Hip-hop Saved Me 嘻哈音乐拯救了我
My older brother was my hero growing up. Everyone called him "Jise." He was this hip-hop dude. People loved him. I was the opposite. I blended into①blend into 融入……;与……融合the crowd. I was quiet. I made straight A's. I liked comic books and action figures. So I always looked up to him. He was murdered one night in 1989. I was fi fteen at the time, and I just kind of gave up. So it was like, "What's the point of being good?" I dropped out of school. I started hanging out with the wrong crowd. I just tagged along②tag along 紧跟;尾随for the adrenaline high. Even at my lowest, part of me was always the same good kid.I always held down a job. I wrote poetry. I kept dream journals. my friends would always tease me. They'd say: "This isn't you, man. Why are you here?" Hiphop saved me. It gave me a voice. I took all those dream journals and turned them into lyrics. I joined a group called The Arsonists.We toured all over Europe. We pressed a lot of records. My stage name was"Jise," in honor of my brother.It was like I'd gotten us both there.
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