《7A Unit 8 Fashion Comic strip & Welcome to the unit》课堂实录与评析


教育界·中旬 2017年3期

张艳 郑云

Analysis on teaching materials:

Fashion is familiar to the students and they like to talk about this topic. The dialogue between Eddie and Hobo can arouse the students interest and inspire students to think about what we should wear on different occasions. The welcome part helps students get some basic knowledge about clothes and encourages students to talk about what they are going to wear for the fashion show.

Analysis on learners:

Most students are interested in this topic. They have already learnt some words and expressions about clothes in primary school, so its not difficult for them to talk about clothes. In this class, students are required to learn more about clothes for a fashion show.

While learning, they should be encouraged to develop good habits and practise their oral English. In the class, students should learn to use complete sentences to express.

Teaching objectives(including important and difficult points):

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

Knowledge objective

1) know the names of some clothes;

2) use the names of six clothes and shoes correctly;

3) know how to borrow things from others.

Ability objective

1) develop skills of predicting and practising strategy;

2) develop creative thinking;

3) talk about clothes with some basic expressions.

Moral objective

develop correct views towards life: Get to know something about fashion so as to

have a sense of fashion and beauty.

Teaching emphasis and difficulties:

1.To learn some basic expressions to talk about clothes;

2.To lay enough foundation for students introducing of the clothes.

Teaching strategies:

1.Situational teaching approach

( Make a vivid background in class and then lead in the topic and make the tasks.)

2.Task-based teaching approach

( Make the students pay attention to the activities by giving them some tasks.)

3.Co-operative teaching approach

( Let students work in groups and finish the task together.)

4.Scaffolding teaching approach

( This is the basic teaching strategy in the class. a. talk about the Browns in the beginning to introduce clothes; b. present the clothes; c. work in pairs and talk about how to borrow things from others; d. work in groups and finish a poster; e. evaluation.)

Teaching aids: a multi-media computer; a blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

1.Talk about the Browns.

1) What day is it today?

2) Show family members about the Browns.

2.Show a video about Ann.

1)Watch the video: What is Ann doing?

2)Let students know: The Browns will go to a fashion show in Class 1 Grade 7.

( Purpose: To guide students to get close to the topic of this lesson.)

Step 2 Presentation I ( Welcome to the unit Part A )

Present different kinds of clothes with pictures.

Ask students to use the sentences to introduce the clothes.

He/She is wearing...

He/She can wear...

Help students revise the names of clothes and present the new words.

Ask students to finish Part A on page 93.

( Purpose: 1. To encourage them to take part in the class and get close to the article. 2. To make good preparation for the following steps. 3. To review the names of the clothes.)

Step 3 Presentation II ( Welcome to the unit Part B )

1. The Browns are ready for the show, but Millie isnt. She is borrowing some clothes from her mother.

2. Pair work: Ask students to listen to the conversation about Millie and her mother. Then ask and answer questions in pairs.

1) What does Millie want to borrow from her mother?

2) Can Millie wear it? Why?

3) Who can wear it? Why?

Ask students to read in roles.

Make up a dialogue.

( Purpose: 1. To develop students ability of listening, reading, and speaking to get preparation for the next activity. 2. To learn how to borrow things from others.)

Step 4 Comic strip ( Background: Eddie and Hobo are talking about what to wear.)

1. Enjoy a fashion show about dogs. Do you think dogs need to wear clothes?

2. Ask students to guess: Does Eddie think dogs need to wear clothes at first?

Let students watch the video and answer the questions.

1) Does Eddie think dogs need to wear clothes at first?

2) Does Eddie wear any clothes at last ?

3) What does Eddie want to do then?

Read after the tape and then read the conversation in different ways.

5. Pair work: Ask students to act the conversation out.

( Purpose: 1. To develop students ability of listening, reading, and acting to get preparation for the next activity. 2. To help students understand the dialogue on page 92 and try to act it out.)

Step 5 Practice

To talk about the fashion for a middle school student.

Rapid response: Review the phrases of this lesson.

Group work: Make a poster of the clothes, then introduce to the class.

( Purpose: 1. To help students review and understand this lesson better. 2. To develop students comprehensive abilities of learning English.)

Step 6 Homework

Recite the new words and the dialogues.

2. Prepare for the fashion show.

( Purpose: To review the words and the dialogues.)






教材Comic strip & Welcome to the unit板块提供的语言学习素材并不丰富,除Comic strip的对话外,只有6个服装名称的单词和为参加时装展借服装的简单对话。但是作为本单元的热身板块,张老师准确定位了本课的教学内容、教学目标和重难点:重点训练关于Fashion这个话题的听说技能,激发对本单元话题的学习兴趣和热情,激活学生已有的相关知识,为后面所学的其他板块做好铺垫。例如,尽管教材A部分只要求学生能写出6个服饰名称的单词,但张老师通过What is he/she wearing来引导学生描述布朗一家人的服饰,不仅训练了服饰的名称,还拓展了颜色等描述性词汇,同时复习了小学学习的相关词汇,为Reading板块谈论时装演出中的服饰、Grammar板块学习现在进行时、Integrated skills板块中谈论什么场合穿什么服饰、Task板块对时装设计的描述做好语言的准备。




课堂活动形式多样,例如在描述布朗一家四口的服饰时,不同的人采用的是不同的活动形式:通过描述Mr.Brown的服饰教授生词;通过师生问答的形式描述Mrs. Brown的服飾;通过遮盖部分服饰、猜测所穿服饰的方式描述Bill的服饰,培养学生猜测的能力,激发学生表达的欲望;通过用所给首字母或音标完成短文填空的方式描述Ann的服饰。


可见,本课通过生动的学习情境、活泼的课堂气氛、积极的师生交流、多样的互动方式,让学生学会学习、学会交往、学会合作、学会思考,培养终生发展能力,从而生成智慧的课堂,达到attractive, effective, productive, instructive的标准。


本课既实现了语言知识的目标——能正确地说出服饰的名称、描述所穿服饰,掌握向他人借物品的句型,又实现了语言技能目标——能谈论服饰和时尚,通过各种听说活动培养猜测能力和思维能力,还实现了情感态度、文化意识目标——理解“时尚”的内涵,培养正确的审美观。因此,本节课很好地体现了英语课程的工具性和人文性,体现了英语学科的素养之一——审美情趣。例如,在为Bill和Ann搭配服饰的时候,让学生自己根据色彩、性别等来确定穿什么服装得体;在总结提升环节,张老师通过What is fashion for a middle school student?这个问题,引导学生小组讨论,形成正确的人生观、审美观,从而自然而然地实现了情感的提升:Fashion passes, style remains. Its best only when it fits you.



2.实:扎实、踏实、务实、实效,当堂学习、当堂实践、当堂巩固、当堂完成。如操练巩固环节的“Rapid response”活动,卓有成效地评价了学生对本课语言点的掌握程度。

3. 细:课堂导入、各环节之间的过渡、伏笔都处理得很精细。如通过欣赏另类的宠物狗的时装展的图片,引导学生思考Do you think dogs need to wear clothes?从而自然、巧妙地过渡到Comic strip的学习。

4.趣:课堂充分利用图片、视频、趣味活动等方式来激发学生的学习热情,符合七年级学生的心理特征。如课堂导入环节中,在介绍Ann这个人物时,让学生观看的生动的video,并提问:What is Ann doing?有效地引入了本单元的话题——Fashion.

5.思:英语是一门开启心智的学科,教学过程中教师应注重学生思维品德的培养。著名物理学家劳厄谈教育时说:重要的不是获得知识,而是发展思维能力。张老师努力把思维的空间和时间留给学生,设计的课堂提问多体现思维含量:如Can Millie wear it? why? Who can wear it? Why? Do you think dogs need to wear clothes? What is fashion for a middle school student?相信观课者也能从课堂中有所见、有所思、有所悟、有所感、有所学、有所收获!






