Word Train Puzzle: Adjectives
by Julie Mason
Word Train Puzzle: Adjectives
by Julie Mason
Instructions: Read the clues (information that helps you to find the answers) and write the answers in the boxes. Each answer starts with the last letter of the word before it. The last word fnishes with the frst letter of the frst word.
1.feeling that you want to rest
2.the opposite of “safe”
3.“It was my best birthday ever! It was a really…day!”
4.making a lot of noise
5.the opposite of “clean”
6.colour at the centre of an egg
7.temperature between hot and cold
8.doing things which are not possible, like Harry Potter
9.“Be…with that knife! You might cut yourself!”
10.this is the…clue in this puzzle
Answers (graphic version):
Answers (text version):
4.loud;5.dirty;6.yellow;7.warm; 8.magic;9.careful;10.last