

世界建筑 2017年4期

和马町/Martijn de Geus


和马町/Martijn de Geus




1 国家生物经济战略和政策



1.1 政府战略解释























1.2 研究和发展


The term bioeconomy[1]is often used in the Netherlands, but since Europe at large is setting course for a resource-efficient and sustainable economy, whenever there is a reference to bioeconomy in the Netherlands, it is used in accordance with the European definition of the term[2,3]. According to this definition, the goal of the bioeconomy is to create a more innovative and low-emissions economic model, which reconciles demands for 'sustainable agriculture and fisheries, food security, and the sustainable use of renewable biological resources for industrial purposes, while ensuring biodiversity and environmental protection'. Biobased policy development in the Netherlands started relatively early compared to peer countries1)[3], and is mostly driven by economic objectives, as strategic and environmental legislation2-4)[2]were already largely in place at the time5)[3]. A more or less full implementation is pursued, including the installation of a national policy, an implementation agency, a comprehensive research and development (R&D) program, and concrete implementation on both regional and local levels. In the first section of this paper, we discuss the installation of the National Bioeconomy Policy, together with the R&D Program. Te second part discusses the urban design–related implications of the policy, with the Biobased Delta region as its main case. The third part briefly introduces principles of biobased building. Te paper concludes with a short summary and policy recommendations.

1 从线性经济(左)到循环经济(右)的转型示意,结合了资源回收的经济链条位于中心/From linear (left) to circular economy (right); with a transitional model, ie. 'chain-economy with recycling' in the centre. (图片来源/Source: From Waste To Resource Program (VANG-program) of the government of the Netherlands)

1 National Bioeconomy Strategy and Policy

Strongly related to this European definition, but partially developed separately, is the Netherlands' National Bioeconomy Strategy, which started in 2007, was further developed in 2012, and was officially made part of a wider national government agenda on 'Green Growth and a Sustainable Economy' in 2013. This 'Green Growth Plan' was proposed in a government letter to the parliament in which the transition towards a bioeconomy was part of a larger framework of policy suggestions referring to the economic transition towards a circular model (Fig. 1). As part of a circular economy, a biobased economy is used to address that part of the economy that is active in producing biobased materials, products, and bio-energy, with interest in the biomass needed to achieve it[5].

Te responsible ministries include the Ministry of Economic Affairs (the main ministry in charge), the Ministry for Infrastructure and the Environment, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs[6]. In addition, there is the Netherlands' Centre for Biobased Economy, which is supported by several universities, including Wageningen University and Research (WUR), Inholland University of Applied Sciences, and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, as well as private enterprises.

1.1 Government Strategy Explained

According to the Minister of Economic Affairs, Henk Kamp, and his colleague Wilma Mansveld, state secretary for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Green Growth Plan relies on broad, integral collaboration[5]. A key principle in their policy outline, therefore, is to gather support from parliament, general society, and private enterprises. In addition, they identify the existing open economy in the Netherlands as creating the possibility of enabling an international approach. Such an approach could benefit more broadly from upcoming opportunities for green growth, and create a platform for the exchange of experiences with other pioneering economies. Compared to other EU countries at the time this strategy was developed, the Netherlands had some advantages, since parts of a policy system supporting the bioeconomy were already in place. These included tax incentives as well as collaboration between private and public entities as part of the bioeconomy – for example, in the area of sustainable extraction of resources, in which the government had already been working closely with private enterprises. To further specify the characteristics of the Green Growth Plan, we can identify four cornerstones of the subsequent government policy:

(1) Smart deployment of market stimuli

Meaning that prices of products and services should more accurately reflect the external effects that producing and consumption has toward the natural environment.

(2) Stimulating framework of laws and regulations

(3) Innovation

(4) Te government as network partner

This means that in the transition process towards a more sustainable economy, the government will act more as a facilitator of collaboration between knowledge institutes, government organizations, bottom-up initiatives and companies. The government's responsibility in this process is to govern the public interest, to maintain a fair balance between the interests of the other parties, and to connect local initiatives with other international plans.

2 生物基三角洲地理位置示意,包含生物基走廊的3个主要区域:绿色化学园区(专注于化学)、Nieuw Prinsenland(生物质处理)和穆尔代克(港口区)/Location of BioBased Delta, with three main sectors of the bio based corridor:the Green Chemistry Campus (chemistry), Nieuw Prinsenland(treatment of biomass) and Moerdijk (port area).(图片来源/ Source: location/)

3 泰尔讷普生物园/Biopark Terneuzen

2 城市规划与生物经济


2.1 生物基三角洲
















Inside this overall policy framework, with its four cornerstones, a total of eight domains have been identified, each presenting important challenges and opportunities. One of these domains is the biobased economy. The full list of domains that comprise the change toward a circular economy include:

(1) Energy: towards a sustainable, affordable and reliable energy supply

(2) Biobased economy: towards a replacement of finite fuels with sustainable resources (biomass)

(3) Climate: towards an ambitious (inter) national climate policy

(4) Waste: from waste to resource

(5) Building sector: towards an energy-efficient built environment

(6) Food: towards a sustainable agriculture and food supply

(7) Mobility: toward sustainable modes of transport

(8) Water: sustainably working with water

In addition to being part of a conscious effort in resource and climate production, the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands, which advises the Dutch government and parliament on key points of social and economic policy, is also quoted in the plan underlining the positive effects that the focus on the bioeconomy will have on the Dutch trade balance, and on employment opportunities. Actions on how government policy can stimulate specific aspects of the bioeconomy are outlined in the following recommendations:

·Focus on the optimal use of biomass for biorefinery techniques and further developing and applying biobased materials.

·Improve the settlement terms for the knowledge-intensive, biobased manufacturing industry.

·Establish EU-level criteria for the sustainable production and sourcing of resources.

·Stimulate research, innovation, and experiments for demonstration projects and pilot factories.

·Abolish the limitations for a biobased economy in laws and regulations.

1.2 Research and Development

In addition to the policy outlines, the Netherlands is also providing many types of direct support to R&D of the biobased and bioeconomy. According to research by Langeveld[3], several programs have been implemented to research biomass production and its conversion into fuels, energy, chemicals, and biomaterials. As early as 2013, just after compiling the policy outlines, national investment support totalled up to €120 million. According to the same survey, the discipline of bio energy (which includes biogas/anaerobic digestion, combustion, and gasification) is profiting most from this support, while bio plastics and other biomaterials are emerging application fields[3]. In addition, regional investments amounted to a total of €1.5 billion, with the largest share again being allocated to bioenergy (up to two thirds). Regional initiatives mostly focus on the final stage of the innovation cycle, relating to specific market formation, but showing considerable regional differentiation[3]4. Dutch public research programs are broadly oriented in terms of activities, instruments, and participants. Funding is strongly focused on agricultural production and the development and implementation of dedicated conversion technologies.

2 Urban Planning and the Bioeconomy

As an introduction to the effects of the biobased economy and related policies on actual urban planning and urban design implementations in the Netherlands, this section covers two types of related examples, both focused on the same southwestern region in the Netherlands. Te first example is a topdown initiative, directly following the government initiative discussed in the first part of this paper, with a partnership among (government) institutes, private enterprises, and regional stakeholders, working together on the 'Biobased Delta'. Te second example is a bottom-up, self-initiated research proposal for the same delta region, by a research collaborative lead by architecture studio Marco Vermeulen and sponsored by a Dutch government research grant.

2.1 Biobased Delta

The first example considers an interregional, top-down initiative, grouped together under the name 'Biobased Delta' (Fig. 2). This delta consists of the provinces of Zeeland, Zuid-Holland, and Brabant, all located in the southwestern river delta area, where entrepreneurs, knowledge institutes, and governments are working together towards a biobased economy. Te region has large agriculture, horticulture, and chemical sectors, an advantageous geographic location (along the Antwerp-Rotterdam axis), and room for various deep sea ports. In the Biobased Delta initiative, these opportunities together provide a setting for collaboration between multinationals, small-and medium-sized enterprises (the SME sector), knowledge institutions, and government agencies. These various parties are united under the name Biobased Delta, and together focus on three primary aspects of the biobased economy:

(1) Green raw materials

This includes researching and developing alternative raw materials to replace or supplement fossil fuels. This theme comprises four main material programs, focused on algae and seaweed, agricultural produce, natural ingredients, and natural fibres, respectively.

(2) Green building blocks

These building blocks include various alternative base materials to replace types of synthetic materials, chemicals, and coatings, like paint and glue, which are currently made from the chemical aromatics benzene, toluene, xylene, and phenol. These biobased alternatives are instead made from green raw materials. This sector also researches how fibres from agricultural residual flows can be utilized more effectively (e.g. in the sugar beet production cycle).

(3) Sustainable processes

The process industry itself could advance through understanding the various production cycles and related processes. Clean technology and the development and (large-scale) use of green raw materials and sustainable energy could then, in addition to better utilising residual flows like CO2, water, and heat, play an important role in achieving more sustainable industry processes.

Te Biobased Delta itself comprises three main regional clusters with a specific focus, that together form an integral biobased corridor; that is, the Green Chemistry Campus (focused on chemistry), Nieuw Prinsenland (treatment of biomass), and Moerdijk (the port area). Inside the Biobased Delta, several preferential locations, labelled as 'top locations', have been identified to mark the presence of green innovations and pioneering entrepreneurs in that specific area. Three representative top location clusters are listed below:

·Bio Base Europe and Biopark Terneuzen

The Bio Base Europe Training Centre in Terneuzen (Fig. 3) is an innovative educational centre that promotes the development of the biobased economy. Its activities include training process operators using simulators, organizing an exhibition for young people, and facilitating networking activities between companies. Biopark Terneuzen stimulates and facilitates synergy between companies in the area. The Biopark is involved in, for example, WarmCO2, which supplies residual heat and CO2from industrial processes to the greenhouse farming sector. The Biopark also houses production locations for biodiesel and biomass.

4 生物基骨干,生物基经济一体化/Biobased backbone; bio based economic integration(图片来源/Source: http:// (under creative common license))

2.2 生物基骨干



3 生物基建筑







·在外墙使用禾杆(比利时胡斯建筑事务所在Refuge II 使用)或者,




·使用回收的有机织物纤维作为绿植墙的基础,覆盖在建筑物的整个外观、完整木结构的顶部、荷兰代尔夫特理工学院的BlackBox Stylos展览馆内的底层(和马町与曼纳尔兹设计,图5)。

4 结论和建议




因此,除了主要关注相对低产能量替代品的现有政策制度之外,“最佳生物质增值”似乎提供了巨大的经济和生态机会。它可能涉及广泛的社会行动者,将每个人都变成“生物质供应商”,使每个人都成为循环经济的一部分,与当地生态环境息息相关。综上所述, “只有具有生态可持续性、符合社会公正且广受大众支持的生态经济才有真正的未来”[3]。

·Bioprocess Pilot Facility (Delft)

In this open pilot facility, companies, knowledge institutes, and consortia can scale up their biotechnological processes from the laboratory to industrial production. A wide variety of products are converted using fermentation techniques, including ethanol, complex biomolecules, and small molecules like monomers for bioplastics.

·Green Chemistry Campus

The Green Chemistry Campus accelerates the biobased economy on the interface between agriculture and chemistry. The campus offers excellent facilities and state-of-the-art business development programs with a focus on bio plastics, chemicals, and coatings.

In addition to the top locations, there are several smaller regional initiatives inside the Biobased Delta that focus on a specific production cycle inside the bioeconomy.

2.2 Biobased Backbone

The second urban planning example is a bottom-up, self-initiated design proposal for the same delta region, by a research collaborative lead by architecture studio Marco Vermeulen, which also includes the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions, developer BLOC, and 'green economy knowledge brokers' The Solid Grounds, funded by a Dutch government research grant provided by the Creative Industries Fund NL (Fig. 4). Te proposal started as an inquiry into regenerating the delta region, since the original conditions for making the region into one of the most prosperous in the world were fully fossil economy–based and no longer viable against upcoming markets in Asia and South America. Terefore, in a once-prosperous region, employment was declining and local eco-systems were suffering as part of long-term control and exploitation, resulting in collapsing local communities and the loss of oncebeautiful landscapes.

In fact, the research utilises the delta region as a specific focus for a general problem. The general problem considers the negative impact of the contemporary economic model on the local environment, climate, and heavy dependency on fossil fuels. At the same time, the delta region was chosen to show how a specific region can utilise its inherent potential as a start to transitioning into a biobased economy. The southwestern delta region is abundant with companies in the agriculture, horticulture, and chemistry sectors. Thus, because of the availability of biological resources (through the agricultural sector), together with a strong chemical industry and good collaboration between these sectors, the proposal claims this is a good starting point for the transition to a circular economy. Te team considers, for instance, how the petro-chemical industry could be combined with city heating, so that residual industrial heat could be used to heat houses. In addition, the biobased circular principle could provide an alternative source of income for local farmers, who, instead of growing crops for food, could consider their crops part of biomass resources. For instance, these organic resources could be a sustainable alternative for oil in the production of clothing, medicine, and other products. The proposal aims to transform every 'farmer or citizen, everybody in the Biobased Delta' into a supplier of biomass[7]. The proposal also claims that the cooperation and interaction between sectors and stakeholders in the delta will create an 'interdependent or 'smart' grid for all resources and flows', resulting in a cleaner environment, in which existing oil and gas pipelines could be 'converted for transportation of green components'. The designers claim that a 'biobased backbone' emerges, hence the title of the plan, where biomass and other resources are being exchanged, growing into a 'robust, efficient and sustainable metabolic system on a regional scale'. And since the plan proposes an interdependent system in which the agricultural, landscape, and chemical industries are better integrated with the environment, the landscape itself could also transform, resulting in 'a sustainable balance between technology and nature, and a better living quality for the people living in the cities and towns of the delta area'[7].

5 BlackBox Stylos展馆,代尔夫特理工,荷兰,与周围环境的对比/BlackBox Stylos Pavilion, TU Delft, the Netherlands, comparison with surrounding context(图片来源/Source: 作者提供/Image by author)

3 Biobased Building

In addition to policy and planning, this section considers the construction of biobased buildings, since, according to Professor Lichtenberg, the construction sector accounts for over 40% of global material consumption[8]; as such, he asks how the construction industry can contribute to the transition to a biobased economy. In order to answer this question, we should first understand that biobased building itself consists largely of two aspects. Firstly, it concerns energy, in a variety of forms (consumption, production, efficiency, etc.). Secondly, it concerns materials. According to Professor Lichtenberg, we will 'definitely solve the energy aspects sooner or later', but he is mostly concerned about the sustainable use of materials and resources in the actual construction of buildings. An integral approach that is focused on production chain analysis seems to be a logical answer, in which the construction industry actively looks to utilise biobased materials in the building of new structures. This approach is in addition to more general sustainable building strategies that include using fewer materials, improving spatial efficiency with more efficient programming and thus requiring fewer new buildings, the construction of adaptable and flexible buildings, recycling of construction waste, and so on. Regarding the proposed production chain approach, we can start to identify several chains in which biomass based (raw) resources can be utilized to substitute fossil fuel–based materials and products. These alternative resources can be divided into two main categories[8]:

·Purposefully cultivated main products

These are so called 'primary resources', which include crops such as corn, soy, wood, hemp, algae, and weeds.

·By-and waste products

Tese can originate from processes in landscape management, forestry, and agriculture, and can include roadside grasses, prunings, brewers' grains, manure, organic waste, and sewage sludge.

Biobased building can thus be defined as a construction method in which the materials used in the process of building, eventually (could) return to nature again[8], according to the biotic principles of the cradle-to-cradle philosophy. There are already several built examples that have substituted certain traditionally manufactured materials with one of these biobased materials, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Examples include:

·the use of straw in exterior walls (Refuge II by Goes Architecten, Belgium)

·the use of straw in roofs (in a visitor centre by Wingårdhs architects in Sweden)

·the use of earthen walls (e.g. by Martin Rauch, in his house in Austria)

·a full house interior in wood (by Onix architects in a private house, the Netherlands), and

·the use of recycled, organic clothing fabric as a base for a living plant wall that covers the entire exterior of the building, on top of a full wooden structure in the BlackBox Stylos pavilion for TU Delft, the Netherlands (by De Geus and Mannaerts. Fig. 5).

4 Conclusion and Recommendations

First of all, the biobased economy can be considered a highly promising aspect of a more sustainable economy, and a means by which to transition to a circular economic model, while simultaneously benefiting the local population, economy, and environment.

Considering recommendations for further development, according to Langeveld, many countries in the past five to ten years have started to implement national strategies for the bio and biobased economy, but some countries are further along in their implementation[3]. Ideally, the bioeconomy should be an efficient economic system that produces no waste and no longer relies entirely on fossil-based feedstock, but instead runs mainly on biomass (i.e. plant-based raw materials such as trees, other vegetation and algae, and animal material such as offal and cooking fat). As for the situation in the Netherlands, from the overview in this paper, it can be observed that various aspects of the biobased economy – policy; large-scale, regional, top-down plans; bottom-up research and development; and smaller-scale building works – indeed seem to work together in creating a stimulating climate for further advancing this transition.

However, to fully progress into a biobased economy, the first challenge seems to be to make the core of the bio-economic concept – the transition towards biomass as the primary energy carrier – a policy imperative. Since, in past years, the political debate has emphasized the potential negative effects of biofuels[9]11, it seems the governing bodies have 'lost sight of the possibility that we can make more efficient use of biomass'. In other words, they have lost sight of the primary strategy of creating an efficient, integrated, circular economic model that derives the most economically valuable components from the biomass first. This primary strategy could be titled 'optimal biomass valorization' and could replace government policies that promote less optimal applications of primary renewable resources, such as creating biofuels from agricultural feedstock that could have also been used for food (first), and then using what remains for lower-value applications, such as energy.

Thus, in addition to existing systems of policy that focus largely on relatively lowyielding energy replacements, optimal biomass valorization appears to offer enormous economic and ecological opportunities. It could involve a wide range of social actors, turning everybody into 'a supplier of biomass', making everybody part of the circular economy, linked to their local ecological environment. To conclude, 'the bio-economy only really has a future if it is ecologically sustainable, socially just, and publicly supported'[3].


1)基于参考文献[3]:“早期生物经济政策战略已经被许多国家发表,如丹麦(2009、2012)、德国(2010、2014)、法国(2012)、美国(2012)、瑞典(2012)和南非(2013)”,而荷兰开始于2007年/According to[3]: 'Early bioeconomy policy strategies have been published by a number of countries including Denmark (2009, 2012), Germany (2010, 2014), France (2012), the USA (2012), Sweden (2012) and South Africa (2013)' , compared to the Netherlands, that started in 2007.

2)例如,国家可再生能源行动计划的一部分/For instance, as part of the National Renewable Energy Action Plan

3)Hoofdlijnennotitie Biobased Economy (2012)是生物基经济中的一个中长期愿景和战略政策/ Hoofdlijnennotitie Biobased Economy (2012), is a midand long term vision and strategy for the biobased economy.

4)共同致力于经济增长和环境改善,且对生物经济持续支持/Jointly addresses economic growth and environmental improvement, and continued support for the Bioeconomy. 5)与同等国家相比,大多数情况下经济驱动力在生物经济政策的发展中都占居主导地位,战略(食品安全)和环境(气候变化,废弃物减排)等方向的驱动是次要原因,参见参考文献[3]/In fact, also when comparing to these peer-countries, in most cases, economic drivers are dominant reason for the development of a bioeconomy policy; strategic(food security, energy independency) and environmental (climate change, waste reduction)drivers are given a lower priority. See[3].


[1] German Bioeconomy Council, 2014.

[2] 'Green growth' (kamerbrief-groene-groei-vooreen-sterke-duurzameeconomie.pdf' [2017-03-05] kamerbrief-groene-groei-voor-een-sterkeduurzameeconomie.pdf.

[3] Langeveld, JWA. et al., Te Biobased Economy and the Bioeconomy in the Netherlands, 2016, Biomass Research Wageningen.

[4] European Commission, Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe, Brussels, 2012. [2017-03-05] innovating-for-sustainable-growth-pbKI3212262/.

[5] Kamp, H., and Mansveld, W., Kamerbrief groene groei voor een sterke duurzame economie, Rijksoverheid, 2013.

[6] Burns, C., Bioeconomy Factsheet of the Netherlands, 2015, Bio Base NWE.

[7] Vermeulen, et al. Biobased Backbone (2015) [2017-03-05] biobasedbackbone.

[8] Böttger, W., Bio Based Bouwen, 2016, Centre of Expertise Bio Based Economy.

[9] Asveld L., R. van Est & D. Stemerding (Eds), Getting to the core of the bio-economy: A perspective on the sustainable promise of biomass. Te Hague: Rathenau Instituut, 2011.

[10] National Bioeconomy Profile the Netherlands. [2017-03-05] default/files/generated/files/country/National%20 Bioeconomy%20Profile%202014%20The%20 Netherlands_0.pdf .

Bioeconomy in the Netherlands: A Review on Urban Policy and Pilot Projects

The Netherlands is one of the countries that aims to innovate its economy from a resource-depleting, high-emission linear economy to a low-emission, resourceneutral circular model. This desire for change is largely driven by a need for resource and climate protection, in order to avoid irreversible damage to global ecosystems and related economic risks. Biobased policy development in the Netherlands started relatively early compared to peer countries, as the Dutch government compiled a national Bioeconomy strategy to stimulate this transition in 2007, and further defined it in 2012 and 2013. A national agency, the RVO (the Netherlands Enterprise Agency), has been tasked with implementing national Bioeconomy policies, and several research centres have taken on this topic, including the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions, and the Netherlands' Centre of Expertise Biobased Economy, established specifically for this purpose. In addition, several key sectors, seven priority 'top locations', and respective pilot projects have been identified or initiated. Te key objectives in the National Bioeconomy Strategy are sustainable biomass valorization, the production of biobased materials, and the use of residues for biofuels, electricity, and heat. Tis paper focuses on the implementation of bio economic strategy in the Netherlands, considers how government policies accommodated this process, and introduces several relevant (pilot) projects on the urban and architectural scale.

bioeconomy, the Netherlands, policy, pilot projects



