User Interface Design on Mobile Application for Consumer Perception Plan in Thailand to Chinese Tourism


科学与财富 2017年12期


Abstract:The study purpose of the thesis: (1) In order to study the issue or problems which is difficult to solved when Chinese tourist shopping at Shopping Mall in Thailand (In case of Central World). (2) In order to find out the insufficient of UI design and inconformity of requirement which will lead the badly user experience when Chinese tourist shopping at Thailand by tourist mobile application. (3) In order to make a study about shopping psychology, behavior and custom of Chinese tourist. And make a mobile shopping application UI design which is meet Chinese Tourist shopping requirement (4) In order to make a mobile shopping application UI design which is more unique and user experience centric. Furthermore, it will make a firm foundation for the mobile application programmer. (5) Summarize the concept and methodology of mobile shopping application UI design via the thesis and design process. In order to make reference function for other mobile shopping application design in or about Thailand.

As a statistical and analytical tool of study, the questionnaire has covered personal factors, psychological factors, cultural factors, social factors, mobile application factors and mobile shopping application when tourist using at Central World factors. In order to get the most important information of Chinese tourist, we issue and collect 400 pcs of questionnaire. The result not only help us to know about shopping psychology, behavior and preference but also it can help to make a more user experience centric mobile shopping application UI design for Chinese tourist when they shopping at Central World.

The questionnaire show that in personal factors aspect, the people who most using the mobile shopping application is female and the age is about 31 to 40. They almost married and get undergraduate degree. They most work in state enterprise and get 4000-6000 CNY monthly. The consume concept of them is balance the shopping and money management. The average shopping time rate when they travelling is about 25% to 49%.

The analysis data about the interviewer show that psychological factors, social factors, mobile application factors and mobile shopping application when tourist using at Central World factors is in the high-level which is mean the average score is over 3.41. Especially, the psychological factors, and mobile shopping application when tourist using at Central World factors is most high. At first, the psychological factors have over 4.11. It shows clearly that the shopping behavior and preference of Chinese tourist is most controlled by psychological factors. Secondly, mobile shopping application when tourist using at Central World factors also arrived at 4.07 which is show that Chinese tourist really yearn for a mobile shopping application which is more meet Chinese psychology and shopping requirement when they shopping at oversea such as Thailand. The following is social factors and the cultural factors is moderate. According to questionnaire analytical statistic, we have deeply understood about the shopping psychology, behavior and requirement of Chinese tourists. Base on interviewers requirement, the author has design UI designing of the mobile shopping application of Chinese tourist in Central World which is cover Central World internal map guidance (GPS), featured commodity recommendation, promotion information, shopping sharing, my favorite and service guide. It will also pass the authenticate of UI designing expert and designate a kind of UI designing for the user-trial experience then make it as a mobile shopping application product by programmer.

Keywords: Shopping psychology, Shopping behavior, User experience, UI designing of mobile shopping application

1. The back ground of Study

China is the largest developing country in the world with 1.3 billion population. With the flying development of Chinese economy, the improvement of living standards and income, overseas travel become Chinese people a way of leisure entertainment. Thailand is the first choice of Chinese tourists to travel destination in southeast Asia. According to date analysis from 《Cankaoxiaoxi》: The number of Chinese tourists come to Thailand is rising year by year from 2012 to 2016. It will be expected to exceed 8.6 million people by year 2017. It will bring tourism income about 123 billion THB for Thailand.

Along with the tourists increasing to Thailand, it also produced a lot of problems by the same time. Just in case of tourist shopping as an example: After further analyze with the group tourists, we found that in order to attract more Chinese tourists to Thailand. The travel agencies always repeatedly reduced fares, and even some of the tour fee is zero. (So, called Zero Yuan group) The income of the travel agencies mainly come from the commission of Chinese tourists shopping in Thailand. For example: The commission from selling jewelry, snake medicine, crocodile purses and other goods, but almost the commodity above was sold from the shopping which is owned by Chinese and most of the goods are unqualified even some of them are fake one.

As we know Thailand is a tourist country, and shopping contribute a large part of Thailand's tourism income. According to the data show that every year around the world the number of tourists to Central World shopping increased year by year. As I have been engaged in part-time tour guide work with Chinese tourists in Thailand. I found that the Chinese tourist always has problem when shopping at Central World. Such as the dont know how to make a perfect route when they shopping in case they have limited time. And also, they dont know where to buy the valuable goods of Thailand. But as the largest shopping mall in Thailand, the Central World dont have a suitable mobile shopping application for them. Meanwhile, the existing Chinese mobile shopping application dont have shopping guide about Thailand shopping part and not to mention about Central World. An excellent complete mobile application design is divided into two parts: One is UI designing in early stage and the other is C++ programming stage. The UI designing is most important part of the whole mobile application designing. The perfect UI design not only make it more characteristics but also can help the programmer to make a simple, comfortable and user experience centric application. Therefore, UI design should be based on user experience centric. The design of the interactive interface should be more focus on the user's habits, to achieve user experience result.

After we summarize the background of study. In order to solve the problem mentioned above. The author stand in order to promote economic development in Thailand and in order to better serve the Chinese tourist who shopping in Thailand as the basic point. To study the mobile shopping application UI interface design in case of shopping at Central World and to make the mobile shopping application UI interface design to comply with the aesthetic needs and shopping habits of the Chinese tourists. Hoping to open up a combination way of theory and practice in this blank field. To achieve the purpose both to solve the current problem and the similar problems to learn in the future.

2. The purpose of the study

In order to study the issue or problems which is difficult to solved when Chinese tourist shopping at Shopping Mall in Thailand (In case of Central World).

In order to find out the insufficient of UI design and inconformity of requirement which will lead the badly user experience when Chinese tourist shopping at Thailand by tourist mobile application.

In order to make a study about shopping psychology, behavior and custom of Chinese tourist. And make a mobile shopping application UI design which is meet Chinese Tourist shopping requirement

In order to make a mobile shopping application UI design which is more unique and user experience centric. Furthermore, it will make a firm foundation for the mobile application programmer.

Summarize the concept and methodology of mobile shopping application UI design via the thesis and design process. In order to make reference function for other mobile shopping application design in or about Thailand.

3. The hypothesis of the study

If the study of mobile shopping application has achieved the target. Its not only in-depth understanding of the Chinese tourists shopping psychology, shopping behavior, preferences and demand. But also, it can Through the visual interface design can make the Chinese tourists mobile shopping application to reach a good user experience target. It also can help to make a good basis for the programmer in the next. Meanwhile, it can effectively improve the combination of tourism and mobile shopping applications unbalanced situation, to promote the shopping tourism in healthy and comprehensive direction. Improve the sale of Thailand commodity and improve the development of Thailand economy.

4. The Methodology of the study

Literature research: Refer to the relevant domestic and foreign research works and literature which is covered Tourism Science, sociology, psychology and design aesthetics and other disciplines. To combing and analyze the psychology and behavior aspect for Chinese tourists.

Consumer observation and interview: One-on-one consumer interviews with Chinese tourists on existing mobile shopping application and related topics for shopping at Central World. According to Interview investigation methodology, Record and summarize the insufficient interface design and demand dissatisfaction problems of the Chinese tourists when they using existing mobile shopping application. Then make the specified questionnaire to analyze Chinese tourists shopping psychology, behavioral habits and preferences and other factors from the above.

Questionnaire survey: As a statistical and analytical tool of study, the questionnaire has covered personal factors, psychological factors, cultural factors, social factors, mobile application factors and mobile shopping application when tourist using at Central World factors. In order to get the most important information of Chinese tourist, we issue and collect 400 pcs of questionnaire. The author will also create submit the well-prepared questionnaire to three experts for IOC quality certification. The author will adopt the final questionnaire to do the date collection and analysis after modify with the comments from the experts.

Data analysis and results: Through the data from questionnaire were collected, it can deeply be understanding of the Chinese tourists shopping psychology, behavior, preference and the problem they met when they using existing tourism application and when they shopping at Central World. We can create and design a mobile shopping application UI interface designing which is more aligned with the Chinese tourists demand when they shopping at Central World.

Design evaluation: Invite the designing expert to evaluate and advise the well-prepared mobile shopping application UI interface designing in Central World. Continue the design after confirm and modify the designate designing according to the experts suggestion.

Design innovation: Doing the modify and re-design the designate designing according to the experts suggestion. Provide the final application UI interface designing to the Chinese tourists and ask them to trial out. It can make good basis for the application programmer in the future. Meanwhile, the it can provide the design system and methodology for other mobile shopping application for the other shopping more in Thailand.

5. The result of the study

5.1 The analytical result of the questionnaire

The result is come from 400 pcs questionnaire which is covered personal factors, psychological factors, cultural factors, social factors, mobile application factors and mobile shopping application when tourist using at Central World factors.

(1) Personal factors: Mainly focus on the gender, age, marital status, education and other four basic condition etc. The data show that most of shopper are female, aged 31-40, married, educated at a professional level, and earning between CNY 4,000-6,000, Consumption is the concept of consumption and financial balance, travel shopping time distribution ratio is about 25% -49%.

(2) psychological factors: Mainly analyze the shopping psychology of Chinese tourists from shopping psychological demand, feelings, attitudes, preferences, status, comparison six aspect. The results show that the influence of psychological factors on Chinese shopping behavior is very high. From analysis of the results can be seen that the psychological demand and psychological feelings are the highest, it means that demand is the basis of decision-making when shopping. And the psychological feelings are the first impression of the shopping and its like catalyst of the shopping. While the psychological preferences and psychological state are also in higher value. It means that people will have a personal preference for goods and psychological state when happy will stimulate consumer behavior. But the psychological attitude and psychological comparison are in moderate level which is mean that Chinese tourist still in skeptical status when they shopping. It means that they need a media or application to help them about it.

(3) Cultural factors: It mainly to analyze the cultural affect to the Chinese tourist though the payment culture, commodity culture, religion culture and branding culture when they shopping. The data show that cultural factors have a moderate impact on Chinese shopping behavior. Its can be seen that the branding culture and commodity culture are in a high level. It indicating that the Chinese tourists are more concerned about brand and quality when they shopping. The payment culture is in the moderate level means that it has a normal impact when Chinese shopping. We can see that the religion culture is in the low level, it indicates that Chinese people has not much religious beliefs. So, the religion beliefs have not any affection when they shopping.

(4) Social factors: It mainly to analyze the social affect to the Chinese tourist though the family factors, social group factors, social media factors, social holiday factors, travelling external form when they shopping. The data show that social factors have a greater impact on Chinese shopping behavior. It can indicate from the data that social holiday factors have the highest affection on peoples shopping behavior in China. Cause Chinese is the great shopper among the holidays. The next is social group factors and social media factors. It means that the people in their own working group, social group and social media will has direct stimulate on themselves. And family factors and travelling external form are moderate. It means that these two factors were not affect the shopping behavior so much.

(5) Existing mobile application factors: It mainly to analyze the existing mobile application factors to the Chinese tourist though the application using time, application features, application problem and application sharing when they shopping. The results show that the existing mobile application factors impact of relatively high on Chinese tourists when they shopping. It can be get from data that both the application features application problem is in the high-level affection. It indicates that Chinese are really eager about it when they shopping. And the application using time and application sharing are also in the relatively high level affection. It means that both pre-travel or on travel, Chinese are focus on mobile shopping application and they would like to sharing it time by time for their friends.

(6) Mobile shopping application when tourist using at Central World factors: Its mainly focus on the reputation of Central World, Channel to know how and the other 9 factors etc. which is cover the issue and requirement of mobile shopping application for Chinese tourists. Its really has lots of problem about Chinese tourist when they shopping at Central World from our analysis result. We can conclude that all the index is in quite high level from the analyze result. Firstly, the reputation of Central World is the highest in Chinese mind. It means Central World is so famous The Chinese get to know about Central World from the tour guide or from mobile applications. It shows that the mobile application is more and more important for Chinese tourists. The first impression of Central World is bright and spacious with plenty of shops with rich items. But its difficult to make decision to buy because of communication. It can show that the Central World itself can meet the Chinese shopping requirement but it still has a lot of space to improve about the experience and shopping convenience. The shopping preference of Chinese is brand name, Thai characteristic goods and Thai gourmet food. They will ask help from tour guide or Central World shopping guide or the mobile shopping application but still not successful. So, the Chinese need the APP must has the feature designing which is meet the Chinese shopping custom and requirement with simple and easy to understand APP UI designing. It also should can provide the oriented service guide shopping guide, promotion information and Central World internal map guidance feature for Chinese tourists by different groups. They also need a free application for download.

Conclusion of the questionnaire

According to the above-mentioned 400 questionnaires, the results of SPSS data analysis showed that psychology factors, social factors, existing mobile application factors and mobile shopping application when tourist using at Central World factors from all six factors is in the high-level. The average score is more than 3.41. While the psychological factors average score is 3.82 and the social factors average score is 3.62 are both in a high-level which means that it has larger impact on the shopping behavior. The cultural factors average score is 3.39 which is in the moderate level. It can indicate that Chinese shopping behavior and preferences are completely controlled by the psychological activities while the social groups and working group impact sometime. Chinese tourists pay attention to brand factors, especially some other brands name from other countries but they focus on product quality than the appearance. They believe the first impression of the commodity when they shopping. They have a great desire to shopping when celebrate holidays or they are in a great mood. They like to make a comparison with social group or working group when or after they shopping. Or they ask help from mobile application to determine the quality of goods and prices are cost-effective. The cultural factors in moderate level means that most of Chinese are not have religion beliefs. So, they willing to buy the commodity is worth both in quality and price but not have any designate religion preference. And the existing mobile application factors and mobile shopping application when tourist using at Central World factors are 3.80 and 4.07 respectively which is in quite high-level. It indicates that Chinese really like to shopping on line especially via mobile shopping application. Meanwhile, they eager to have a mobile shopping application which is more comply with their psychological demand and shopping demand when they travelling in oversea countries.

Base on research result and Chinese tourists requirement, the author has design UI designing of the mobile shopping application of Chinese tourist in Central World which is cover Central World internal map guidance (GPS), featured commodity recommendation, promotion information, shopping sharing, my favorite and service guide. It will also pass the authenticate of UI designing expert and designate a kind of UI designing for the user-trial experience then make it as a mobile shopping application product by programmer.

5.2 Excellent mobile application design cases and relevant information analysis

Through four case studies of excellent mobile application design: The first case called Shop-kick specifically for the US mobile shopping applications which is designed by US designer; The second case is the design named JPsaomagou specifically for the Japanese mobile shopping applications which is designed by Japanese designer; The third case is called Taobao online shopping which is founded by Chinese business tycoon Jack Ma. The last is the Facebook which is create by genius Mark Zuckerberg.

All the four cases of design concepts and inspiration is from the convenient for user to shopping and share shopping experience, and through the use of mobile shopping application can enhance the user experience.

The four cases of application interface design colors are one or two which is simple eye-catching and strong contrast. Its font design are standard fonts and bold and icon design is easy to identified symbols. Meanwhile, Icon design is also consistent with the interface design style. Interface design style are basically simple and easy to operate the interactive form

All the design of the service feature is based on the shopper demand when they shopping in the oversea countries. Such as promotions reminder, smart Chinese translation with bar-code scanning, home delivery, commodity evaluation and shopping experience sharing with social activities etc.

All of these four cases of marketing strategy are LOGO design will attract the eye-catching download. Of course, its free of charge for download. And in addition to shopping guidance, it can also share experiences, make friends, enhance the user's shopping experience.

Through the analysis of these four successful cases, I will apply the excellent design concept and methodology to my own mobile shopping application UI design which more comply Chinese tourist requirement when they shopping at Central World.

5.3 Innovative mobile shopping UI design content and style

The content and style of mobile shopping UI design which is more comply with Chinese tourist shopping at Central World will divided into three parts:

5.3.1 Application interface information flow Diagram design

Information Flow Diagram is a tool which perform the application interface in one or more tasks in the process of each link in the order and relationship through the simple text and graphical representation. It is the interface design ideas and a form of expression of the designer. The detail Information Flow Diagram as below:

Information flow diagram of featured commodity recommendation

It divided in to five categories: Well-known merchandise recommendation, Thailands featured Store Product Recommendation, recommended for different groups, Recommended international gourmet cuisine, Recommended Thai gourmet cuisine. The flow diagram as below:

Diagram 5-3-1-1 Information flow diagram of featured commodity recommendation

Information flow diagram of Central World internal map guidance (GPS)

It has two parts: The first is a quick search function, you can find the way between your location and your destination easily with the name of the shop which you want to go. The second is click to view the map of each floor of Central World. The flow diagram as below:

Diagram 5-3-1-2 Information flow diagram of Central World internal map guidance (GPS)

Information flow diagram of promotion information

Diagram 5-3-1-3 Information flow diagram of promotion information

It has two part as while: The first is the release of promotional information, its mainly about the promotion information of shops in Central World. The second is the free download of the promotion coupons. They can get a lot benefits through the coupons and the owner of shops also willing to see that. The flow diagram as above.

Information flow diagram of shopping sharing

It has two parts as blow: One is creating sharing, it can help to post you photo that you would like to sharing no matter from album or just shot with text decryption. The second is sharing browser function which will help you to find out the related sharing among your friends. You can make interactive with your friend as while. The flow diagram as below:

Diagram 5-3-1-4 Information flow diagram of shopping sharing

Information flow diagram of my favorite

This module can help Chinese tourists collect the well-known merchandise, gourmet food introduction and shopping promotion when they shopping at Central World in order to fast query and apply. It can also to put it to my favorite for next time or share to friends. The flow diagram as below:

Diagram 5-3-1-5 Information flow diagram of my favorite

Information flow diagram of service guide

It divided into 5 parts: The first is tax refund guideline, the second is currency exchange guideline, the third is frequent shopping Thai 100 sentence which is help Chinese tourist use when they shopping. The fourth is emergency aid which is can help the Chinese tourist in dangerous situation when they in Thailand. The last is Precautions which is inform the Thai customs and precautions for Chinese at first. The flow diagram as below:

Diagram 5-3-1-6 Information flow diagram of my favorite

5.3.2 User Experience Diagram Design

According to the previous application interface information flow diagram designing. The author has applied the simple design tools and hand-painted form for paper prototyping which is can make more intuitive display interface design style and make users can more clearly understand and experience. The paper prototype design is means illustration of prototype of hand painting on whiteboard at first and draw the interface design of the general layout and information elements by use of the drawing software which is can general experience for the users. According to the statistics, more and more Chinese people has choosing domestic Android smart phone as their mobile device, So, the author has chosen the Android smart phone as the prototyping device, but the Android smart phone has many of screen resolution to adopts. And according to the research, Ethan Marcotte has proposed a new concept which is named responsive layout during May, 2010. According above, the author has chosen the Android OS 720*1080 resolution screen for paper prototyping user experience design, which is emphasis information layouts and interactive process which is drawing home page, commodity recommendation page, internal map guidance page(GPS), promotion information page, shopping sharing page, may favorite page and service guide page.

5.3 .3 Graphical User Interface design

According to the design and drawing of information diagram and paper prototyping, the author has done the usability assessment about the paper prototyping user experience design and also modify the design base on the users feedback which is prepare for Graphical User Interface. The mobile application visual interface is the medium for the user to communicate with the mobile device, the visual experience will be an important criterion for user to evaluate the mobile applications and its the performance carrier which is follow the users psychological model. This user interface design of mobile application which is for Chinese tourist who shopping at Central World is based on interface visual design aesthetics, semiotics, design psychology theory, and also it refers to the Chinese visual preference and expert suggestions.

The author mainly focus on theme layout, color, text and icon this four-basic visual element when make the graphical user interface design. According to the research about Chinese visual preference and custom, Chinese prefer concise and easy operating layout with red color preference. Because red color is stand for lucky and happy in Chinese culture. They prefer the standard font in Android system such like 16px with 20px line spacing. The black and special font is widely adopting in heading. For the icon design they prefer the icon and contents which is can clearly convey the interface information which mean has clear discrimination, unique and easy resonate. They dont like icon design with texture, 3-D and projection effect. Author has put this key information into her design refer to the Chinese visual preference and custom. The graphical user interface design has cover below aspect:

Logo design

Graphic 5-3-3-1 Logo design

Due to the logo design using for the mobile shopping application of Central World. So, the logo design is re-design base on the Central World Logo in Bangkok. It adopts the Chinese people's favorite red and white color to draw a series of dynamic round lines. The logo design is concise with high discrimination which make user easy understanding.

Home page of System

Diagram x is the home page which is can provide fast approaching for users. The home page has divided to three parts: Commodity recommendation, Service guide and Navigation bar. The link between home page and the other page as below:

Graphic 5-3-3-2 Home page of System

Commodity recommendation GUI design

The commodity recommendation page is to meet the Chinese tourists shopping demand by different age group or other groups. The aim is help the tourist to make a decision when they shopping. It divided in to five categories: Well-known merchandise recommendation, Thailands featured Store Product Recommendation, recommended for different groups, Recommended international gourmet cuisine, Recommended Thai gourmet cuisine. Cause this part has a number of GUI pages. Here is just show the key pages as below:

Graphic 5-3-3-3 Commodity recommendation GUI design

Central World internal map guidance (GPS) GUI design

It has two parts: The first is a quick search function, you can find the way between your location and your destination easily with the name of the shop which you want to go. The second is click to view the map of each floor of Central World. The flow diagram as below:

Graphic 5-3-3-4 Central World internal map guidance (GPS) GUI design

Promotion information GUI design

It has two part as while: The first is the release of promotional information, its mainly about the promotion information of shops in Central World. The second is the free download of the promotion coupons. They can get a lot benefits through the coupons and the owner of shops also willing to see that. The GUI design as below:

Graphic 5-3-3-5 Promotion information GUI design

Shopping sharing GUI design

The GUI design as below:

Graphic 5-3-3-6 Shopping sharing GUI design

My favorite GUI design

This module can help Chinese tourists collect the well-known merchandise, gourmet food introduction and shopping promotion when they shopping at Central World in order to fast query and apply.

It can also to put it to my favorite for next time or share to friends. The GUI design as below:

Graphic 5-3-3-7 My favorite GUI design

Service guide GUI design

This module divided into 5 parts: The first is tax refund guideline, the second is currency exchange guideline, the third is frequent shopping Thai 100 sentence which is help Chinese tourist use when they shopping. The fourth is emergency aid which is can help the Chinese tourist in dangerous situation when they in Thailand. The last is Precautions which is inform the Thai customs and precautions for Chinese at first. The GUI design as below:

Graphic 5-3-3-8 Service guide GUI design

6. Summarize

At first, the study to find out the shopping psychology, shopping behavior and custom preference of Chinese tourist. After that, the author has make a mobile application GUI design and user experience design in Central World which is based on Chinese tourists demand. As a theoretical basis, it has use the interface visual design aesthetics, semiotics, design psychology in the design process. The design guidelines are easy inter-operating and simple understanding. And merge the mobile network, application interface design and shopping malls three perfect combination together as an innovation as a whole to consider. The study character and innovation of this thesis as below:

To learn the shopping difficulty and real demand when Chinese people shopping in Thailand via questionnaire survey and one to one interview. It has also summarized the shopping psychology, shopping behavior and custom preference which provides some reference for the related tourism application design.

First of all, it base on the user demand and the design follow as information architecture, interaction flow and graphic user interface design. Thus, a relatively comprehensive, systematic innovation designed a set of principles and processes on mobile application UI design. The detail flow is to design the interface information diagram at first and then user experience design and the graphic user interface at the last. It also provides a perfect reference for the mobile application programmer for the further design.

It has merge the mobile network, application interface design and shopping malls three perfect combination together perfectly. To improve there is no mobile shopping application for Chinese tourist in Thailand. Meanwhile, it also provides a reference for other mobile shopping application of other shopping mall in Thailand. It will promote the development of tourism and shopping in Thailand in a healthier and more comprehensive direction and also promote the Thailand economy to develop faster.

Research Prospects

Any research has a process of continuous enrichment and perfection. It need to be verified on a large number of practical basis, and in the repeated practice to find a new breakthrough. This paper has completed the stage work and research about the mobile shopping application for Chinese tourists when they shopping at Central World. But because this design is come from a new concept of mobile shopping application design which is from zero to one. So it must has some shortcoming in the design. It need to improve during the program development which is combine with user feedback. The author will follow the programmer to gradually improve the design of mobile shopping application and let the application to launch in the market more earlier which is can solve the difficulty from Chinese tourist when they shopping at Central World and also enrich the user experience. As a Chinese, the author will set the operating language as Chinese at first stage, hope will embed the other language such as Thai and English in the future. It can provide the reference for the tourists from other countries when they shopping at Central World.


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