

世界建筑 2017年4期


Architect: DUS Architects


3D Printed Façade for the EU Building, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2016


Architect: DUS Architects

1 外景/Exterior view






所有座位均为参数化设计并且与壁龛空间完美契合在一起。这个特意为轮值工作自主研发的示范性模型,在阿姆斯特丹运河畔运用特特大3D打印机打印。真人大小的打印机可以制造出尺寸为2m×2m×3.5m的建筑构件。构件由自主研发的特殊生物塑料制成,座位表面用浅色的混凝土填充。生物塑料在轮值工作结束后可以被粉碎并再次进行。这种3D打印技术在公共领域的应用在世界尚属打印首次。(天妮 译)

2 立面侧面/Elevation profile



Te project is the first commercial by-product caused by the collaborations on the 3D Print Canal House: an initiative of DUS architects and partners. The production of the 3D prints has been done by Actual, an Amsterdam-based start-up that develops online customizing software for building elements linked to XL 3D printing. Te facade has been developed in a very short time period thanks to the close collaboration between various parties: DUS (design), Actual (parametricdevelopment & 3D printing), Neptunus (temporary structures), TenTech (engineering), Henkel (material development), Philips (light), and Heijmans (construction and assembly). Heijmans, an innovationdriven building company, is a special partner of this project.摄影/Photos: Ossip van Duivenbode

3 日景/Day view

4 夜景/Night view

DUS architects produced façade design with large scale bio-plastic 3D prints for the Dutch EU Presidency 2016.

The EU Presidency takes place in the Netherlands for half a year starting January 2016 at the Amsterdam Marineterrein (Marine Area). Here European politicians gather in the mobile 'Europe Building' constructed especially for this event. Eye catcher is the entrance façade designed by DUS architects, which consists of unique 3D printed elements made of bio-plastic that can be fully recycled after the presidency is over.

Historical sailing ships and digital fabrication

The entrance of the building is partially constructed with playfully shaped sails that refer to the historical sailing ships once built in this area. Tis creates alcoves, which house EU-blue coloured 3D-printed benches. Te printed patterns build up from large to small and round to square and depict the variety and community of the EU countries. At night the sails are lit gradually with a pulsing light.

XXL 3D printing

Every seating element is parametrically designed and fits perfectly within each alcove. Tey are prototypes developed especially for the EU presidency, and printed locally with the XXL 3D printer of the 3D Print Canal House in Amsterdam. This life-size printer can print component with size up to 2m × 2m × 3.5m. Te prints are made of a specially developed bio-plastic and the seating surfaces are filled with light-coloured concrete. Te bio-plastic can be shredded and reprinted after the presidency is over. Tis is the first time in the world that these kinds of XXL 3D prints are being shown in the public domain.

5 日景局部/Te detail during the day

6 夜景局部/Te detail at night





L ONG Hao: In the environment of modern technology, architecture can be built by 'printing', the façades and materials of 'temporary buildings' don't seem so 'temporary', the delicacy and particularity of forms also reached a level that 'manual construction' era cannot reach. However, what kind of a progress is this? Bio-plastics, 3D printing, circulation, behind these seemingly dazzling terms that embody the goals of sustainable development and 'bioprincipled city', what's the essential meaning of this for architecture or architectural design? Enriching the intension or expanding the extension? What's the basic difference between architecture façades built by these new materials and methods, and the ones built with bamboos, woods, natural textiles, stones or other existing biodegradable materials? Tese questions may be helpful for 'architecture', an ancient subject as old as human history, to more calmly face the next possible hot spot 'bioprincipled city', and think about its own future path. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

LIN Borong: This project is a paradigm for the comprehensive unification of environmental awareness, advance technology with regionalism architecture. The delightful façade with its white sail shape, selected building material and external curvature, contribute to a lightness of the building itself. At the fall of night, the building and its lighting effect compensate each other, expressing the beauty of modern technology prominently. Many of the façade components are especially attractive. They are 3D printed components made from a type of bioplastic reinforced tensile fabric. Its diversified 3D printed patterns and varies sizes represents not only the most advanced technological achievements but also the unique culture of diversity along unity within the Europe Union. This special material is entirely biobased, made from linseed oil with feasibility for treatment and recyclable. In my perspective, utilising 3D printing technology in architecture on one hand brings lower energy consumption as well we transportation cost, on the other hand, the entire architecture could be easily disassembled and recycled. This will ultimately transform our construction method for the city, and bears a broad scope of future application for temporary exhibition architecture. (Translated by LUO Dan)

