+9-MP);RF1=2.242F1-0.166;RF2=3.73F2-0.112。
图2 渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷青东凹陷古近系各类原油部分生物标志化合物质量色谱TT表示三环萜烷; TeT表示四环萜烷
2.2 Ⅱ类原油
2.3 Ⅲ 类原油
2.4 Ⅳ类原油
3 烃源岩地球化学特征及类型划分
3.1 有机地球化学参数特征
青东凹陷主力烃源岩为沙三下亚段和沙四上亚段,均在凹陷中北部深洼达到最大厚度。沙四上亚段为半干旱条件下的滨浅湖和半深湖沉积,为暗色泥岩夹油页岩、白云岩;沙三中下亚段暗色泥岩为稳定的深湖—半深湖相沉积,沉积厚度和分布范围变小。烃源岩处于低熟—成熟阶段,成熟门限约为2 250 m;有机质类型以Ⅰ-Ⅱ型为主,有机质丰度均达到好的烃源岩标准(表2)。
3.2 生物标志物组成特征及类型划分
表2 渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷青东凹陷与青南洼陷沙河街组烃源岩主要地球化学特征
图3 渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷青东凹陷烃源岩部分生物标志化合物谱图TT表示三环萜烷; TeT表示四环萜烷
4 油源分析
4.1 Ⅰ类原油来源分析
4.2 Ⅱ类原油来源分析
4.3 Ⅲ 类原油来源分析
4.4 Ⅳ类原油来源分析
图4 渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷青东凹陷原油与烃源岩部分生物标志化合物参数特征
5 结论
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(编辑 黄 娟)
Geochemical characteristics and oil-source correlation of Paleogene oils in Qingdong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
Ge Haixia1, Zhang Zhihuan1, Min Wei2
(1.StateKeyLaboratoryofPetroleumResourceandProspecting,SchoolofGeosciences,ChinaUniversityofPetroleum,Beijing102249,China; 2.PetroleumDevelopmentInstituteofSINOPECShengliOilfieldCompany,Dongying,Shandong257015,China)
Biodegraded oils have been discovered in the Qingdong Sag, Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin. On the basis of the geochemical characteristics of source rocks and crude oils, the less affected C29hopane, is chosen to calculate biomarker parameters, includingβ-carotane/(2×C29hopanes), gammacerane/(2×C29hopanes). The tricyclic terpane parameters (2×C24tetracyclic terpane)/(C26tricyclic terpanes), (2×C19)/(C28+C29) tricyclic terpanes and chrysene/phenanthrene, combined with 4-methylsteranes and carbon isotopes. Crude oils in the Qingdong Sag were divided into 4 types (Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ), while source rocks were divided into 3 types (A, B1, B2). Crude oils of type I derived from mature source rocks (type A) in the lower part of the third member of Shahejie Formation in the northern part of the sag. Crude oils of type Ⅱ were sourced from rocks (type B2) in the upper part of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation in the southern part of the sag. Crude oils of type Ⅲ were derived from type B1source rocks in the upper part of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation in the central and northern parts of the sag. Crude oils of type Ⅳ were sourced from rocks in the upper part of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation in the Qingnan Sag. Oils in well QD-8 partially originated from source rocks in the southern part of the Qingdong Sag.
biodegraded oils; biomarker; oil-source correlation; Qingdong Sag; Jiyang Depression; Bohai Bay Basin
葛海霞 (1987—),女,在读博士,主要研究方向为油气地球化学。E-mail:lily6059.com@163.com。