On 16 December 2016, Mountain Jinzi in Lianshan Zhuang and Yao Autonomous County is covered with ice fl owers, just like the scene in the poem, "as if thousands of pear trees suddenly turn out in full blossoms overnight in the spring breeze."
2016 年 12 月 16 日,连山壮族瑶族自治县的金子山上挂满了冰凌花,犹如“千树万树梨花开”。
On 13 December 2016, it's the best time to dry and preserve persimmons
in Anxi County, Quanzhou, Fujian Province. The villagers are peeling persimmons and putting them on the racks on their roofs. Seeing from the air, the village is full of “Golden houses”.
2016 年 12 月 13 日,福建泉州安溪县光德村进入柿饼晒制的最佳季节。村民们将柿果去皮放到屋顶的架子上晾晒,从空中俯瞰,满村尽是“黄金屋”。
On 15 December 2016, it's minus 30 degrees in Chagan Lake area when the fi rst winter fi shing begins. This kind of fi shing can be originated from the pre-history time and was highly developed in Liao and Jin Dynasties, and has been kept and inherited over thousands of years.
2016 年 12 月 15 日,零下 30 度的查干湖,开始冬季捕鱼第一网。这种渔猎文化源于史前,盛于辽金,千百年来一直传承着。