(上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院,上海 200127)
监护室(Intensive Care Unit,ICU)通常收治一些需要得到更深入的治疗与更密切的护理的重症患者,诸如重伤、重病以及接受重大手术术后的患者,在监护室里,医护人员为患者提供了24小时的照护,也能够立即对于患者的紧急状况进行处理,从而提高患者康复以及生存率[1]。为此,出于安全性、便利性等因素,监护室有着不同于普通病房的探视制度,身体状况不稳定的重症患者受到了严格的探视制度限制,不能接近他们的家人。随着“以患者为中心的护理(Patient-centered Care)”的理念不断发展,许多监护室正尝试着将传统的严苛的探视制度转为一个更为开放更为人性化的探视制度。
目前,监护室患者家属的需求得到了更多重视,一些研究开始着眼于探索患者家属的需求。Verhaeghe et al.在监护室患者家属对探视制度的需求的研究中发现,患者家属存在认知的、情感的、社交的以及实践的这四方面需求[4]。而“45-item CCFNI”(Critical Care Family Needs Inventory,重症患者家属需求量表)这一量表现已被广泛使用到对监护室患者家属需求的研究中[5-7]。
但是,从监护室医护人员的角度来看,他们更愿意维持严格的探视制度,尽管他们也承认开放的探视制度也存在优势。Berti et al.的研究中也提到,尽管开放的探视制度可能会对患者的心理产生影响,减缓焦虑,以减少患者发生循环系统的不良反应,然而绝大部分的监护室护士仍愿意施行严格的探视制度[8]。距离、冲突以及负担这三方面的考虑因素是监护室护士尽管认同患者家属的需求,但仍然不支持开放的探视制度的主要原因[9-10]。Berti et al.提到大约75%的监护室护士认为开放的探视会妨碍护理流程以及护理区域[8]。基于开放的探视制度,护士可能将无法劝导已经十分疲乏的家属离开医院而回家休息,从而引发护士与患者家属间的矛盾和冲突[11]。大约80%的护士认为施行开放的探视制度后,护士将花更多的精力给患者提供护理,同时也将消耗更多的时间来满足患者家属的需求,这将会大大提高护士的工作负担[8]。
尽管更为开放的探视制度可能能更满足监护室患者以及家属的需求,但不同国家和地区的监护室尚未能施行此类开放的探视制度。在荷兰,85.7%的监护室施行着限制的探视制度[12]。Lee et al.描述到32%的新英格兰地区的监护室开放了探视时间,但是规定了探视人数以及探视者的年龄[13]。Hunter et al.报道到,19.9%的英国监护室施行了开放的探视制度[14]。Vandijck et al.指出在比利时,几乎所有的监护室严格要求了探视时间、探视者人数,也规定了探视者的种类以及年龄[15]。
[1] Singer M., Nimmo G. (2011). ABC of Intensive Care (2nd ed.).Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.ezproxy1.acu.edu.au/ehost/ebookviewer/ebook/nlebk_394373_AN?sid=fa34db48-eaa9-44f6-b83b-0c68f8bf2316@sessionmgr12&vid=1&format=EB.
[2] Kutash M, Northrop L. (2007). Family members’ experiences of the intensive care unit waiting room. Journal of Advanced Nursing,2010,60(4):384-388. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2007.04388.
[3] Yang S. A mixed methods study on the needs of Korean families in the intensive care unit. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing,2008,25(4):79-86.
[4] Verhaeghe S, Zuuren van FJ, Deぼoor T, Duijnstee M, Grypdonck M.The needs and experiences of family members of adult patients in an intensive care unit: a review of the literature. Journal of Clinical Nursing,2005,14(4):501-509.
[5] Kleinpell RM, Powers MJ. Needs of family members of intensive care units patients. Applied Nursing Research,1992,5(1):2-8.
[6] Wong F. The needs of families of critically ill patients in a Chinese community. Hong Kong Nursing Journal,1995,69:25-29.
[7] Mendonca D, Warren NA. Perceived and unmet needs of critical care family members. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly,1998,21(1):58-67.
[8] Berti D, Ferdinande P, Moons P. Beliefs and attitudes of intensive care nurses toward visits and open visiting policy. Intensive Care Medicine,2007,33(6):1060-1065.
[9] Youngner SJ, Coulton C, Welton R, et al. ICU visiting policies.Critical Care Medicine,1984,12:606-608.
[10] Henneman EA, Cardin S. Family-centered critical care: A practical approach to making it happen. Critical Care Nurse,2002,22:12-19.
[11] Melissa DL, Friedenberg AS, Mukpo DH, et al. Visiting hours policies in New England intensive care units: Strategies for improvement. Critical Care Medicine,2007,35(2):497-501.
[12] Speen AE., Schuurmans M. Visiting policies in the adult intensive care units: a complete survey of Dutch ICUs. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing,2011,27(1):27-30. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.iccn.2010.10.002.
[13] Lee MD, Friedenberg AS, Mukpo DH, et al. Visiting hours policies in New England intensive care units: strategies for improvement.Critical Care Medicine,2007,35(2):497-501.
[14] Hunter JD, Goddard C, Rothwell M, et al. A survey of intensive care unit visiting policies in the United Kingdom. Anaesthes ia,2010,5(11):1101-1105. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2010.06506.
[15] Vandijck DM, Labeau SO, Geerinckx CE, et al. An evaluation of family-centered care services and organization of visiting policies in Belgian intensive care units: A multicenter survey. Heart and Lung:The Journal Of Critical Care,2009,39(2):137-146. doi:10.1016/j.hrtlng.2009.06.001.