

世界建筑 2017年4期


Architects: Vincent Callebaut Architectures


Hyperions: Agritectural Garden Towers for Jaypee Greens Sports City, Greater Noida, India


Architects: Vincent Callebaut Architectures

1 外景/Exterior view










Stop ecocide: towards the agroecological revolution

My name is Amlankusum. I'm a 45-year old Hindu agroecologist. For the past five years, I've lived with my family in the heart of a plus-energy, vertical eco-neighborhood called 'Hyperions' producing more energy than it consumes. In collaboration with architects, agricultural engineers, agronomists and farmers, I conceived this garden towers project rooted in Jaypee Greens Sports City, with the double objective of energy decentralization and food deindustrialization. My approach is holistic, combining the best of low-tech and hightech instead of systematically opposing them. Our aim is to reconcile urban renaturation and smallscale farming with environment protection and biodiversity.

Jaypee is a new city located in the Delhi NCR (National Capital Region), one of the largest metropolises in the world with 50 million inhabitants. Jaypee is saturated with concrete and pollution, and my ambition is to transform it into a pioneering urban agroecology.

To reinvent a new urban and human model based on environmentally and socially respectful green development: that's my everyday challenge. In the asphyxiated Indian environment, I search for sustainable ways of producing in order to shelter and feed the growing population.

We've lived through the era of carbon, steel, oil and ore, followed by the era of chemicals. I believe that the 21st century will be the era of life and biology, or it won't be.

New farmers in the city for urban agroforestry and permaculture

In Jaypee, we've started farming the city like a bio-mimetic ecosystem, by taking its density into account, and hybridizing it with nature. I imagine the city – my city as territory for social innovation– by bringing together the climate, landscape, agriculture and use flows.

With my wife, the urban planner Kamalesh, we both dream of turning Jaypee into wilderness; to transcend it with life, into a 'nature-city' that is organically nutritive, mixed, dense, as flexible as needed, and with strong fertile potential. To this end and together with city officials, we're leading a new dynamic of eco-responsible urban projects, built from bio-based materials and combining leadingedge renewable energies with age-old bioclimatic techniques – all blooming in the heart of a pervasive urban agriculture based on agroforestry and permaculture, in all the streets and on all buildings' floors.

2 木制框架结构双曲面模型/Model of the wooden and timberframed Hyperboloids


(1) 使用堆肥和绿色化肥,保持腐殖土的湿润、维持植物类生物的数量,从而储备碳含量、保证土壤的持续肥力。

(2) 系统化地种植多样的作物,由此增加生物多样性,达到减少化学品、化肥、农药、杀虫剂和杀菌剂使用的目的。

(3) 将需要进行表层覆盖和非犁耕的用地最小化,从而保证微生物和永久植被层的生长,保护土壤结构免遭侵蚀。

(4) 研究米尔帕农法或推拉农法等替代方法,通过种植互补的作物保持土壤的生态平衡,同时推广用自然的、可生物降解的方法来对抗寄生虫,保障作物卫生。

(5) 种植能自我繁殖的、多样化的地方作物,多使用对水要求较低的传统植物种子。

(6) 通过设置微型水坝和小型过滤堤来收集和净化雨水资源(特别是在季风季节),补充地下水。














3 木框架结构塔楼结构系统图示/Structural system diagram of timber-framed towers

On arable parcels all around the project, agrosystems and ecosystems merge to promote the respect of nature and the protection of the residents' health, using a production model that requires less chemical and energy inputs but can reach an annual output of more than 20 kg/m2of organic fruit and vegetables (4lbs/ft2).

Te six main principles that we're implementing in order to establish a local agricultural policy with low greenhouse gas output are as follows:

(1) Fertilizing the soils with compost and green fertilizers, thus maintaining moist humus and plantbased biomass levels that sequestrate carbon and ensure durable fertility.

(2) Systematic use of diversified crops, which by increasing biodiversity save using chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides and fungicides.

(3) Minimal tillage such as mulch or nonplowing, thus preserving microorganisms and a permanent plant cover that structure the soil and limit erosion.

(4) Researching alternative methods such as milpa or push-pull, whose complementary crops preserve the soils' ecological balance while promoting natural and biodegradable phyto-sanitary treatments against parasites.

(5) Growing self-reproducing, diverse endemic crops, and privileging the use of less hydrophilic ancestral seeds.

(6) Collecting and optimizing rainwater resources (especially during monsoon) by putting micro-dams and small filtrating embankments in place to replenish groundwater.

Jaypee thus becomes resilient and edible. Our quickset hedges replace barbwire and fences. Groves and tree rows reinvest our fields where millet, wheat or corn crops are rotated. In addition, our cereal crops, together with legumes such as beans and squash, reduce nitrogen inputs (responsible for green gases), while maintaining healthy protein levels. Our small farming businesses thus see their output grow through biodiversity.

Diseases, weeds and insect damage become less frequent thanks to such rebalanced ecosystems. Phyto-purification ponds and lagoons merge with the garden towers, in community orchards devoted to spices such as camphor laurels, bergamot trees and other cinnamon plants. They're dotted with urban farms and small animal farms producing eggs and dairy. Agricultural by-products (animal waste, farming residues, milking parlor water, etc.) are turned into methane that generates energy, which is then re-injected into our homes in real time.

Tropical fruit trees such as mango, banana and Bengal fig trees abound, as well as nectarproducing plants, medicinal plants and family vegetable gardens – not only in the streets, but also on façades, balconies and rooftops. Meanwhile, earthworms re-oxygenate the soil, and beetles and bees buzz again while pollinating flowers.

Bio-sourced garden towers built with crosslaminated timber

The Hyperions project is made of six garden towers, each 36-story high and comprised of housing and offices. The towers are built with cross-laminated timber (CLT) and are covered with orchard gardens. Their name comes from the tallest tree in the world, the Hyperion, a Sequoia Sempervirens found in Northern California, whose size can reach 115.55m.

All the wood required to build the garden towers comes from a Delhi forest, which is also managed sustainably, and in which we make sure to renew what we collect with respect for the appropriate cutting cycle and regenerating capacity. With its 68 million hectares of forest that covers 23% of its territory, India is one of the ten most wooded countries on the Earth, and the world's second largest producer of fruit and vegetables. Trapped as we are in the New Delhi smog, it is our duty to preserve those carbon-sequestrating forests now more than ever. Indeed, one cubic meter of wood can stock up to 0.9t of CO2while a tree grows.

4 亥帕龙木塔楼总平面/Masterplan of the 6 'Hyperions' wooden towers

5 绿化屋顶与温室鸟瞰/Aerial view of the green roof and greenhouses

6 悬挑美食花园鸟瞰/Aerial view of the hanging food gardens

7 食品阳台鸟瞰/Aerial view towards the edible balconies





Tat's why I wanted our architects to celebrate this green treasure by building tall structures with wood, because it's the material that provides the best environmental footprint during its lifecycle --from harvesting to recycling, through transportation, processing, implementation, maintenance and reuse.

Wood's manufacturing processes require less energy and are less polluting than those of standard materials such as steel or concrete, which negatively impact the environment. By substituting these materials with wood, we can avoid the emission of up to 1.1t/m3of CO2. Between its CO2-sequestrating capacity during its growth phase and its lowemission manufacturing processes, one cubic meter of wood therefore saves two tons of CO2.

In order to optimize the residential buildings, our engineers opted for a mixed structure, with a steel and concrete substructure for the earthquakeresistant foundations, parking areas and vertical core bases; and a superstructure made of solid wood columns, beams and walls, reinforced with steel blades where columns and beams meet. Each woodbased structural component is made of multiple panels laid perpendicularly to each other, and bound together with pintles and gudgeons or organic structural adhesives. The Hyperions' skeleton is made of 25% inert materials and 75% bio-sourced materials. This mixed structure is reputed for its strong mechanical resistance (including in the event of earthquakes); for its high resistance to fire; and for its high acoustic and thermal performance.

A plus-energy project that optimizes its environmental footprint

Wood, by definition a natural and renewable material, allowed us to minimize the 'inherent energy' of the materials used to build the six garden towers. Seeking a neutral environmental footprint, we wanted to go even further, by producing the 'operational energy' (for lighting, climate control, hot water, etc.) on-site, while recycling our liquid and solid organic waste into natural resources, recycled and recyclable in a closed loop, also on-site.

Tat's how my wife Kamalesh came up with the idea of wind lampposts that rhythm the greenbelt along the site. They produce their own electricity thanks to magnetic-levitation, vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) integrated on their pole.

8 朝向太阳能立面的绿带/View from the green belt towards the solar facades

For the towers, she imagined blue-colored, photovoltaic and thermal scales that wrap around the façades, following the course of the sun from East to West. These solar sensors also highlight the main balconies' infill panels, and pixelate the glass domes of the bioclimatic greenhouses – thus securing the production of sanitary hot water and artificial lighting. Even our electric cars are recharged in real time by those solar façades.

As for me, I suggested that the project be covered with a genuine, virtuous feeding ecosystem based on organic aquaponics. Tus, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, saffron and coriander grow in light substrates made of clay balls on each apartment's balcony and in hydroponic greenhouses. Tey are irrigated with water from ponds breeding several species of fish, whose excrement is naturally rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In these organic fish farms promoting mixed farming, we also find mollusks and crustaceans filtering and grazing the organic micro-waste. This vertical farming gives residents some food autonomy while saving on the land. Our food is produced mostly on-site or in neighboring agroforestry fields. We also manage to save up to 90% of our water needs, since it circulates in a closed loop via small pumped hydroelectric energy storage (PHES) plants.

The six garden towers look like a vertical village highly mixed socially, culturally and functionally. The flexible, evolutionary spaces dedicated to business incubators, living labs, coworking spaces, multi-purpose rooms and concierge services are located behind the solar facades. All apartments big or small, as well as student housing, open onto cascading hydroponic balconies. Indoor furniture is made of natural materials such as tamarind and sandalwood, and comes from local cabinetmakers, fab labs and recycling shops.

The various spatial uses are linked togetherwith footbridges, and converge under a large orchard roof that serves as a meeting place for our small urban farmer community. Whether it's summer, monsoon or winter, our families can meet there, pick fruit, go for a run, get some exercise in the sports hall's kabaddiifield, swim in the organic pool, or watch over their kids playing khoiin the playgrounds. These communal footbridges are irrigated by collected rainwater and residents' greywater, and the filtered water's organic nutriments are absorbed by the plants' roots. This network of sky-high suspended walkways allows residents to move from one tower to the other, from one use to the other, and to forge social and interdependent relationships among neighbors.

9 社区果园与沃罗诺伊圆顶/View from the community orchards and voronoi domes





由此,我们也创造了自己的伦理价值观:团结、公平,以及人类行为与自然的和谐共生关系。(司马蕾 译)

10 天桥与郁郁葱葱的花园/View from a sky footbridge and its lush garden

From Rajasthan, Jaypee inherits high temperatures and droughts, while freezing currents from the Himalaya can sometimes bring harsh winters. In order to secure the natural ventilation of our living spaces in this mostly hot and humid subtropical climate, we put together a natural climate control system, articulated along the vertical circulation cores of the wind chimneys. This system takes advantage of the earth's thermal inertia (under the foundations), which remains stable at 18oC all year round. Through natural airflow, the external air – which can reach 45oC and fall to 3oC in winter – is therefore naturally cooled or heated in contact with the earth, and so without using a single kilowatt of electricity. As you may have guessed, our village basically imitates the climate control of a termite mound.

11 入口处的绿带/View from the green belt towards the gateway

12 在社区农林的中心/View in the heart of the community agroforest

Top down and bottom up: When collaborative city rhymes with local resources and supply chains

The fusion of 'forest + agriculture + urban fabric' is a humanistic alternative that brings together the best of both the city and the countryside. From agroforestry to wood-based construction to permaculture and aquaponics, the Hyperions project is the symbol of a short supply chain economy based on harvesting local resources. This virtuous circle generates links between local producers and 'prosumers'. Residents, organic farmers, garden producers, agroecologists, loggers, agronomists, architects and designers: all participate in a sustainable production, distribution, consumption and recycling process.

Using this circular, collaborative economic model, we've been able to not only reinforce the economic fabric by creating local jobs, but also turn the project into a formidable sharing economy and co-construction playing field. Between the democratized technological innovations and the bottom-up social innovations, we've regained control of energy, resources and space. We've become the true actors of our city, as opposed to mere consumers.

We, the 'Urban Farmers', claim that converting worldwide agriculture into organic techniques and bio-sourced construction could reduce worldwide CO2emissions by about 40% by 2030. Hyperions is a sustainable agro-ecosystem project capable of resisting climate change thanks to its healthy economic and environmental ecosystems.

Solidarity, fairness, and the right symbiosis of human actions on nature: those are our founding ethical values.

译注/Translator's Note

i 卡巴迪(Kabaddi)和可可(KhoKho)是印度的两种传统运动/Kabaddi and Khokho are two kinds of traditional sports in India

13 空中花园中的永续农业温室/View from a permaculture greenhouse in the sky garden

14 入口大厅处的芳香花园/View from the aromatic garden in the enterance lobby(1-14图片来源/Copyrights: Vincent Callebaut Architectures)







XIAO Yiqiang: Injecting ecosystem and urban agriculture into urban construction will undoubtedly become a heated topic in the future. 'Hyperions' created a utopian concept that put technology and ecology in priority – to 'plant' a 'miniature city' that can provide the function of a city in an ecologically restored land. Te designer's dream of combining city and countryside is kind of a deja vu – the past 'Garden Cities' 'Radiant City' 'Broadacre City' and so on. Looking back on the historical influence of these grand compositions, when the element as 'social people' is put back, we still need to maintain necessary caution and sobriety when facing this kind of concepts. In the modern era, architects are more convinced that the evolving technology can solve the problems we encounter. Te innovation of 'Hyperions' lies in the vertical system: a vertical 'artificial ecosystem' that broke away from the horizontal 'natural ecosystem' and amalgamates urban function and ecological function. Te 'superficial' ecosystem that only exists on the surfaces of structures and earth obviously cannot solve the problem; engineering technology is needed to create an artificial ecosystem that takes sunshine, water, material and energy as prior elements and follows the natural ecological rules, achieving high performance and efficiency through perfect control. Te great cost that has been invested to achieve the high performance and efficiency, all comes out as a poetic premise of urban farming. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

LONG Hao: From the pictures to the introduction text, this project seems like an ideal new world of 'negative emission' been realised by the pen of an architect.

However, why do humans build? Why are there cities? What is the fundamental reason for the development of architecture? What is the purpose of green, lowcarbon, sustainable development, and bioprincipled city?

Even if we don't evaluate the feasibility from the point of construction technology, investment, or maintenance costs, human 'causing a scene' to build 6 buildings to 36 floors ('why not 26 or 46' is another question that can be asked), covering buildings with solar panels and wind power illumination, planting various plants and adding animals inside and outside of a building to create a so-called 'self-balancing bio-system', controlling the micro-climate temperature to reach 18oC while the outside temperature is 40oC 'without using any electricity' and so on, really put in a huge amount of efforts to create this beautiful-looking 'artificial natural environment'. However, isn't it still an 'artificial environment'? I'm afraid this act of 'trying' to fully imitate or recreate nature among large architecture(s) may not be the way of pursuing sustainable development in the construction activities of human, especially the construction activities for daily life. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)


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