

甲骨文与殷商史 2017年0期



2011年5—6月,筆者有幸在劍橋大學圖書館手稿室整理了該館珍藏的金璋檔案資料。在這些檔案資料中,筆者找到了一封明義士寫給金璋的書信。這封書信是明義士在1933年2月寫的,采用的是印有“山東濟南齊魯大學CEELOO UNIVERSITY, TSINAN, CHINA”字樣的信封和印有“CEELOO UNIVERSITY TSINAN, CHINA, CHINESE RESEARCH INSTITUTE濟南私立齊魯大學國學研究所”字樣的信紙。信封保存相對完好,只是右上角的郵票被撕掉了。信封裏面共有三張信紙,正反兩面都有文字。第一張信紙和第二張信紙正反兩面的頁眉中間位置標有1、2、3、4的字樣,應爲頁碼順序。第一張信紙上標有日期“Febr13/33”,即寫於1933年2月13日。第三張信紙似爲裁過的,只有半頁紙大小,頁眉上没有寫頁碼,只標有日期“1933 Febr15”,即寫於1933年2月15日。據此可知,明義士在1933年2月13日寫了一封信,2月15日又補充了一些内容,一起寄給了金璋。第四頁的最後一句話並不完整,可知這封書信内容有所缺失。根據這最後一句内容推斷,缺失的部分應是明義士向金璋介紹他1928年12月前往印度的各種經歷。




TSINANFebr 15/33

Dear Mr. Hopkins,

I presume this note will be to you like a voice from the dead. I have not written for so long a time that it seemed hardly right to do so until I had something worth while to write about.

After the war I returned to my mission station in Changtefu, Honan, and with a very much depleted staff carried on. Little time was left for “oracle bones”, but I kept in touch with all, or at least most of the things that were found in the neighborhood of the “Waste of Yin”. I had hard enough work to keep pace with the various “objects” which increased my knowledge of the Shang dynasty, without putting in extra work on bone decipherment. I secured a lot of broken fragments of many kinds of pots and implements (most things are broken) and a find of hard bones like yours that came from under the village site of Hsiao Tun. Then in April 1927 we had all to leave Honan. Our mission has been in Honan since 1889, and many billows of war have gone over us. The people reckon us as a part of themselves; even the bandits have left us alone. So we left most of our things in Honan expecting to be back again after a prolonged summer holiday in Tientsin and Peitaiho. I had not had an opportunity to go over my first collection published in 1917.OracleRecordsFromTheWasteofYin. 2367 fragments. They were all packed up in a case unopened since before the war. So I took these along and my most recent set found 1924 mentioned above which was also packed up —— all my other bone fragments. The many thousands of fragments unsorted and the culls mentioned in the introduction of my “OracleRecords” and all the odd gatherings since the war together with all the pottery and other objects were left in their cases in my home, or open on the shelters in our cellar.

Well to make a long story short. The soldiers, the regular army of the country occupied our hospitals, schools, and houses. They smashed almost everything they could lay their hands on, tore up the books and left little or nothing worth anything. The bones they tore out of their bundle in the cases (for I had wrapped them up and sealed them from the air to preserve them) and trampled them to powder. When, Mr. Griffith (my colleague since dead) and I returned in 1928 July, there was a pile of crushed bone and dirt on the floor where the cases had been a foot deep and almost 10 feet in diameter. The soldiers were then in occupation of the buildings and we only got an opportunity to enter the compound and see the buildings during the internal after one troop moved out and before the next troop moved in the next day. I had some of the dirt and bones shoveled into a couple ofkuangand sifted in an ash sifter but I did not yield 30 fragments of any interest whatever. The pottery was all smashed. I was later able to find in debris some fragments of interesting shapes and repair them and to recover some stone implements which were not so easily destroyed. All Chinese books either disappeared or were mutilated. On the wall in my study I noted the timetable of the officers cadet corps which had occupied it. It certainly seemed that the men who did the destruction knew what they were about for all maps and illustrations were torn out of the books that were left and the books broke where the corners were not completely torn off. It must have taken weeks to do it and it is no easy thing to wrench the back off a well-bound book.

Needless to say, the reprints from R.A.S. journal of your articles were lost. I believe I recovered one of them. If I lay my hands on it, I shall send it to you as a sample of what happened to the rest.

In Dec1928, we went on furlough and I spent 3 months in India visiting the Buddha country and central India and from there (以下内容缺失)


TSINANFebr 15/1933

Dear Mr. Hopkins,

I do hope this will be possible. If your bones are ever going into other private hands, I should like to make a bid for them. If they are to be public, then they will be available.

J. M. Menzies






戰争之後,我回到河南彰德府的傳教站,在人手不足的情况下繼續傳教,*這句話中的“戰争”是指“第一次世界大戰”。一戰期間,明義士於1917年應募到法國服役,1920年又被遣返中國,回到安陽繼續傳教。明義士在《殷虚卜辭》序言中寫道:“這篇序言是1917年3月31日在上海的幾個小時内寫下的。那時我的家人正匆匆準備返回加拿大,而我則準備到歐洲服兵役。”(Kelly & Walsh,1917年,頁9)明義士之子明明德先生在《〈甲骨研究〉序二》中寫道:“1917年至1920年,明義士服務於英國在華北招募的中國勞動軍,被派往法國服役。1921年至1927年仍回到彰德。也就是在這期間,他收集到大量的甲骨、陶器和青銅器等古物。”(齊魯書社1996年影印本,頁6)這兩段話説的也是同一件事情。根據《第一次世界大戰時期赴法華工研究》(李祥,暨南大學碩士論文,2013年)的研究,一戰期間中國勞工的招募始於1916年,一戰結束後其成員便被陸續送回中國,遣送工作從1918年12月開始,直到1920年9月才徹底完成。明義士先生在法國服役的時間,恰好是在這個時間段内。很少有時間研究“甲骨”,但我一直關注“殷墟”附近地區發現的全部或者至少大部分古物。我做了大量扎實的工作,搜集那些豐富了我對商代認識的各種“物品”,但在甲骨文字釋讀上没有投入額外的工作。我搜集了很多各種陶器和器具(大多已破碎)的殘片,也獲得了一批小屯村挖出的字骨,這批字骨跟您的藏品相似。1927年4月,我們都被迫離開河南。*明義士這次被迫離開安陽,是由於北伐戰争已經波及安陽。“1926年國民革命軍北伐,加拿大傳教士第二次撤離安陽。1928年9月,加拿大傳教士重返安陽。”(劉志慶、尚海麗: 《加拿大傳教士與安陽》,《殷都學刊》1999年第1期)我們的傳教士從1889年開始就在河南傳教,經歷了各種戰火硝烟。本地人已經把我們當成了自己人,土匪都不來騷擾我們。因此,我們把大部分東西都留在了河南,期待在天津和北戴河度過漫長的暑假之後再回到這裏。我有機會出版第一本甲骨著録書是在1917年,題爲OracleRecordsFromTheWasteofYin(《殷虚卜辭》),共著録2367片甲骨。*《殷虚卜辭》著録了2369片甲骨。這些甲骨都包好放在箱子裏,戰争爆發前都未曾打開過。因此,我就把這些甲骨,以及上文提到的1924年最新獲得的一批甲骨——這批甲骨是包裝好的,也是我“所有其他的甲骨”——隨身帶走了。《殷虚卜辭·序言》中提到的幾千片没有整理著録的碎骨和次品,以及我回到彰德後所購買的其他古怪的藏品,以及所有陶器和其他東西,我都把它們留在了家裏,或者裝在箱子裏,或者放在地下室的書架上。*由於北伐戰争的侵擾,1927年4月明義士被迫離開安陽,到天津和北戴河避難,1928年7月又回到安陽。明義士隨身帶走了一些甲骨,包括《殷虚卜辭》著録的一批和1924年在小屯村購買的一批。選編《殷虚卜辭》時未入選的甲骨,則和銅器、陶器、古籍等一起留在了安陽家中。明明德先生對此事也有所叙述:“1927年春天,軍閥混戰波及豫北,傳教士紛紛撤退到天津。明義士選出帶有長篇刻辭和他感興趣的甲骨先期運往天津,但大量的小片甲骨和陶器、銅器殘件以及中文古籍等都在這次戰亂中慘遭摧毁。”(《〈甲骨研究〉序二》,齊魯書社1996年影印本,頁6)明義士在《殷虚卜辭》序言中也寫道:“本書共著録了2369片龜骨刻辭殘片,是從近1.5萬片龜骨刻辭中精選出來的,也是第一本内容全面的龜甲刻辭摹本。”(頁6)可知,留下的慘遭損毁的小片甲骨也有12000多片。









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