摘 要:应用复变函数的方法,研究了一维六方准晶双材料中单个圆弧形夹杂界面裂纹与基体中螺型位错之间的交互作用问题,求得了该问题的封闭形式解.当界面裂纹消失时,所得的退化结果与已有文献一致.导出了位错在圆外无限大区域中的任意位置时,界面裂纹尖端应力强度因子的表达式.数值结果表明,随着位错距离界面裂纹的位置越来越远,裂纹尖端应力强度因子的值越来越小;随着界面裂纹开口角度的增大,裂纹尖端应力强度因子的值先增大后减小.
中图分类号:O346.1 文献标识码:A
Abstract:The interaction effects between a single circular interfacial crack and screw dislocation located inside the matrix were investigated for 1D hexagonal quasicrystal. Through applying the complex potential method, the closed form solutions of this problem were obtained. The degradation results are consistent with the conclusions in previous literature. The stress intensity factor at the crack tip was also derived. The results show that the stress intensity factor decreases with the increase of the distance between the dislocation and interfacial crack. With the increase of the opening angle of the circular interfacial crack, the stress intensity factor increases firstly and then decreases.
Key words:quasicrystals; interfacial cracks; screw dislocations; stress intensity factor; complex variable method
近些年来,越来越多的科研人员开始研究准晶中的缺陷问题.Fan等[6]应用复变函数的方法研究了一维六方准晶中运动的Griffith裂纹问题;Wang 等[7]研究了十次准晶中半无限裂纹与刃型位错的干涉效应问题,并求得了裂纹尖端的应力强度因子和应变能释放率的表达式;Hu等[8]研究了一维六方准晶中螺型位错与圆形夹杂的弹性干涉问题,并揭示了位错力与相位子场弹性常数和声子场相位子场耦合弹性常数之间的变化规律.这些研究大多是针对单一缺陷问题或者单一准晶材料中的缺陷问题,对于准晶复合材料中缺陷之间的干涉效应问题,报道的比较少.
1 问题的描述与求解
4 结 论
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