《上海国土资源》 2017年 第38卷 总目次The Total Contents of Shanghai Land & Resources (lSSN 2095-1329) 2017 Vol.38 No.1~No.4


上海国土资源 2017年4期

《上海国土资源》 2017年 第38卷 总目次
The Total Contents of Shanghai Land & Resources (lSSN 2095-1329) 2017 Vol.38 No.1~No.4


国土论坛 (Forum of Land Resources)

[1] 陈美球. 完善耕地保护机制,构建生态粮仓的对策思考[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):1-3.Chen M Q. Measures to perfect protection of cultivated land and construct an ecological granary[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(1):1-3. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.001.

土地研究 (Land Research)

[2] 关涛,蒋明利,欧阳安蛟,等. 浙江省城市区域建设用地节约集约利用动态变化特征分析及总体趋势[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):4-8.Guan T, Jiang M L, Ouyang A J, et al. Analysis on the dynamic change characteristics and the general trend of economical and intensive use of urban construction land in Zhejiang[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):4-8. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.002.

[3] 夏浩,苑韶峰,杨丽霞,等. 基于空间自相关分析的浙南城市群建设用地利用效益评价与分区管制[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):9-13.Xia H, Yuan S F, Yang L X, et al. The regulated zoning of construction land in the urban agglomeration of south Zhejiang based on spatial autocorrelation analysis[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):9-13. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.003.

[4] 刘曦,王军,何曼丽. 基于大数据的上海市存量土地开发潜力评价[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):14-20.Liu X, Wang J, He M L. Evaluating the potential of stock land development in Shanghai based on big data[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(1):14-20. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.004.

[5] 吴沅箐. 基于“五量用地法”的建设用地管控评估方法研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):21-24.Wu Y Q. Evaluation construction land management and control based on the “land use fi ve-quantity guidelines”[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):21-24. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.005.

[6] 方勇,王昆. 准存量建设用地的困与谋[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):25-28.Fang Y, Wang K. The dilemma of preparative stock construction land[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):25-28.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.006.

[7] 宁秀红,申树云. 基于投入产出法探究上海土地整治投资方向[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):29-32,37.Ning X H, Shen S Y. Exploring the investment direction of land consolidation based on the input-output method in Shanghai[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):29-32,37. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.007.

[8] 王莉莉. 存量规划背景下容积率奖励及转移机制设计研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):33-37.Wang L L. Floor area ratio rewards and transfer of development rights under the background of stock[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(1):33-37. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.008.

[9] 罗景峰. 乡村土地旅游化流转风险评价指标体系构建研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):38-41.Luo J F. Construction of an indexing system for land transfer risk assessment during the development of rural tourism[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):38-41. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.009.

[10] 宋具兰,罗海波,吴琳娜,等. 欠发达地区农村集体建设用地流转绩效评价[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):42-47.Song J L, Luo H B, Wu L N, et al. Performance evaluation of rural collective construction land transfer in underdeveloped areas[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):42-47. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.010.

[11] 卢方方. 上海典型乡镇农村建设用地协调度与集约利用评价[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):48-50,54.Lu F F. The evaluation on coordination degree and intensive use of rural construction land in typical towns of Shanghai[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):48-50,54. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.011.

[12] 徐成,崔许锋. 基于模糊综合评价法的两规协调性评价研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):51-54.Xu C, Cui X F. Coordinating general land use planning and urban master planning using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation in the city of Wuhan[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):51-54. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.012.

[13] 程新艳,张坤. 构建长株潭大城市群过程中的政府关系分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):55-58,64.Cheng X Y, Zhang K. Analysis of government relationships during the process of building urban agglomerations of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):55-58,64. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.013.

[14] 肖小明,陈云,郝品. 三维视角下海口市石山镇全域旅游规划探析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):59-64.Xiao X M, Chen Y, Hao P. Tourism planning under the three-dimensional global view in Shishan town of Haikou[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):59-64. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.014.

[15] 石忆邵,王安迪. 多伦多市生态用地变化及影响因素分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):65-69.Shi Y S, Wang A D. Analysis of ecological land use change and impacting factors in Toronto[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(1):65-69. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.015.

[16] 阮小春,朱红梅,张健,等. 长沙市生态安全分区对比研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):70-73,78.Ruan X C, Zhu H M, Zhang J, et al. Comparing ecological security in different areas of Changsha[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(1):70-73,78. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.016.

[17] 孟玫,李秀霞,孟祥健. 四平市自然资源综合承载力评价与预测研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):74-78.Meng M, Li X X, Meng X J. Evaluation and forecast of comprehensive carrying capacity of natural resources in Siping city[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):74-78. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.017.

[18] 孙海波,谢辉,陈嘉,等. 污染土地再开发中的环境风险与责任[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):79-82,86.Sun H B, Xie H, Chen J, et al. Environmental risk and liability of contaminate land redevelopment[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(1):79-82,86. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.018.

城市地质 (Urban Geology)

[19] 唐益群,尹叶鹏. 循环荷载作用下软土中单桩承载及变形特性数值试验研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):83-86.Tang Y Q, Yin Y P. Numerical analysis of the bearing and deformation characteristics of a single pile in soft soil under cyclic load[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):83-86. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.019.

[20] 黄正清. 下扬子盆地构造演化特征与页岩气主要富集层位[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):87-92.Huang Z Q. Tectonic evolutionary characteristics and the main enriched layers of shale gases in the lower Yangtze basins[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):87-92. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.020.

[21] 赵峰. 面向智慧城市的上海测绘地理信息服务对策思考[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):93-95.Zhao F. Thinking on the strategy of Shanghai surveying, mapping and geographic information service for smart city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):93-95. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.021.

[22] 秦昌杰,谢敏真. CORS RTK无验潮水下地形测量技术在上海潮滩测量中的应用[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(1):96-99.Qin C J, Xie M Z. Application of CORS RTK underwater topographic survey technology without tidal observation in tidal fl at survey in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(1):96-99. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.01.022.


城市地质 (Urban Geology)

[1] 杨天亮,许言. 国际地面沉降与城市安全研究动态——第一届国际城市地质学术研讨会综述[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):1-3.Yang T L, Xu Y. Research trends in international land subsidence and urban security: An overview of the First International Symposium on Urban Geology[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):1-3. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.001.

[2] 焦珣,王寒梅,杨天亮,等. 考虑不可控因素下的地面沉降防治区划研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):4-8,21.Jiao X, Wang H M, Yang T L, et al. Regionalization of land subsidence prevention based on the consideration of uncontrollable factors[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):4-8,21. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.002.

[3] 吴怀娜,顾伟华,沈水龙. 区域地面沉降对上海地铁隧道长期沉降的影响评估[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):9-12,25.Wu H N, Gu W H, Shen S L. Evaluation of the influence of land subsidence on the long-term settlemen tof metro tunnels in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):9-12,25. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.003.

[4] 罗勇. 北京地面沉降发展新趋势初步分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):13-17.Luo Y. Research in the new trends of Beijing land subsidence[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):13-17. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.004.

[5] 罗立红,白晋娬,吕潇文,等. 基于长期监测的天津市地面沉降影响分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):18-21.Luo L H, Bai J W, Lü X W, et al. Tianjin land subsidence in fl uence factor quantization analysis based on long-term monitoring data[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):18-21. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.005.

[6] 余革淼,李德洲,屈尚侠. 广州市软土地面沉降特征分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):22-25.Yu G M, Li D Z, Qu S X. Analysis of the land subsidence characteristics of soft soil in Guangzhou[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(2):22-25. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.006.

[7] 吕潇文,宋利,邵兴,等. 天津市地面沉降监测技术应用及发展建议[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):26-30.Lü X W, Song L, Shao X, et al. The suggestion and application of land subsidence monitoring in Tianjin[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(2):26-30. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.007.

[8] 许言,杨天亮,焦珣,等. 上海地面沉降监测技术应用实践[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):31-34.Xu Y, Yang T L, Jiao X, et al. Application of land subsidence monitoring technology in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(2):31-34. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.008.

[9] 赵龙,刘久荣,王荣,等. 北京宋庄地裂缝分布特征及成因分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):35-38.Zhao L, Liu J R, Wang R, et al. Distribution characteristics and cause analysis of Songzhuang ground fissures in Beijing[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):35-38. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.009.

[10] 王建秀,刘月圆,刘笑天,等. 上海市地下空间地质结构及其开发适应性[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):39-42,53.Wang J X, Liu Y Y, Liu X T, et al. Geological structure of the Shanghai underground space and a preliminary analysis of the development of adaption[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):39-42,53. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.010.

[11] 方寅琛,龚日祥,李三凤,等. 基于三维地质模型的地下空间开发适宜性评价——以嘉兴城市地质调查工作为例[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):43-45.Fang Y C, Gong R X, Li S F, et al. Suitability evaluation of underground space development based on a three-dimensional geological model,using the Jiaxing urban geological survey as an example[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):43-45.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.011.

[12] 钟秋娟,肖兴,汪凡,等. 鄱阳湖滨湖区浅层地下水镉元素分布特征及成因分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):46-48.Zhong Q J, Xiao X, Wang F, et al. Cadmium distribution characteristics and causes of shallow groundwater in lakeside area of Poyang Lake[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):46-48. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.012.

[13] 李懿淼,李茂田,艾威,等. 长江流域水库“泥沙过滤器”效应对溶解硅的滞留行为[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):49-53.Li Y M, Li M T, Ai W, et al. Sediment fi lter effect on dissolved silica retention in reservoirs of the Yangtze River Basin[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):49-53. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.013.

[14] 朱宇婕,李加林,冯陈晨. 宁波市海岸带景观格局变化研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):54-58.Zhu Y J, Li J L, Feng C C. Study of the changes in the coastal landscape pattern in Ningbo city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(2):54-58. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.014.

土地研究 (Land Research)

[15] 代兵,何芳,徐小峰,等. 园区低效工业用地退出机制创新与措施建议[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):59-63.Dai B, He F, Xu X F, et al. Mechanisms to innovate and improve the use of inefficient industrial land in industrial parks[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):59-63. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.015.

[16] 牛星,吴冠岑. 国内外农地流转的社会风险及治理研究综述[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):64-69.Niu X, Wu G C. A review of social risk and its governance of rural land transfer in China and other countries[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(2):64-69. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.016.

[17] 张玮. 上海市国有建设用地价格体系信息发布机制研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):70-72.Zhang W. Researching the state-owned construction land value system and its diffusion in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(2):70-72. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.017.

[18] 牟晓庆,李秀霞. 农村集体经营性建设用地入市的价格机制研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):73-76,86.Mu X Q, Li X X. Research on the price mechanism of rural collective productive construction land on the market[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):73-76,86. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.018.

[19] 唐学琼,雷德. 新型城镇化问题及发展模式构建研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):77-80.Tang X Q, Lei D. Research on new urbanization and development models[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):77-80.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.019.

[20] 许实,赵爱栋,吴一恒,等. 土地二调不稳定耕地调查评价成果及应用前景分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):81-86.Xu S, Zhao A D, Wu Y H. Achievements and prospects for application of the second national unstable farmland survey[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):81-86. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.020.

[21] 邵一希. 基于LESA体系的永久基本农田划定方法研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):87-90.Shao Y X. Study on delineation of permanent prime farmland based on the LESA system[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(2):87-90. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.021.

[22] 罗经纬,崔许锋. 生态文明视角下开发区土地利用效益评价[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):91-95.Luo J W, Cui X F. Using ecological civilization to evaluate the land use ef fi ciency of development zones[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(2):91-95. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.022.

[23] 易浪. 湘潭市区域建设用地节约集约利用评价理想值探讨[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):96-100.Yi L. Determining ideal values for economical and intensive assessment of regional construction land in Xiangtan city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(2):96-100. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.023.

简讯公告 (Information)

[24] 第一届国际城市地质学术研讨会图片报导[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):封2.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.024.

[25] 中国地质学会2017年学术年会通知暨城市地质科技创新研讨会分会场征稿启事[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(2):封3.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.02.025.


国土论坛 (Forum of Land)

[1] 孙继伟,吴燕,牛超群. 夯实国土根基,筑就理想城市——谈上海以国土资源管理创新促进城市转型发展的实践探索[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):1-4.Sun J W, Wu Y, Niu C Q. Consolidate the land foundation, build an ideal city: Practical exploration of promoting urban transformation and development by land and resources management innovation in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(3):1-4. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.001.

土地研究 (Land Research)

[2] 杨丽霞,苑韶峰. 长三角城市群城镇化质量测度及其空间格局分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):5-8.Yang L X, Yuan F. Analysis of measurement and spatial pattern of urbanization quality in the Yangtze River Delta[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(3):5-8. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.002.

[3] 韦仕川. 旅游型城镇化研究综述及展望[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):9-12.Wei S C. Review and prospects of research on tourism urbanization[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(3):9-12. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.003.

[4] 重多,许祖学,柴克清,等. 土地利用政策仿真模拟框架构建[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):13-17.Chong D, Xu Z X, Chai K Q, et al. Land use policy simulation modeling framework[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(3):13-17. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.004.

[5] 唐杭. 土地整治项目补充耕地质量评定方法设计[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):18-23.Tang H. The design of methods of evaluation of supplementary cultivated land quality in Shanghai land consolidation project[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(3):18-23. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.005.

[6] 冯陈晨,李加林,朱宇婕. 甬台温地区城镇用地扩展时空分布研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):24-29.Feng C C, Li J L, Zhu Y J. Spatio-temporal characteristics of urbanization area growth in Ningbo, Taizhou and Wenzhou city[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(3):24-29. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.006.

[7] 穆飞翔,蒲春玲,刘祥鑫. 乌鲁木齐市辖区建成区规模扩张及预测分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):30-35.Mu F X, Pu C L, Liu X X. Scale expansion and forecast analysis of built-up area in Urumqi municipal district[J]. Shanghai Land& Resources, 2017,38(3):30-35. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.007.

[8] 张晓铭,李秀霞. 基于ArcGIS的住宅基准地价时空演变及驱动力分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):36-40,45.Zhang X M, Li X X. Spatio-temporal evolution and driving forces of residential land price based on ArcGIS[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(3):36-40,45. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.008.

[9] 徐成. 多规融合 研究综述及发展趋势研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):41-45.Xu C. Study on the review and prospect of the multiple planning integration[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(3):41-45.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.009.

[10] 龙腾,刘伟,刘静,等. 新型城镇化背景下的土地整治与生态文明建设Long T, Liu W, Liu J, et al. The study on land consolidation and ecological civilization construction based on new urbanization[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(3):46-48. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.010.

城市地质 (Urban Geology)

[11] 何中发. 后工业化时期城市地质工作实践与展望[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):49-52.He Z F. The practice and prospect of urban geology in post-industrial cities in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(3):49-52. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.011.

[12] 黄坚. 上海地区地下水源热泵系统适用性研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):53-56,61.Huang J. Research on applicability of groundwater source heat pump system in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(3):53-56,61. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.012.

[13] 杨树彪,周念清. 中国地源热泵发展历程分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):57-61.Yang S B, Zhou N Q. Analysis of the development process of ground source heat pump in China[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(3):57-61. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.013.

[14] 唐益群,石亚朝,周洁. 城市发展与地面沉降控制耦合协调模型研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):62-65,69.Tang Y Q, Shi Y C, Zhou J. Coupling coordination model research of urban development and land subsidence control[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(3):62-65,69. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.014.

[15] 沙特,罗勇,赵龙,等. 北京显著沉降区地面沉降发育特征及成因分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):66-69.Sha T, Luo Y, Zhao L, et al. Characteristics and causes of the signi fi cant land subsidence area of Beijing[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(3):66-69. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.015.

[16] 罗立红,邵兴,牛毅,等. 天津市津南区地面沉降影响因素及防控管理[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):70-73.Luo L H, Shao X, Niu Y, et al. Land subsidence in fl uencing factors and prevention and control management in the Jinnan district of Tianjin city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(3):70-73. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.016.

[17] 孔祥如,罗勇,赵龙,等. 基于Biot固结理论的地面沉降研究综述[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):74-77.Kong X R, Luo Y, Zhao L, et al. A review of land subsidence based on Biot consolidation theory[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(3):74-77. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.017.

[18] 刘沛然,杨成生,赵超英. 河北邢台隆尧地裂缝活动PS-InSAR监测与分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):78-82.Liu P R, Yang C S, Zhao C Y. PS-InSAR monitoring of Longyao ground fi ssure in Xingtai, Hebei province[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(3):78-82. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.018.

[19] 宋伟,马学军,吕凤兰,等. 沧州河间构造地裂缝应力场二维平面模型研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):83-89.Song W, Ma X J, Lü F L, et al. The two-dimensional plane model study of tectonic ground fi ssure stress fi eld in Hejian County of Cangzhou city, Hebei Province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(3):83-89. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.019.

[20] 田苗壮,王荣,赵龙,等. 高密度电法在北京宋庄地裂缝中的应用[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):90-93.Tian M Z, Wang R, Zhao L, et al. High-density electrical method application in the Beijing Songzhuang ground fi ssure[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(3):90-93. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.020.

[21] 王治华. 地震面波映像法在上海海塘结构隐患调查中的应用[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):94-97.Wang Z H. Application of seismic surface wave image method in the investigation of Shanghai seawall hidden structure danger[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(3):94-97. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.021.

简讯公告 (Information)

[22]“2017上海.土地整治与乡村发展论坛”图片报导[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):98-封3.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.022.

[23]《上海国土资源》被美国EBSCO文献数据库收录[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(3):23.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.03.023.


国土论坛 (Forum of Land)

[1] 徐毅松,熊健,范宇,等. 生态文明背景下上海新一轮土地利用总体规划探索与实践[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):1-5.Xu Y S, Xiong J, Fan Y, et al. Exploration of the new round of the Shanghai overall land use plan under the background of ecological civilization[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):1-5. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.001.

[2] 王训国,黎而力. 上海市低效建设用地减量化探索与实践[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):6-8.Wang X G, Li E L. The exploration and practice of the reduction of inef fi cient construction land in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(4):6-8. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.002.

[3] 岑福康,韦冬,刘晓涛,等. 上海市工业用地存量更新常态管理机制[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):9-11.Cen F K, Wei D, Liu X T, et al. Shanghai industrial land stock update: Normal management mechanisms[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(4):9-11. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.003.

土地研究 (Land Research)

[4] 宗仁,姚明霞. 农民成员权与宅基地制度改革探索[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):12-17,23.Zong R, Yao M X. Novel exploration of the membership of peasants and reform of the homestead system[J]. Shanghai Land &Resources, 2017,38(4):12-17,23. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.004.

[5] 吴沅箐,庄一琦,严宽. 上海市土地整治战略分区研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):18-23.Wu Y Q, Zhuang Y Q, Yan K. Study on the strategic division of land consolidation in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(4):18-23. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.005.

[6] 陈振. 城市土地立体化登记研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):24-28.Chen Z. Study on the three-dimensional registration of urban land[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):24-28. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.006.

[7] 张寒,楼江. 农村宅基地流转制度优化设计[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):29-33.Zhang H, Lou J. Optimal design of the rural homestead circulation system[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):29-33.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.007.

[8] 姚树荣,李栋楠. 农村集体经营性建设用地入市改革问题探讨[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):34-37.Yao S R, Li D N. Discussion of reforming the rural collective operating construction of land entering the land market[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):34-37. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.008.

[9] 季胜武,季波. 县级产业园区工业地产发展可行性和实践路径分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):38-41.Ji S W, Ji B. Analysis of the feasibility and practical path of industrial real estate in county-level industrial parks[J]. Shanghai Land& Resources, 2017,38(4):38-41. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.009.

[10] 陈婉铃,张坤. 基于GM(1,1)模型的株洲市经济发展水平预测[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):42-45.Chen W L, Zhang K. Study on the economic development prediction of Zhuzhou city based on the GM(1,1) model[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):42-45. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.010.

[11] 康纪田. 供给侧结构性改革下的矿业用地制度取向[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):46-49.Kang J T. System orientation of mining land under the supply-side structural reform[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources,2017,38(4):46-49. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.011.

[12] 关涛,常健,赵红燕,等. 两规融合理念下村级规划基数合一方法研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):50-55.Guan T, Chang J, Zhao H Y, et al. Integrated research of original data for village planning based on “two regulations”[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):50-55. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.013.

[13] 赵文琪. 日本城市土地集约利用的规划路径及其中国化意义[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):56-62,92.Zhao W Q. Intensive urban land use in Japan and its inspiration to China[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):56-62,92.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.014.

城市地质 (Urban Geology)

[14] 王腾飞,马仁锋. 自然资源资产化视域浙江水资源资产空间区划研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):63-68.Wang T F, Ma R F. Research on the spatial pattern and zoning of water resources assets based on the capitalization of natural resources in Zhejiang[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):63-68. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.015.

[15] 侯艳声,胡新锋,赵团芝. 宁波市地下水环境特征与保护对策[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):69-74.Hou Y S, Hu X F, Zhao T Z. Characteristics and protection countermeasures of the groundwater environment in Ningbo city[J].Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):69-74. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.016.

[16] 杨海飞,杨世伦,孟翊,等. 长江口底床沉积物粒度分布特征及测定方法对比研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):75-79.Yang H F, Yang S L, Meng Y, et al. Sediment distribution patterns in the Yangtze Estuary and comparison of particle size measurement methods[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):75-79. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.017.

[17] 丛新,赵龙伟. 中国海岸带地区第四纪沉积环境变迁研究现状综述[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):80-85.Cong X, Zhao L W. Research status of quaternary sedimentary environment changes in the Chinese coastal zone[J]. Shanghai Land& Resources, 2017,38(4):80-85. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.018.

[18] 李雅,刘玉卿. 滩涂湿地生态系统服务价值评估研究综述[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):86-92.Li Y, Liu Y Q. Review of ecosystem service evaluation of a tidal fl at wetland[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):80-92.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.019.

[19] 葛佳,陈敏. 上海地区浅层土壤中污染物运移特征分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):93-96.Ge J, Chen M. Analysis of pollutant migration characteristics in shallow soil in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):93-96. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.020.

[20] 李海涛. 上海测绘地理信息产业分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):97-100.Li H T. Analysis of geographic information industry in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2017,38(4):97-100.doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2017.04.022.

简讯公告 (Information)

[21]土地与未来 上海国际研讨会2017年11月24-25日在沪举行[J]. 上海国土资源,2017,38(4):封3.doi:10.3969/j.issn. 2095-1329.2017.04.023.



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