Journal of Social Work
No . 3
Jun 2017
A bimonthly
(1)Discuss on the“Sociality”of Social Work
CHEN Feng CHEN Tao•3•
Some understanding and practice of socialwork putw rong and one-sided emphasis on professionalism and lack socialness.And other arguers take biased viewpoints on socialwork’s socialness,leading to some kindsofopposition between socialnessand professionalism.Thispaper tries to begin from the treatises in sociology,social theory and social psychology on socialness,to differentiate and analyse its comprehensive and exactmeanings.Further,it seeks to grasp the socialness in social work better.This article presents thatsocialness fundamentallymeans the nature of people’s interaction and relation,and the social work’s socialness implies that it concentrate on social perspective,take people’s interactionsand relations as both its end and itsmeans.At the same time,the socialwork’s socialness is just its professionalism. These two arenot in contradiction,rather in unity.
(2)The‘Social’Direction in the Development of Social Work in China
XU Xuan-guo•9•
In the process of social transformation and institutional transition,socialwork should notbe reducedto a"governance",butshould be a social protectionmechanism that is comm itted to the realization of people-oriented and responsive to community needs,which hasprompted us to turn theattention from the technology of socialwork to the"sociality"of socialwork.By criticizing the existing theoretical paradigm and its limitson the above issues,and w ith the help of Polanyi's"embedded"thoughtand socialprotection theory,the author tries to construct the theoreticalcore of"sociality"of socialwork,from the dimensionsof social justice,social rationality,social protection and social solidarity,as a reflection to consider a possible framework on the development of socialwork in China.At the same time,in the order to remodeling of "sociality"of socialwork,"community"should be broughtback to the center of theory and practice in socialwork,and"community"should be regarded as the practice field of socialwork and community interaction.Reconstructing"community"as the social attribute of people's life,emotion and spiritual community can explore the realmeaning of"society"in socialwork in community governance practice.This is the"social imagination"thatsocialwork needs in the Chinese language and cultureenvironment.
(3)Research on Scientification of Social Work:Thoughts and Contribution of The Reflective Social Work Theory
Scientification of Social Work:Thoughts and Contribution of The Reflective Social Work Theory Can social work be called a science and a profession?What is its scientific nature and social function? What is the relationship between socialwork theory and practice?How to construct the”professionalism and quality of socialwork?The reflective socialwork theory carry on the follow ing theoretical interpretation and scientific positioning of socialwork from a new perspective:Socialwork isnotonly a professional reflective science,but also a reflective profession.Social work science/theory is a reflective theory,which is different from the conventional scientific theory.Based on this scientific understanding,reflective socialwork believes that the core position of socialwork is not scientific know ledge,but the professionalaction.The quality and professionalism of socialwork can only be reflected through the professional action.Theprofessionalactionarises from the overall structure and framework of socialwork profession. And the core element for the construction of quality of professionalaction is the reflective professionality,itemphasizesa dialectical,structured,systematic,interactive reflection consciousnessand reflection ability.For example,the reflective perspective of relativity of know ledge and ability,attention to the interaction between socialworker and client,dialecticalunderstanding of the theory and practice,understanding of the casework in the social and environmental factors.Therefore the reflective professionalism becomesthe core essential factor for the construction of service quality of social work!The reflection ability becomes the core professional ability of the socialworker!The reflective socialwork theory is of decisive significance to promote the expansion of socialwork theory,the improvementof practice quality and professionaldevelopment.
(4)Professional Ethical Dilemmas and Risks of Social Workers:Based on Multi-subject Analysis of Practical field
LIQiao-m ing•48•
Follow ing the professionalization of socialwork in China,increasing dilemmas and risks have been producing from practice for socialwork.However,most researches on dilemma of socialwork are taken ethic theory as object,and philosophical speculation asmethod of study.What’smore,professional risks that are born w ith ethical dilemma of socialwork are ignored by academ ia basically.Therefore,through multi-subjectanalysis on practical field of“client-socialworker-agency-profession”,multiple-case analysis isused as studymethod to discuss the dilemmasand riskssocialworkers faced in Mainland China.The study found that professional dilemmas of social workers in Mainland China,which are represented by Shenzhen and Guangzhou,such as client self-determ ination or restriction,confidentiality or openness of privacy,private relations in professionalservices,and so on,aremainly resulted from lack of practicalexperience of socialworkers,absence or ambiguity of the professionalethicalnorm,the neglectof subjectivity of the client in ethicalpractice,and the cognitivem isunderstanding of ethicalprinciplesby socialworkers.Socialworkers’ethical dilemmas could produce occupational risks,such as physicalandmental safety,profession penalties,stakeholder’s prosecution and so on.Socialworkers can take advantage of several strategies,such as avoiding home-visit service alone,standardizing service processes,fam iliarizing w ith relevant laws and policies,and learning from senior practitioners to guard againstoccupational risks. In addition,professional associations and governments also need to learn advanced experience from Europe and the United States,Hong Kong and Taiwan,combinew ith local cultural traditions to build the localethicalsystem,and promote legalization for the practiceof socialwork.
(5)The Social Work Intervention Models of Children Welfare Services in china——Based on the Practical Experience of many Children’s Welfare Homes
FANG shu CHEN Chen•66•
With the socialand econom ic development,Children’swelfare isundergoing a profound transformation in our county.On the one hand,this transformationclosely follows the development of the concept of international child welfare services,on the other hand,it reflects the fact that local society pays high attention to the children’swelfare.During the process of development and transformation,socialwork,as one importantprofessional servicemechanism inmodern society,has gradually intervened into the practice of children’swelfare homes,and has formed four interventionmodelswhich were internal conversion,specialist introducing,social volunteer and multi-pronged.Analysis and comparison of thesemodels are not only beneficial to clarify the boundaries of professional socialwork intervention in children’swelfare services,butalso helpful to promote the levelof children’swelfare in our country.
(6)The Comparative Case Research of Official and Private Social Work Agency from the Perspective of Resource Dependence: Taking R Social Work Agency and Y Social Work Agency as Cases
ZHANG Shuai•74•
With further developmentof public adm inistration,socialwork agencies,as an important role in this process,have gained muchmomentum and taken on diversified development forms.This paper classifies socialwork agencies into official ones and private ones.The cases the author focuses on in this paper are two socialwork agencies in Beijing:R,an officialagency and Y,a private one.R is shortof adequate independence due tomuch interference from governing departments,lack of various source channelsand overindependence on local governments;Y achievesmore autonomy as it receives less control from government.As an executive andmentor of Socialwork agency,the governmentneeds to weaken the dom inance, interference and control of institutional affairs.And two kinds of social work agencies need to further broaden the channels of resources,realize the diversification of resources,so as to realize the independent developmentof socialwork agencies,to provide bettersocialservices for the society.
(7)Tendencies of Child welfare Research in the United States : Analyzes Papers Published in the Journal of Child Welfare through 2002 to 2012 in the United States
HUANG Xiao-yan•88•
Analyzing the research of child welfare in the United States is an importantway to know the child welfare developmentof this country.Thisessay analyzes404 paperspublished in the Journalof ChildWelfare through 2002 to 2012 in the United States,using the contentanalyzingmethod.It reveals themain tendencies in the field of US child welfare from 21 century including research topics,researchmethods,and author’s characteristics.
(8)Towards Governance: Theoretical Construction and Practical Development of Social Welfare in China
WANG Ya-nan HAN Yang-di SUIXin-tong PENG Hua-m in•101•
Themodernization of state governance and social governance has risen to be the core issue,even for the future longer period.Currently,the Chinese government is promoting the ideasof innovation,openness and sharing to accelerate the process of constructing amodern social organization system.This top-down momentum requires the adaptation of social welfare development both in theory and practice.Thus,the 8th Annual Academ ic Conference of the SocialWelfare Comm ittee Chinese Sociological Association set“Towards Governance:Theory and Practice of SocialWelfare”as the theme to facilitate the conversation among scholars,policymakers and practitioners and to explore the future agenda of socialwelfare governance.The conference also invited scholars from Japan and Korea as a tradition.A ll these shed a greatacademic valueand practice significance for policymaking and service delivering.