Apple has fi nally unveiled its newl ine of smartphones after months of anticipation - but, many were left stunned by the iPhone X's $1,000 price tag.
盼望了几个月,苹果公司终于推出了新款智能手机,然而,iPhone X1000美元的标价却让许多人惊讶不已。
AdamWiepert:当你觉得妥妥的,你买得起新款iPhone 8的时候,他们又让你看到了iPhone X。
“你是怎么解锁我的iPhone X的!?!?!”
Dana Campbell: iPhone X起售价999美元,我宣布破产。
The iPhone X's facial recognition feature that allows you tounlock the device by simply glancing at it also proved to be meme-worthy. Twitter users made jokes about howthey'll try to use the feature to hack into their signifi cant others' and friends' phones.
iPhone X的面部识别功能使你可以扫一眼手机即可为其解锁,不过这一功能也被网友们用表情包吐槽了。推特用户开玩笑表示如何用这一功能来侵入另一半以及朋友们的手机。
Anredo: 新的iPhone X起售价999美元,我有3美元。
苹果公司:现在你可以刷脸来解锁你的iPhone 8了,而且别人都没办法解锁你的手机!
JoshConstine: iPhone X的面部识别可以不受艾莉亚·史塔克(无面者成员)的影响。
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