谢 涛,李 英,易翠平,刘小龙
谢 涛1,李 英2,易翠平3,刘小龙1
(1. 湖南工程学院化学化工学院,湘潭 411104; 2. 湖南工程学院图书馆,湘潭 411104; 3. 长沙理工大学化学与生物工程学院,长沙 410015)
为寻找改善普通米淀粉制品的结构及品质的新型食品添加剂,该文以普通米淀粉为原料,采用快速黏度分析仪、扫描电子显微镜、质构分析仪、全自动X射线衍射仪及示差扫描量热仪等手段,研究添加锥栗、马铃薯与绿豆回生抗性淀粉(retrograded resistant starch,RSⅢ)对米淀粉凝胶微观结构及理化性质的影响。结果表明:添加锥栗、马铃薯及绿豆RSⅢ对米淀粉凝胶的结构及性质产生显著影响(<0.01),以锥栗RSⅢ的作用最为突出。添加锥栗、马铃薯与绿豆RSⅢ对米淀粉糊的黏度特性没有影响(>0.05)。未添加RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶存在很多不规则、深浅不一的大洞,而加入RSⅢ使米淀粉凝胶的网状结构变得更为规整、致密,且其胶着性与黏聚性变化不大(>0.05);添加锥栗、马铃薯与绿豆RSⅢ后能加速米淀粉凝胶的形成,与未添加RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶比,其硬度分别增加了2.38、1.97和1.25倍(<0.01),黏着性分别增加2.56、1.99和1.32倍(<0.01),弹性增加1.07、0.81和0.53倍(<0.01)。米淀粉以A-型晶体占优,锥栗RSⅢ以V-型晶体占优,马铃薯与绿豆RSⅢ均以B-型晶体占优;不加或加入RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶粉末都转变为以V-型晶体为主,且总相对结晶度没有改变(>0.05)。加入RSⅢ后的米淀粉糊除有低温吸热峰外还出现高温吸热峰,是否添加RSⅢ对低温吸热峰的温度参数影响不大(>0.05),但吸热焓显著降低(<0.01);而对于高温吸热峰,添加马铃薯与绿豆RSⅢ的各项参数没有差别(>0.05),但比添加锥栗RSⅢ的显著增高(<0.01)。可见添加不同来源的RSⅢ可以有效改善米淀粉凝胶的结构与品质。该研究结果为抗性淀粉用于提高米制品品质与营养功能的研究和生产提供了重要参考。
0 引 言
抗性淀粉(resistant starch,RS)分为物理包埋淀粉(physically trapped starch,RSⅠ)、天然抗性淀粉颗粒(resistant starch granules,RSⅡ)、回生或老化抗性淀粉(retrograded resistant starch,RSⅢ)和化学改性淀粉(chemically modified starch,RSⅣ)4个类型[7-9]。RS在小肠内不能消化但通过大肠益生菌发酵产生短链脂肪酸,可预防肠道疾病[10]。当RS添加入淀粉基食品中,其结构可能发生改变,如B-型的RSⅡ在过量水存在下因加热而产生糊化,但RSⅢ、RSⅣ在正常烹饪条件下因其高热稳定性可能维持原有结构[11-13]。淀粉-RS混合形成的凝胶特性受淀粉来源、淀粉与水的比例、RS类型及其含量等的影响[13-15]。例如,普通米淀粉正常情况下因其直链淀粉含量低(12%~20%,质量分数)而不能形成黏弹性凝胶,若添加某些亲水性多糖(如RS)能改善米淀粉凝胶的结构[14-17]。在国外,已有RS应用于米粉制品中的研究,发现添加RS不仅能提高年糕、米饼、米粉等传统米制食品的膳食纤维含量,更能改善它们的品质与营养价值,但其改善品质的机理尚不十分清楚[11-14]。然而,国内尚罕见这方面的研究报道。
1 材料与方法
1.1 材 料
米淀粉由购自超市的籼米实验室自制,其水分、粗蛋白、灰分、粗脂肪与直链淀粉质量分数分别为12.56%、0.25%、0.41%、0.06%和24.63%。锥栗淀粉由实验室自制,食用级马铃薯、绿豆淀粉购自四川友嘉食品有限公司,糖化酶(50 000 U/g)、高温-淀粉酶(20 000 U/g)由无锡杰能科生物工程有限公司生产,其他试剂均为分析纯。
1.2 RSⅢ的制备
参照文献[18-19]的方法。用蒸馏水配制质量分数为30%的淀粉乳液,调节pH值为6.0,沸水浴30 min后,121 ℃高温高压处理40 min。冷却,4 ℃放置24 h,80 ℃烘干,粉碎过100目筛得粗抗性淀粉。取粗抗性淀粉用耐热-淀粉酶在70 ℃水解1 h,加入过量糖化酶,55 ℃水解2 h,离心(3 000r/min,30 min),水洗离心多次,最后用95%乙醇清洗,干燥,粉碎,过200目筛,得纯RSⅢ。经碘吸收法测得锥栗、马铃薯与绿豆RSⅢ的平均聚合度分别为48、61和72。
1.3 米淀粉凝胶的制备
由于12%(质量分数)的米淀粉不能形成正常凝胶,因此选用这个浓度研究回生抗性淀粉对米淀粉凝胶形成的影响。用去离子水配制12%(质量分数,干基)的米淀粉浆,根据前期试验结果分别加入10%(质量分数,淀粉基)的不同种类的回生抗性淀粉,密封于压热瓶中,于沸水浴中处理30 min。淀粉糊被灌入小段不锈钢柱,注意糊中不能含有气泡,且在上盖玻璃板。淀粉凝胶在25 ℃放置6 h,然后小心移出即为样品,用于测定其各项理化特性。
1.4 测定方法
黏度特性:采用RVA-4型快速黏度分析仪(澳大利亚Warriewood公司)。采用3 g含10%(质量分数,淀粉基)RSⅢ的米淀粉与25 mL去离子水在一个小铝罐内混合均匀。每个样品悬浮液在50 ℃保持1 min,以12 ℃/min快速加热至95 ℃并维持2.5 min,再以12 ℃/min降温至50 ℃。
质构特性:采用TA-XT Plus质构分析仪(英国Surrey公司)。设定发生50%的形变,形变速率1.5 mm/s。
结晶特性:采用连续扫描法,D/max2500全自动X射线衍射仪(日本理学株式会社)测定条件:扫描速率12°/min,扫描范围5°~60°,步长0.04,管压40 kV,管流30 mA。
热特性:称取一定量含10%(质量分数,淀粉基)RSⅢ的米淀粉,按质量比1:2加入重蒸水,密封后置于4 ℃冰箱中隔夜平衡,再称取5.0 mg左右(精确到0.1 mg)于铝坩埚中,压片。用DSC200型示差扫描量热仪(德国NETZSCH公司)测定:扫描温度范围为20~180 ℃,扫描速率为10 ℃/min,以空坩埚为参比,载气氮流速20 mL/min。
所有数据为3个平行试验的平均值,且采用SPSS 20.0的Duncan’s multiple range test法进行多组样本间差异显著性分析。
2 结果与分析
2.1 RSⅢ对米淀粉糊黏度特性的影响
表1 不加或加入RSⅢ的米淀粉糊的黏度特性
Note: Different letters in table mean significant difference (<0.01), while the same letter indicates no significant difference (>0.05), The following tables are all the same.
2.2 RSⅢ对米淀粉凝胶超微结构的影响
a. 未加RSⅢa. No adding RSⅢb. 加入锥栗RSⅢb. Adding C. henryi RSⅢc. 加入马铃薯RSⅢc. Adding potato RSⅢd. 加入绿豆RSⅢd. Adding mung bean RSⅢ
2.3 RSⅢ对米淀粉凝胶质构特性的影响
2.4 RSⅢ对米淀粉凝胶结晶特性的影响
表2 不加或加入RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶的质构特性
a. 米淀粉与回生抗性淀粉a. Rice starch and various RSⅢb. 未加与加入RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶b. Rice starch gels without and with various RSⅢ
1.米淀粉 2.锥栗RSⅢ 3.马铃薯RSⅢ 4.绿豆RSⅢ 5.未加RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶 6.添加锥栗RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶 7.添加马铃薯RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶 8.添加绿豆RSⅢ的米淀粉凝胶
1.Rice starch 2.RSⅢ 3.Potato RSⅢ 4.Mung bean RSⅢ 5.Rice starch gel no adding RSⅢ 6.Rice starch gel addingRSⅢ 7.Rice starch gel adding potato RSⅢ 8.Rice starch gel adding mung bean RSⅢ
图2 米淀粉、RSⅢ及不加或加入RSⅢ米淀粉凝胶粉末的X-射线衍射图谱
Fig.2 X-ray diffractograms of native rice starch, RSⅢ and rice starch gel powder without or with RSⅢ
表3 几种RSⅢ及其加入米淀粉形成的凝胶粉末的晶型及相对结晶度
2.5 RSⅢ对米淀粉糊热特性的影响
表4 不加或加入RSⅢ的米淀粉糊的差示扫描量热分析参数
注:T为起始糊化温度,T为峰值糊化温度、T为终止糊化温度、T - T为糊化温差,为糊化焓,∑为总糊化焓。
Note:Tis initial gelatinization temperature,Tis peak gelatinization temperature,Tis conclusive gelatinization temperature,T - Tis gelatinization temperature difference,is gelatinization enthalpy, and ∑is total gelatinization enthalpy.
3 结 论
尽管制备方法相同,但由于原淀粉的组成、结构与性质的差别,相应地回生抗性淀粉(retrograded resistant starch,RSⅢ)的组成、结构与性质也不同。在米淀粉凝胶中加入RSⅢ,无疑能够增加其膳食纤维含量,更能改善其结构与性质,而且这种改变的大小与RSⅢ的来源有关。
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Effect of retrograded resistant starch types on forming rice starch gel
Xie Tao1, Li Ying2, Yi Cuiping3, Liu Xiaolong1
(1.411104,; 2.411104,; 3.410015,)
In order to improve the structure and qualities of general rice starch products, effects of retrograded resistant starches (RSⅢ) made from(), potato and mung bean on microstructure and physicochemical properties of rice starch gels were investigated by using modern analysis methods, including RVA-4 rapid viscosity analyzer, S-3400N scanning electron microscope, TA-XT Plus structure analyzer, D/max2500 automatic X-ray diffractometer and DSC200 differential scanning calorimeter. The results demonstrated that the structure and properties of rice starch gel had a significant change (<0.01)after adding, potato and mung bean RSⅢ, respectively. Especially the role ofRSⅢ was the most prominent. The, potato and mung bean RSⅢ had no effect (>0.05) on viscosity properties of rice starch pastes. Rice starch gel without RSⅢ had a lot of irregular, deep and shallow large holes, while the net structure of rice starch gel with RSⅢ became more uniform and dense. RSⅢ had little influence on gumminess and cohesiveness of rice starch gel (>0.05). The, potato and mung bean RSⅢ could accelerate the formation of rice starch gel. Compared with the rice starch gel without RSⅢ, their hardness increased by 2.38, 1.97 and 1.25 times (<0.01), stickness increased by 2.56, 1.99 and 1.32 times (<0.01), and spring increased by 1.07, 0.81 and 0.53 times (<0.01), respectively. A-type crystal was dominant in rice starch, and V-type crystal was dominant inRSⅢ, while B-type crystal was dominant in potato and mung bean RSⅢ. Whether or not adding RSⅢ, V-type crystal in rice starch gel powders was transformed as the main crystal shape, and their total relative crystallinities had not changed (>0.05). In addition to a low temperature endothermic peak, rice starch pastes with RSⅢ showed a high temperature endothermic peak. Whether or not to add RSⅢ, the change of temperature parameters of low temperature endothermic peak was a little (>0.05), but its endothermic enthalpy decreased significantly (<0.01). As for the high temperature endothermic peak, all parameters of rice starch pastes with potato and mung bean RSⅢ had no difference (>0.05), but they were significantly higher than those of rice starch paste withRSⅢ (<0.01). To sum up, adding RSⅢ with different sources can effectively improve the structure and quality of rice starch gel. The present results can provide an important reference for using the RS to improve the qualities and nutritional functions of the rice products.
starch; gel; physical properties; chemical properties; retrograded resistant starch; rice starch
谢 涛,男,湖南涟源人,教授,博士,主要从事再生资源与食品、生物化工研究。湘潭 湖南工程学院化学化工学院,411104。 Email:xt1105@aliyun.com
谢 涛,李 英,易翠平,刘小龙.回生抗性淀粉种类对米淀粉凝胶形成的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(4):309-314. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.042 http://www.tcsae.org
Xie Tao, Li Ying, Yi Cuiping, Liu Xiaolong. Effect of retrograded resistant starch types on forming rice starch gel[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 309-314. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.042 http://www.tcsae.org