项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 小蚂蚁皮影剧团/Little Ant Shadow Play Troupe
地点/Location: 北京市东城区西河沿大街147号/No. 147 Xiheyan Street, Beijing
主创建筑师/Principal Architect: 王辉/WANG Hui
设计团队/Project Team: 陈春,刘爽,曹淏铭,陈欣,崔婧/CHEN Chun, LIU Shuang, CAO Haoming, CHEN Xin, CUI Jing
照明设计/Lighting Design: 郑见伟,刘洋,黄雨璇,李国兴(郑见伟灯光设计工作室)/ZHENG Jianwei, LIU Yang, HUANG Yuxuan, LI Guoxing (Zheng Jianwei Lighting Design Studio)
建筑面积/Floor Area: 63m2
设计时间/Design Time: 2004.09
建成时间/Completion Time: 2014.09
摄影/Photos: 魏斌/WEI Bin
1 从胡同看皮影剧场/Watch the shadow play theater from Hutong2 总平面/Site plan3 入口/Entrance
4 内景/Interior view5 剧场吸引了胡同里过往的行人/Passersby attracted by the theater6 平面/Plan7 剖面/Section8 轴测图/Axonometric drawing
This is a public welfare project, located in Xiheyan Street, Beijing. The client is the Little Ant Shadow Play Troupe, constituted by patients of growth hormone secretion defciency.
As a traditional handicraft, shadow play uses intricate and detailed carvings to produce charming figures used for the play. The design exploits this characteristic of shadow play and applies the idea of detailed carvings into interior design. The beams combined with vertical carved boards extend to the ground on one sidewall, forming a big shelf. On the other hand, the upper half of the other sidewall was designed to be a full-length mirror, which enlarges the space two times its size. The stage was intended to rotate so that the passage to the workshop in the back would be open when no performances. Since the workshop is only two meters wide, a curvedprofile table was designed, not only allowing the staf sit on both sides, but also allowing the master to guide their work in center of desk.
This public welfare project was supported through the support and donations of many social resources. This design seeks to use contemporary design concept in order to create a new social stage for the disabled. The architect also received warm responses when he called on everyone to support this welfare project. It also verifies that welfare projects can help inspire positivity to the society.□
9.10 内景/Interior views11.12 制作间/Workshop
13 从观众区看舞台/Stage viewed from auditoria
Jury Statement
What makes this a standout project is the proactive way that the architects initiated it and sought funding for it, acting as social entrepreneurs. It is designed for a group of puppeteers with Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome (PSIS), a condition that impacts on size - they often pejoratively get referred to as the "Little People". The puppet theater, in a Hutong district of Beijing, is not only inclusive design, catering for the group of puppeteer's particular needs, but also efectively enables inclusivity; by attracting the public to its shows it builds a wider awareness and acceptance of the group's condition in society. The shop facade has been designed to be highly luminous and transparent, drawing audiences into the theater, and making the distinctive cutout stage-set like screens of the interior highly visible from the street.□
Little Ant Shadow Play Theater in Qianmen, Beijing, China, 2014
Architect: WANG Hui/URBANUS