[摘要]目的 观察比较复方丹参注射液和50%硫酸镁溶液湿敷治疗新生儿输液外渗的临床效果。方法 选取2015年3月~2016年3月于我院行静脉输液的新生儿共131例,均有输液外渗症状,随机分为对照组65例和观察组66例,对照组湿敷50%硫酸镁溶液治疗,观察组湿敷复方丹参注射液治疗,对比两组消肿时间、显效时间、治疗效果及不良反应。结果 观察组的开始消肿、完全消肿、显效时间分别为(2.78±0.57)、(9.12±1.13)、(5.73±0.63)d,而对照组分别为(5.61±1.49)、(16.32±1.43)、(10.54±1.05)d,观察组均短于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);观察组患者治疗总有效率为98.48%,与对照组的73.85%比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);观察组患者不良反应发生率为0,与对照组的12.3%比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 对临床中出现输液外渗的新生儿应用复方丹参注射液濕敷,起效快,效果好,安全性高,值得推广。
[中图分类号] R556.6+3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2017)03(a)-0176-04
[Abstract]Objective To observe the clinical effects of compound Danshen Injection and 50% Magnesium Sulfate Solution wet deposition in treating neonatal transfusion extravasation.Methods 131 neonatal were accepted intravenous infusion from March 2015 to March 2016 of our hospital were selected.All neonatal had the symptoms of transfusion extravasation.Neonatal were randomly divided into control group (65 cases) and observation group (66 cases).Neonatal in control group were used 50% Magnesium Sulfate Solution wet deposition,and neonatal in observation group were used compound Danshen Injection.Swelling time,effective time,treatment effects and adverse effects in two groups were compared.Results The beginning swelling time, totally swelling time and effective time in observation group were respectively(2.78±0.57),(9.12±1.13),(5.73±0.63)h,and the control group was respectively(5.61±1.49),(16.32±1.43),(10.54±1.05)h in control group,those time of the observation group was shorter than the control group,and the differences were significant (P<0.01).The effective time in observation group was 98.48%, which was 73.85% in control group,and the difference was significant(P<0.01).The incidence rate of adverse effects in observation group was 0,which was 12.3% in control group,and the difference was significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Using compound Danshen Injection wet deposition for neonatal with transfusion extravasation in clinical,which has the advantages of rapid onset,good effects and high safety,and it is worth to popularize.
[Key words]Transfusion extravasation;Neonatal;Compound Danshen Injection;50% Magnesium Sulfate Solution;Wet deposition