

世界建筑 2017年4期


Architect: Vincent Callebaut Architectures


Tao-Zhu-Yin-Yuan: A Carbon-Absorbing Green Tower, Taipei, China


Architect: Vincent Callebaut Architectures

1 建成效果/Rendering of completion

在2010年11月,位于巴黎的文森特·卡勒博建筑设计事务所在台北建造可持续住宅楼的项目中中标。该项目目前正在施工,预计于2017年9月竣工。陶朱隐园可持续大楼预计将在地面和露台种植23,000棵树,每年可以吸收130t CO2。






2-5 建设中/Under construction

In November 2010, my company 'Vincent Callebaut Architectures' based in Paris was awarded the winning tender for the construction of a new sustainable residential tower located in Taipei. This project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in September 2017. The Tao Zhu Yin Yuan sustainable tower will carry 23,000 trees planted on the ground and balconies, which can absorb 130t of CO2annually.

The Tao-Zhu-Yin-Yuan project benefits from an exceptional location in the Xinjin District, at the heart of Taipei City, between the mountains and the river, close to the Taipei 101 Tower and the Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall. From the top of Taipei 101 Tower, the project seems to be a unique ecological landmark, new symbol of sustainability and reintegration of the Nature in the City. Another view from the main Song Gao Road shows the harmony between the architectural and the structural concepts developed by King-Le Chang. According to the point of view of the pedestrian from the 4 surrounding streets, the tower changes of face and proposes 4 amazing profiles: Te 'V' profile, the 'X' cross profile, the elliptical profile, and the pyramidal profile.

The tower presents a pioneering concept of sustainable residential eco-construction that aims at limiting the ecological footprint of its inhabitants by researching the right symbiosis between the human being and the Nature. On this last and biggest parcel of land for residential use, the concept is thus to build a true fragmentation of vertical landscape with low energetic consumption.

6.7 建造示意/Diagrams for construction








2050年,将会有900万人居住在我们创造的建筑里,世界人口的80%将居住在大都市。是时候出现一种对生态负责的新的生活方式了,尊重环境,提高人们的生活质量,让城市回归自然。 (天妮 译)

8 总平面/Site plan

9 鸟瞰效果/Rendering of aerial view

10 建设中/Under construction

Our leitmotiv is: 'The City works like an ecosystem, the centre a forest, and the tower an inhabitable tree.' Besides this moving geometry wearing a planted dress with sensual style, the project represents really a built ecosystem that repatriates the fauna and the flora at the heart of the city and generates alone a new nest of subtropical biodiversity.

Te 20 inhabited levels in the double helix stretch and twist at 90°. From the simple and standardized element of the double helixes of housing vertically superimposed and placed in successive rotation of 4.5° level by level, a multi-facial morphology appears all in convex and concave curves. It is responding to four major objectives of the design:

(1) The first objective is to be perfectly integrated in the North / South pyramidal profile of the volume in respect of urban setbacks.

(2) The second objective is to generate a maximum of cascades of suspended open-air gardens, not part of the F.A.R. (floor area ratio). Thus, the planted balcony surface area can easily exceed the limit of the required 10 percent.

(3) The third objective is to offer to the inhabitants' exceptional panoramic views on the skyline of Taipei by multiplying the transversal views, especially towards the very close Taipei 101 Tower and the Central Business District.

(4) The fourth objective is to generate a progressive geometry from a flexible standardized level with luxuriant green corbels, which assures the intimacy and the confidentiality of each apartment by avoiding indiscreet visual axes.

The tower is eco-designed to represent the perfect fusion of the climate, landscape and architecture. The sunlight, thermal and wind analysis have enabled us to improve the bioclimatic design of the project. The project is eco-conceived by the integration of bioclimatic passive systems (as natural lighting and ventilation for the core and the basement, rain water and grey water recycle, low-e glass, wind chimney in the double curtain wall) but also by the renewable energies (as the big photovoltaic solar roof and canopies, the automation for the energy saving, and lifts utilizing energy-saving regenerative drives).

The landscape, designed by SWA based in San Francisco, reinforces the spiraling movement of the tower by a continuum between the landscape balconies, the garden on ground floor and the seismic joint in circular shape all around the basement. The central core has been designed to separate totally the vertical circulations into two housing units on the same level. Tis core is fixed (it does not pivot). But in order to ensure the rotation of the storeys floor by floor, it is surrounded by a (naturally lightened & ventilated) horizontal circulation loop welcoming the entry foyer dedicated to each unit. This buffer loop enables thus to set the main entrance always in the axis of each apartment and this despite of the 4.5 degrees' rotation storey by storey.

During the research, the most important challenge was to develop all the structural, MEP, seismic, interior design and landscape concepts in order to reinforce the initial spiraling concept with all other teams.

The objective of the Client, BES, was to develop 2 big units of 550m2each, completely free of columns and walls presenting a maximum of flexibility for the interior layouts of all tenants. We have thus developed two typical plans: The typical even floor plan comes with Vierendeel beams along longitudinal facades, and typical odd floor plan without Vierendeel beams. The detailed cross sections through the even and odd number floors presents the integration of the planting beds in the thickness of double decks to maximize the indooroutdoor connectivity towards the skyline. The spiraling mega-columns, located at both ends of the story, are doubled by oblique shafts wrapping the skew pipes. Tese skew shafts are transformed into continuous vertical skew green walls all along the height of the tower. During all the year, the species selected by our landscape architects for the landscape balconies will create various scenery with the seasons change. With the hyper-flexibility of the typical story free of columns, walls and shafts, all the interior layouts are possible. For example, it is possible to locate the living spaces longitudinally along the south facade, transversely along the core or in the axis of the apartment or in double height.

In 2050, we will be 9 million of human beings on our blue planet and 80% of the world population will live in mega-cities. It's time to invent new ecoresponsible lifestyles and to repatriate the nature in our city in order to increase the quality of our life with the respect of our environment.

11.12 建设中/Under construction

13 屋顶层平面/Roof floor plan

14 平面/Floor plan

15 楼身局部/Parts of building

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: BES Engineering Corporation, Taipei

国际建筑设计团队/International Design Architect: Vincent Callebaut Architectures

本地设计团队/Local Architect: LKP Design

结构工程/Structural Engineer: King-Le Chang & Associates

本地水暖电/Local MEP Engineering: Sine & Associates

国际室内设计/International Interior Architect: Wilson & Associates (WA)

国际景观设计/International Landscape Architect: SWA, Sausalito

本地景观设计/Local Landscape Architect: Horizon & Atmosphere (H&A)

国际照明设计/International Lighting Designer: L'Observatoire International

本地照明设计/Local Lighting Designer: Unolai Design

绿植顾问/Green Consultant: Enertek

文森特·卡勒博建筑事务所/VCA'S Team: Emilie Diers, Frederique Beck, Jiao Yang, Florence Mauny, Volker Erlich, Philippe Steels, Marco Conti Sikic, Benoit Patterlini, Maguy Delrieu, Vincent Callebaut

项目定位/Program: 公寓+设施/Apartments + Facilities

表面积/Surface Area: 42,335.34m²

目前阶段/Current Phase: 施工中/Under construction

竣工/Delivery: 2017.09

绿色认证/Green Certification: 美国绿色建筑委员会LEED金级,低碳建筑联盟钻石级认证/ U.S. Green Building Council, LEED Gold; Low Carbon Building Alliance, Diamond Level

16.17 建设中/Under construction

18 透视:单双数层空腹梁系统和斜向竖井/Perspective view -even and unevenfloors vierendeel beams system and oblique pipes(1-18图片来源/Copyrights: Vincent Callebaut Architectures)





XIAO Yiqiang: With the construction of 'vertical forest' becoming more and more popular, 'Tao-Zhu-Yin-Yuan' will undoubtedly become a new landmark of the city in a vertical ecological way. Te project follows the choice of form under the city's natural environment, to implement a vertical green landscape facing sunlight by rotating the wraparound veranda by layers. The form of autonomy is not only required by the biological rules, but also a realization of climate adaptability in the subtropical area. The innovation of form that challenges common practices also demonstrated the possibilities of modern engineering. Te 'independence' shown by this urban housing, which put ecological rules as priority, inevitably causes people to concern whether the rules of urban space, which we have been trying hard to maintain for a long time, will further collapse. Same as the challenge structural form architecture, which put the structural rules as priority, brought to the relationships of urban architecture in the modern architecture history, we need to be prepared to face the new urban construction problems under ecological rules. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

LIN Borong: Tao-Zhu-Yin-Yuan project/Agora tower is an endeavor in combining climate adaptation, vertical landscape with concept of ecology design. The project's core function utilises double skin curtain wall system, creating a vertical circulation and climate control mechanism for the internal space. For regions with hot summer and warm winter, the passive systems that would affect energy consumption and internal comfort level most, including shading, ventilation, vertical landscape, rain water collection, are combined with advance technologies such as photovoltaic panels, low-E glass, energy efficient elevators. Te project also took creating wild life habitat into consideration, merging it with human-nature relationship. All features above contribute to a valuable research and discovery into the creation of high density city cluster with green and ecological performance. Of course, I personally would be looking forward to the actual performance of the passive systems after completion of the project, along with the post operational evaluation conducted by the user, which would be extremely valuable for the development of green architecture in Taiwan. (Translated by LUO Dan)


台北Z House