

中国-东盟博览(政经版) 2017年4期

□ 文/本刊首席记者 陈丽冰

Written by Chen Libing / Translated by Xu Zhiliang


□ 文/本刊首席记者 陈丽冰







“交往多了,感情深了,心与心才能贴得更近。我们要促进青年、智库、议会、非政府组织、社会团体等的友好交流,为中国—东盟关系发展提供更多智力支撑,增进人民了解和友谊……”2013 年10月,中国国家主席习近平在出访印尼时发表了题为《携手建设中国—东盟命运共同体》的重要演讲,并倡议将2014 年确定为中国—东盟文化交流年。











不仅如此,据中国—东盟博览会秘书处透露,将于2017 年4月13~15日举办的2017东博会文化展在以往的基础上,更将呈现“一展三节”格局,即东博会文化展、动漫游戏节、中国—东盟微映像节以及中国—东盟国际少儿文化节,集中展示东盟创意文化、省市创意文化、广播影视、微映像文化、少儿艺术文化、红木收藏、民间工艺等众多精彩纷呈的系列活动,为双方民众带来新的一场文化盛宴。




CAEXPO Cultural Exhibition: A Visual Feast for Its Target Audiences

Written by Chen Libing / Translated by Xu Zhiliang

The ancient Maritime Silk Road has linked China, ASEAN and other countries or regions along the route since its creation over 2,000 years ago, making great contributions to interactions among diversifi ed cultures. Currently, with the 21stCentury Maritime Silk Road Initiative put forward, its core platform — China-ASEAN Expo (hereinafter referred to as CAEXPO) has been serving as a bridge for cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries. CAEXPO Cultural Exhibition, as an integral part of CAEXPO, has been steadily facilitating the people-to-people exchanges between the two sides since 2014.

Serving CAEXPO

“We should encourage more friendly exchanges between youth, think tanks, parliaments, NGOs and civil organizations of the two sides, which in turn will offer more intellectual support to the growth of China-ASEAN relations and help increase the mutual understanding and friendship between our peoples,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping when paying a state visit to Indonesia in October 2013, and he also proposed to set 2014 as China-ASEAN Cultural Exchange Year.

Our memories of the 1stCAEXPO Cultural Exhibition held in 2014 remain fresh: Calligraphers in the China-ASEAN region and beyond, as well as numerous Chinese children attending calligraphy classes took part in the creation of a 100-meterlong painting and calligraphy scroll with the theme of “21stCentury Maritime Silk Road”, demonstrating the cultural essence of the two sides; New Chinese-Vietnamese Dictionary compiled by relevant experts from China and Vietnam was first published; China and Laos signed a cooperation agreement to produce the film Love in Luang Prabang; Guangxi (China) and Singapore officially started the coproduction of the fi lm I Meet You, You Find Me, etc.

At the 2ndCAEXPO Cultural Exhibition in 2015, China Guangxi Jieli Publishing House displayed hundreds of original or introduced books; Vietnamese actresses wearing Ao Dai — a featured national dress in Vietnam — made their appearance, reproducing the most fascinating screen of Toi muon den Viet Nam, a fi lm produced by China and Vietnam; Thailand’s Muay Thai and traditional handicrafts delivered the charm of Thai culture and customs to the audiences; and China also held various theme activities such as China-ASEAN Tea Fairies Contest and China-ASEAN Civilized Teenagers Etiquette Contest.

Aside from splendid activities, all the exhibits appealed to the audiences. In the China-themed pavilion, we could see dazzling items on display: ceramics, Sichuan embroideries and palm-plaiting articles, potteries, bronze crafts, Thang-ga, Chinese instrument and so on.

“The implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative depends on strong social foundation and people-to-people bonds. Currently, driven by both China-ASEAN Cultural Forum and CAEXPO Cultural Exhibition, culture seems to play an increasingly significant role in cooperation between China and ASEAN,” noted Wang Yongjian, a deputy-director-level counselor from the Ministry of Culture, P.R.C.

Keeping pace with the times

CAEXPO Cultural Exhibition has been always following the idea of keeping pace with the times and blazing new trails in a pioneering spirit, which represents a feature of CAEXPO. Due to both the advancement of cooperation and the cultural and economic harmony between China and ASEAN, audiences who are engaged in this exhibition can embrace brilliant cultures.

In 2015, for example, Korea, as the Special Guest of Honor of the 12thCAEXPO, held a wide range of etiquette- and culture-themed activities. Of particular note is that “Special Guest of Honor” is to be changed into “Special Cooperative Partner”. Moreover, to meet the demands of China-ASEAN cultural enterprises and further explore the China-ASEAN cultural market, a collection of featured cultural products, such as distinctive cultural images of Chinese cities or ASEAN countries, and pottery & porcelain culture, were exhibited at the CAEXPO Cultural Exhibition (2015), with a total exhibition area of 25,000 square meters.

Furthermore, an extraordinary exhibition layout — which is made up of the existing cultural exhibition, China-ASEAN Cartoon & Animation Festival, China-ASEAN Mirco-film Festival and China-ASEAN International Children Festival — will make its debut at CAEXPO Cultural Exhibition (2017) on April 13-15, 2017, with a view to demonstrating regional creative cultures, radio, film & television products, microfi lm culture, rosewood collections, folk arts and crafts, and so on.


阅读之美 摄于第29届书博会