新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 2 STEP BY STEP随堂通


中学生英语·阅读与写作 2017年3期

Section A



1. Jim u gets up at six in the morning. 2. Kelly can s French very well.

3. Mary often h a shower in the morning.

4. Do you want to k something about my school?

5. What t does Alicia get to school?


( )1. Here are your new clothes, please .

A. put on them

B. put it on

C. put them on

D. put on it

( )2. Thanks for me with the math problem.

A. helping

B. to help

C. help

D. helps

( )3. I am busy English in my room now.

A. to read B. reading

C. read D. reads

( )4. I want to know something your evening.

A. about B. on

C. around D. for

( )5. He at 6:00 in the afternoon every day.

A. get home

B. gets to home

C. gets home

D. get to home

( )6. a good time to listen to him sing!

A. How B. What

C. Why D. When

( )7. at 7:30 in the morning every day.

A. The classes begins

B. Class begin

C. Class begins

D. Classes begins

( )8. He his homework Sundays.

A. doesnt; on

B. dont do; in

C. doesnt do; on

D. dont; on

Section B


( )1. I have homework every day.

A. many; do B. many; to do

C. much; do D. much; to do

( )2. —Whats the time now?

—Sorry, I dont know. I dont have a


A. book B. bag

C. watch D. bed

( )3. — does he usually go to bed?

—He usually goes to bed at 10 p.m.

A. How B. What

C. Whats time D. What time

( )4. —Its 5:30 p.m. Its time to .

—OK. Lets go.

A. go to school B. go home

C. have breakfast

D. go to bed

( )5. —

—Yes. Lets go for lunch.

A. Is it time for supper?

B. When do we have lunch?

C. Is it 12 oclock?

D. What time is it?

( )6. Do you often a shower after you get up every morning?

A. make B. let C. take D. work

( )7. —

—At 8:30.

A. Do you have a watch?

B. What time does your school start?

C. Whats the time?

D. What time is it?

( )8. — you write and read


—No, I .

A. Do; cant B. Do; do

C. Can; dont D. Can; cant


Wang Li is twenty one years old. She is a good 1 . She drives a car to a 2 . She 3 from Sunday to Friday. Her home isnt 4 the factory. She gets up 5 in the morning. Its usually at six. She goes to work at 6:30. 6 7:30 she must get there. She has 7 in the factory. She has lunch there, too. She 8 the factory at 5:00 in the afternoon. She cooks and then does housework in the evening. She likes 9 very much. She likes watching TV, 10 . She goes to bed at about 10:30 p.m.

( )1. A. worker B. bus driver

C. taxi driver D. doctor

( )2. A. shop B. hospital

C. factory D. farm

( )3. A. studies B. buys

C. comes D. works

( )4. A. far B. in front

C. out D. near

( )5. A. early B. late

C. not D. before

( )6. A. After B. At

C. Between D. Late

( )7. A. something B. breakfast

C. food D. nothing

( )8. A. gets B. arrives

C. leaves D. drives

( )9. A. reading B. to read

C. reads D. read

( )10. A. very much B. much

C. too D. very


Janet Jin is a tennis star. She is thirteen y 1 old. She usually gets up at seven oclock. She e 2 breakfast at seven thirty. Janet and her friend usually play t 3 at eight thirty. They play for three h 4 . At twelve oclock, Janet eats a big l 5 . School s 6 at one oclock. At four oclock, she usually plays tennis again. At six oclock she has dinner. Janet usually d 7 her homework at seven thirty. At nine oclock she w 8 tennis on TV. Janet usually goes to bed at a 9 ten thirty. Tennis is Janets l 10 !

1. y 2. e 3. t

4. h 5. l 6. s

7. d 8. w 9. a

10. l

Self Check


( )1. —Does he a bus every day?

—No. He walks home.

A. taking; to home B. taking; home

C. take; to home D. take; home

( )2. — you play chess well?

—Yes. So I want to join the chess club.

A. Do B. Is

C. Does D. Are

( )3. There are lots of to do every day.

A. things B. homework C. news D. maths

( )4. Do you often tell about your everyday life?

A. his B. he

C. her D. they

( )5. —She wants an orange.

—OK. I will give one to her.

A. to eat B. eating

C. eat D. eats


Hello! My name is Tom. I love weekends. I always get up late on weekends. For breakfast, I only have fruit. Its usually a(n) 1 . But I have a big lunch. My mom makes it for me. It tastes 2 . I like to 3 in the afternoon. I usually play soccer.

4 I swim. In the evening, I either play computer games or 5 TV. I always go to bed late.

6 my best friend Tim doesnt like weekends. He has a part time job (兼职) in a station. He does some cleaning at the station. He always 7 on weekends. He never has time to play 8 us. He usually 9 home from work at 10:00. After taking a shower, he 10 . He falls asleep (入睡) quickly.

( )1. A. milk B. apple

C. egg D. vegetable

( )2. A. useful B. well

C. good D. happy

( )3. A. walk B. work

C. exercise D. dress

( )4. A. Only B. Always

C. Never D. Sometimes

( )5. A. see B. watch

C. look D. find

( )6. A. And B. But

C. So D. Because

( )7. A. writes B. works

C. calls D. plays

( )8. A. about B. of

C. from D. with

( )9. A. gets B. cleans

C. takes D. plays

( )10. A. gets dressed B. goes to work

C. goes to bed D. does sports


Mrs. Brown is a worker. She works in a big factory. She gets up at five thirty every morning. She often has breakfast at six fifty. After that she goes to the factory by bus at half past seven. She cleans the machines when she gets there very early. Then her workmates come. They begin to work at 8:00. They all work very hard. She goes home at five. Then she does some cooking. After supper she usually helps his son Tom with his homework. Sometimes she reads books. She usually watches TV with her family on weekends.

( )1. What time does Mrs. Brown get up?

A. 5:00 a.m. B. 5:30 a.m.

C. 6:00 a.m. D. 6:30 a.m.

( )2. Whats Mrs. Browns job?

A. A teacher. B. A worker.

C. A farmer. D. A driver.

( )3. What does Mrs. Brown usually do at six fifty?

A. She has breakfast.

B. She brushes her teeth.

C. She takes a shower.

D. She goes to work.

( )4. What does Mrs. Brown usually do after supper?

A. She helps her son with homework. B. She watches TV with her son.

C. She goes shopping.

D. She takes a walk.

( )5. When does Mrs. Brown usually watch TV with her family?

A. In the morning.

B. In the afternoon.

C. On weekdays.

D. On weekends.


Taking Meals(就餐)