

世界建筑 2017年4期

滨海湾花园/Gardens by the Bay


Bay South of Gardens by the Bay, Singapore, 2012

滨海湾花园/Gardens by the Bay

1 全景/General view





















湖水系统展现了植物在生态系统的健康运行中发挥的关键作用。它将提升人们对自然界中水生植物价值的认知,并强调洁净水源在维持生物多样性中的重要性。(黄华青 译)

Singapore has been embarking on a paradigm shift as it develops from a 'Garden City' to a 'City in a Garden' in a global city, with a much more holistic and all-encompassing programme to enhance greenery and flora, and so, to raise the quality of life in Singapore significantly.

Gardens by the Bay realises this paradigm shift and partakes antiphase of development. Premier development leading this new phase, Gardens by the Bay is positioned with the best international standards, in applying cutting-edge innovations and environmentally friendly technology, for sustainable natural resource management and other aspects. Started as a project by the National Parks Board, the Gardens has since grown to become an independent organisation.

Gardens by the Bay will eventually occupy 101 hectares of prime land by the water as part of Marina Bay. Situated at the heart of Singapore's next phase of development as a global city, the Gardens is an integral part of Singapore's 'City in a Garden' vision in which the island-state is woven into a green and floral tapestry. Under this plan, Gardens by the Bay will capture the essence of Singapore as the premier tropical City in a Garden with the perfect environment in which to live, work and play.

Underlying the concept of Gardens by the Bay are the principles of environmental sustainability. For Bay South, the first phase of the Gardens' development, a concerted effort was made to plan and design for sustainable cycles in energy and water.

Cooled conservatories

Comprising two glass biomes, the cooled conservatories – Flower Dome and Cloud Forest -replicate the cool-dry climate of the Mediterranean and semi-arid sub-tropical regions and the coolmoist climate of the Tropical Montane region respectively. They house a diverse collection of plants that are not commonly seen in this part of the world and are of high conservation value.

The energy used for powering the chillers is produced by a biomass furnace that uses horticultural waste produced within Gardens by the Bay and island-wide by Singapore's National Parks Board.

The cooled conservatories are a statement in sustainable engineering and apply a suite of cuttingedge technologies that provide energy-efficient solutions in cooling:

·The two structures are fitted with a glass material that allows optimal light in but cuts out a substantial amount of heat.

·Tey also apply the strategy of cooling only the occupied zones, thus reducing the volume of air to be cooled.

·The air in the conservatories is first dehumidified by liquid desiccant, which reduces the moisture content of the air. This cuts down the amount of energy required in the cooling process.

An energy modelling study showed that, by applying the technologies, the energy consumption for the conservatories is comparable to that of an average commercial building in Singapore of the same footprint and height, normalised to a 24-hour cooling period.

Tis suite of technologies can help to achieve at least 30% savings in energy consumption, compared to conventional cooling technologies.

2 湖边全景/General view from the lake

3 冷室与超级树共生关系的图示/Schematic diagramdemonstrating the symbiotic relationship between the Cool Conservatories and the Supertrees

4 芦苇床剖面/Section showing reed beds


Te Supertrees reflect the form and function of mature trees to illustrate the emergent giants of the ainforest.

Ranging in height from 25 ~ 50m, the 18 treeike structures serve as unique vertical gardens howcasing a diverse variety of bromeliads, ferns, rchids and tropical flowering climbers, on scale ever before presented in a garden.

Eleven of the Supertrees are embedded with nvironmentally sustainable features. Some have hotovoltaic cells on their canopies to harvest solar nergy for lighting up the Supertrees at night. Others are integrated with the cooled conservatories nd serve as air exhaust structures.

Lake system

The Gardens' lake system incorporates key cological processes and functions as a living system. It acts as a natural filtration for water from the Gardens catchment and provides aquatic habitats for biodiversity such as fishes and dragonflies.

Encompassing two main lakes –the Dragonfly Lake and Kingfisher Lake, the lake system is designed to be an extension of the Marina Reservoir. Water run-off from within the Gardens is captured by the lake system and cleansed by aquatic plants before being discharged into the reservoir. Naturally treated water from the lake system is also used in the built-in irrigation system for the Gardens.

The lake system exemplifies the role and importance of plants in the healthy functioning of our ecosystem. It raises awareness of the value that aquatic plants play in nature, and highlights the significance of clean water in sustaining biodiversity.

5.6 冷室内景/Interior view of the Cool Conservatories

7.8 超级树/Supertrees


龙灏:在“生物准则城市”原则的指导下,这个位于新加坡的园林与新建温室项目呈现出了某种不同于传统植物园的形态,无论是温室的建筑形态还是最高达到50m的“垂直花园” ——“超级树”。建设者不再一味简单地为了给来自气候迥异于新加坡热带气候的、超过10万种的来自其他地区的植物提供合适的人造环境而不顾因此造成的巨大能耗和碳排放,而是尽力从建筑形态设计开始就试图营造一个既利用人工新技术、也利用这些传统上只被视为观赏对象的各类植物所产生的“生物能”,形成可以减低或消化自身排放、能耗“自洽”的小环境。这一项目的实践,无疑将对未来所有人造环境的规划与建筑设计、材料与技术应用提供一个可以深入研究的案例。



LONG Hao: Under the guidance of 'bioprincipled city', this newly built garden and conservatories project in Singapore showed a different form from traditional botanical gardens, whether it's the architectural form of the conservatories or the 'vertical gardens' reaching 50m -'Supertrees'. Te architect no longer simply provides artificial environments suitable for the plants coming from over a hundred thousand different regions whose climates greatly differ from the tropical climate in Singapore, regardless of the huge energy consumption and carbon emissions, but tries to create a small environment that can reduce or digest its own emissions and be self-consistent with its energy consumption, taking into use both artificial technology and the 'bio-energy' produced by plants which traditionally are regarded only as ornamental objects from the design of the architectural form. Te practice of this project will undoubtedly provide a sample for in-depth study of the planning and architectural design and the application of materials and technology for all man-made environments in the future. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

LIN Borong: What most impressive for Gardens by the Bay is its high-tech solution unifying the concept of nature, environment and ecology in to a comprehensive whole. Technologies such as highly translucent yet solar shading effective building envelope, floor cooling, dehumidifier, and heat-power cogeneration are applied at architecture scale, for the first time to my knowledge, in the special attraction super trees as well as the two cooled conservatories. These technologies are especially effective in increasing the efficiency of energy consumption for a city with high temperature and humidity, such as Singapore, saving 30% of energy. What's even more interesting is that the crown of the super tree reflects the formal innovation that combines the passive systems such as shading and rain water collection with positive systems such as mechanical ventilated airconditioning system and solar panels. At the same time, the realisation of the concept of rain water collection and cleaning system is also very worth mentioning. Te streams in the garden will be biologically cleaned after flowing through the water purifying plants before discharged into water reservoir at the Bay. Ten the naturally cleaned water may also serve as irrigation water in return. (Translated by LUO Dan)

9 园区内景/Main Garden(1-9图片来源/Source: Gardens by the bay)


岳滨海 藏石欣赏