摘 要:该研究拟解决如下3个关键科学问题:(1)建筑外墙保温材料的火灾特性及安全设计;(2)高层建筑的立体火蔓延及其对建筑结构的损伤机制;(3)高层建筑多作用力耦合驱动的火灾烟气输运及多模式协同的人群疏散。主要研究内容及目标:科学认识常用外墙保温材料的火灾特性,建立外墙保温材料的火灾安全评价方法和标准;揭示高层建筑火灾立体蔓延的行为规律,发展相应的阻控方法;揭示火灾环境下高层建筑关键构件和节点的损伤机制,发展其失效预测模型与综合抗火能力评价方法;揭示高层建筑复杂空间内多作用力耦合驱动下火灾烟气的输运规律,发展多技术协同的烟气控制方法,以及耦合烟气控制的高层建筑人群多模式协同疏散技术及优化疏导方法。提升高层建筑自身对重大火灾的防控能力。 围绕研究的目标设置5个方面的研究:(1)建筑外墙保温材料的火灾特性与安全设计;(2)高层建筑立体火蔓延行为及其阻控机制;(3)火灾作用下高层建筑关键构件和节点的损伤机制与防护;(4)多作用力耦合驱动下高层建筑火灾的烟气输运规律与控制;(5)高层建筑火灾中人群的多模式协同疏散及优化疏导。
关键词:高层建筑 火灾 防控 保温材料 火蔓延 结构安全 烟气控制 人员疏散
Abstract: This project is to solve the following 5 key scientific problems:(1)Building facade thermal insulation material fire property and safety design;(2)Fire spread in high-rise building and structure safety;(3)Multi-force aided smoke tranportation and multi-modes human evacuation Research items and goals: Reveal fire behavior thermal insulaiton materials; develop fire safety evaluation method for thermal insulation material; reveal fire spread behavior in high-rise buildings; reval structure response and safety of high-rise building in fire; reveal smoke transportaion behavior in high-rise building; develop multi-mode human evacualtion strategy. Five sub-projects;(1)Fire behavior and safety design for facade thermal insulation materials;(2)Fire spread behavior and control in high-rise buildings;(3)Structure response and safety of high-rise biulding in fire; (4)Fire smoke transportation and control in high-rise building;(5)Multi-modes crowds evaculation behavior and strategy. The funding budget is 36 000 000 Yuan.
Key Words: High-rise building; Fire; Proection; Thermal insulation material; Structure safety; Smoke control; Human evacuation