A Puppy Tail
A Puppy Tail
There’s a puppy called Pippa
Who just loves to play,
She runs and she jumps
And she frolics all day;
She clambers and scampers,
And she never fails
To go running in circles
And chasing her tail.
Round like a whirlwind,
Round in a blur,
A small, dashing ball
Of teeth, paws and fur;
Round till she falls
And can chase it no more,
And lies pooped and panting,
Collapsed on the floor.
But Pippa’s a puppy
Who just can’t be beat;
Which means in a minute
She’s back on her feet;
She KNOWS she can do it,
She’s SURE she won’t fail.
Who chases her tail!
frolic ['frɒlɪk] v. 嬉戏(第三人称单数:frolics)
clamber ['klæmbə] v. 爬上,攀登
scamper ['skæmpə] v. 奔跑,蹦跳
whirlwind ['wʒ:lwɪnd] n. 旋风
blur [blʒ:] n. 模糊
dashing ['dæʃɪŋ] adj. 活跃的
fur [fʒ:] n. 软毛,皮毛
pooped [pu:pt] adj. 筋疲力竭的
panting ['pæntɪŋ] adj. 喘气的
collapse [kə'læps] v. 倒塌,崩溃
dog 狗—puppy,pup 小狗
cat 猫—kitten,kitty,puss 小猫
pig 猪—piglet,piggy 小猪
sheep 羊—lamb,lambkin 小羊
goat 山羊—kid 小山羊
duck 鸭子—duckling 小鸭子
goose 鹅—gosling 小鹅
frog 青蛙—tadpole 蝌蚪
rabbit 兔子—bunny 小兔子
horse 马—colt 小马