张 青,吕亚军,初 麒,黎 波,王跃文,杨艳丽,辜 松
张 青1,2,吕亚军1,初 麒1,黎 波1,王跃文1,杨艳丽3,辜 松1※
(1. 华南农业大学工程学院,广州 510642; 2. 滁州学院机械与汽车工程学院,滁州 239000; 3. 广州实凯机电科技有限公司,广州 510642)
幼苗气力拾取机构是育苗生产装备的关键机构,拾取机构采用气力拾取方法捡拾刚性平台上的幼苗时,由于幼苗存在个体差异,气力拾取手固定的吸附位置难以同时适应幼苗的尺寸和形态变化,存在损伤幼苗、作业耗时长耗能多的问题。针对以上问题,该文提出了一种由气力拾取手与弹性苗托构成的幼苗气力柔性拾取方法,设计了采用直径为0.32 mm钢丝进行缓冲的弹性苗托,对弹性苗托的结构参数进行了优化试验,并对刚性平台与弹性苗托的拾取性能进行了对比试验。试验结果表明:弹性苗托的两根缓冲钢丝支撑间距为9 mm,苗托槽口深度为6 mm,钢丝固定边距为4 mm的条件下,可保证对2.8~5.1 mm范围内茄子接穗苗的吸附成功率达到90%以上。在保证吸附直径4 mm茄子接穗苗成功的情况下,采用刚性平台时,平均幼苗损伤率为21%,平均吸附响应时间为0.08 s;采用结构参数优化后的弹性苗托时,平均幼苗损伤率降至5%,相对于刚性平台时损伤率减少16%,平均吸附响应时间减少至0.03 s,相对于刚性平台时作业时间减少62.5%。该研究结果为农业机器人幼苗拾取装置的开发提供了参考。
0 引 言
1 气力拾取特性分析
气力拾取机构依托刚性平台拾取幼苗时,存在难以适应幼苗尺寸和形态变化的问题。为了解决这一问题,本文首先对幼苗进行刚性平台上的气力拾取特性分析。气力拾取机构由气力拾取手、机械手和刚性平台等组成,如图1a所示。气力拾取手为固定于机械手末端的负压吸嘴,利用真空发生器产生负压,茄苗摆放在刚性平台上,由可编程逻辑控制器(programmable logic controller,PLC)控制机械手和真空发生器,进行拾取幼苗作业。试验时真空发生器供给负压值设为32 kPa;考虑到幼苗的个体差异性,茄苗为苗径在3.8~4.2 mm范围内的茄苗。试验考察不同吸附距离(图1a)情况下成功拾起幼苗时的耗时情况。吸附距离为幼苗平置于刚性平台上负压吸嘴距茎秆上表面的高度,分别设为0,1,2,3 mm。试验考察指标为拾取耗时情况以吸附响应时间来衡量,其测定方法为:启动真空发生器为负压吸嘴提供负压,通过PLC控制气力拾取手到达吸附位置(避开茄苗真叶),到达吸附位置后PLC启动其一内置计时器开始计时,接着利用真空压力传感器感知吸嘴内部达到的负压值,当茄苗被吸附后吸嘴内真空压力定会达到设定值32 kPa以上,这时真空压力传感器会向PLC传递信号停止内部计时,所记录时间即为吸附响应时间。每个吸附距离分别进行10次拾取试验。
1.机械手 2.负压吸嘴 3.茄苗 4.刚性平台
1.Manipulator 2.Negative pressure sucker 3.Eggplant seedlings 4.Rigid platform
Note:is adsorption distance, i.e., the height between the sucker and the upper surface of the seedling stem when the seedling placed on the rigid platform, mm.
图1 气力拾取手吸附示意图
Fig.1 Adsorption of negative pressure pick-up finger
试验结果如表1所示,当吸附距离从0增至2 mm时,平均吸附响应时间由0.08增至0.4 s,响应时间增加了5倍,大大降低了生产效率,吸附距离增至3 mm时,已无法成功拾取幼苗。
表1 吸附响应时间与吸附距离的关系
2 弹性苗托设计
2.1 设计条件
表2 茄苗几何形态特征值
由表2可知,茄苗吸附长度为1=9.1~15.3 mm。为了在不损伤茄苗的情况下,拾取手拾取所有茄苗,则拾取长度应小于9.1 mm,但考虑到便于拾取手结构尺寸设计,拾取长度取为9 mm。
采用力学特性万能试验台(ZP-20N)对30株茄苗力学特性参数进行测试,测试样本取为吸附位置处茎杆,统计出茄苗茎杆的径向压缩屈服点压力为(2.14±0.60) N,超过茄苗屈服点压力,茄苗将被压坏。拾取手作业时对茄苗的压力简化为作用在两缓冲钢丝中间位置处的集中力,为确保所有茄苗不会被压坏,茄苗承受的压力应小于茄苗屈服点压力的最小值1.54 N。
根据李恺等[29]的研究,本文所采用的负压吸嘴由壁厚为0.5 mm硅橡胶管制成,吸嘴长度为9 mm,吸嘴宽度为1.5 mm,导苗唇高为1.5 mm,其中导苗唇可起到导向的作用,增大吸嘴与幼苗的接触面积,从而提高拾取手的吸附力,有利于吸附苗托中倾斜幼苗和小尺寸幼苗,其结构如图3所示。
2.2 苗托结构设计
弹性苗托由置苗板、缓冲钢丝和固定板组成,如图4所示,其中置苗板与缓冲钢丝成对设置,置苗板上设有V形槽口,用于对幼苗进行定位,缓冲钢丝与置苗板铰连接,一端设计为固定铰支座,另一端设计为滑动铰支座。茄苗的直径为2.8~5.1 mm,为了适应直径范围内的全部茄苗,苗托宽度(图4b)应设计为可适应最大直径的茄苗,同时考虑到便于结构尺寸设计,设计=5 mm。放入苗托中的茄苗由两根缓冲钢丝支撑,由于拾取长度为9 mm,设计两根缓冲钢丝之间的距离即支撑间距t为9 mm,考虑到置苗板厚度,钢丝固定点到置苗板的距离即边距(图4c)设计为3 mm,后续将通过试验进一步优化。由于茄苗最大叶跨度100.3 mm,叶跨度近似以茎秆为轴线呈对称分布,故苗托高度0设计为50 mm。
1.茄苗 2.置苗板 3.缓冲钢丝 4.固定板
1.Eggplant seedlings 2.Plate to put seedling 3.Buffering steel cable 4.Fixing plate
Note:is pressure on surface of seedling when picking hand picking up seedlings, N;tis support spacing which is distance between buffering steel cables, mm;is width of seedling seat, mm;is side distance which is distance between fixation point to plate, mm;is notch depth which is distance between top and bottom edges of V-notch of plate, mm;0is height of seedling seat, mm.
图4 弹性苗托示意图
Fig.4 Schematicdiagram of flexible seedling seat
2.3 缓冲钢丝受力分析
Note:andare hinge points at end of buffering steel cable;is action pointof sucker pressuring on seedling;cis deflection of buffering steel cable after bending, mm;is distance between hinge pointsand, mm;1is the pressure of sucker pressuringon seedling decomposition to one of the steel cable, N.
图5 缓冲钢丝受力分析图
Fig.5 Diagram of force analysis of buffering steel cable
由2.1节分析可知,茄苗承受压力应小于1.54 N,设计时取1.54 N,将压力分解到两根缓冲钢丝上,则其中一根钢丝承受压力1为的一半即1=0.77 N(茄苗苗质量相对于压力较小,不予考虑);受拾取手结构尺寸限制,设计为20 mm;作业时为达到较好的吸附效果,吸嘴与最小苗径2.8 mm茄苗接触时吸附距离为0 mm,此时要求缓冲钢丝挠度|c|≥1.15 mm,才能保证拾取最大直径5.1 mm茄苗时不损伤幼苗,取|c|=1.15 mm,进一步分析挠度的方向可知,c=−1.15 mm;为了获得较好的变形性能,选用常用的碳素弹簧钢丝(65 Mn),其弹性模量为210 GPa。
通过式(1)可知缓冲钢丝的惯性矩为=5.31´10-16m4。对于截面形状为圆形的钢管其惯性矩计算公式为式(2)。通过式(2)确定缓冲钢丝直径为0.32 mm。
3 幼苗气力拾取试验
3.1 弹性苗托优化试验
3.1.1 试验材料与方法
如图4所示,幼苗由两根缓冲钢丝两点支撑,故支撑间距t影响拾取效果,由于拾取手拾取长度为9 mm,拾取手拾取位置为两根缓冲钢丝之间的幼苗茎秆位置即吸附位置(图2),故支撑间距t三水平取为7,9,11 mm。放入弹性苗托中的幼苗由置苗板V形槽口限位,故钢丝固定点到置苗板的距离即边距与置苗板槽口深度影响拾取性能,过大会导致幼苗限位不佳,而过小会导致苗托两端幼苗悬空,同样不能较好定位幼苗;由于幼苗端头有真叶,过大会导致真叶受到挤压,影响后续作业,过小达不到限位的作用。根据前期设计,边距三水平分别取为2,3,4 mm;由于最大苗径为5.1 mm,为容纳所有嫁接用茄苗三水平分别为4,5,6 mm。试验考察t、和变化下的拾取作业性能,包括吸附成功率和幼苗损伤率,其中幼苗被成功拾取后并向上提起5 mm离开苗托时牢固吸附在负压吸嘴上为吸附成功;幼苗茎杆表面出现明显压伤破损、真叶折断统称为幼苗损伤。试验时苗径为平均苗径4 mm(实际包括苗径3.8~4.2 mm),真空度为32 kPa,吸附响应时间为0.08 s,采用三因素三水平全排列方案设计试验,共计27组,为了测得吸附成功率和幼苗损伤率,每组试验重复30次,试验气路连接如图6所示[29]。
3.1.2 优化试验结果与分析
根据表3,支撑间距影响最显著。这是因为支撑间距过小,负压吸嘴接触幼苗时,幼苗移动,与吸嘴产生对位偏差,无法形成封闭负压腔,导致吸附失败,进一步分析可知,支撑间距为7 mm时,吸附成功率为0~37%。而支撑间距过大,吸嘴接触幼苗时,易导致幼苗茎杆发生较大弯曲,同样影响吸附成功率,可知支撑间距为11 mm时,吸附成功率为7%~77%。
槽口深度对吸附成功率影响较显著,两者之间呈单调上升的关系,主要反映在槽口深度太小,拾取时幼苗弯曲变形易偏至槽口外,不利于幼苗定位,当槽口深度约等于最大苗径5.1 mm时,仍有部分幼苗弯曲变形偏至槽口外,无法定位,试验显示最佳槽口深度为6 mm。边距总体上对吸附成功率影响较小。
由表3可知,支撑间距对幼苗损伤率影响较显著,支撑间距为7和11 mm时,幼苗损伤率相对于支撑间距为9 mm时较大。极差分析结果显示,支撑间距为9 mm,边距为4 mm,槽口深度为6 mm为最佳吸附作业参数组合,此时可保证对2.8~5.1 mm范围内嫁接用茄子接穗苗的拾取吸附成功率达到90%以上,幼苗损伤率10%以下。
表3 弹性苗托优化试验结果
Note: Success ratio of adsorption as an indicator is used to analyze the range of various factors.
3.2 拾取方式比较试验
3.2.1 试验材料与方法
为比较弹性苗托和刚性平台2种工况下的拾取性能,进行拾取方式比较试验,如图7所示。根据弹性苗托优化试验,弹性苗托的各项结构参数均设为最佳参数,选取苗径为4 mm的茄苗,通过变化供给负压和苗质量,保持吸附距离为0的情况下,分别考察采用弹性苗托和刚性平台时的拾取作业特性。供给负压分别为10,32,54 kPa,苗质量分别为1,2,3 g,考察指标为幼苗损伤率和吸附响应时间。考虑到茄子接穗苗个体差异性,苗径为4 mm的茄苗包括3.8~4.2 mm范围内茄苗,苗质量为1 g的茄苗包括在0.8~1.2 g范围内茄苗,苗质量为2 g的茄苗包括在1.8~2.2 g范围内茄苗,苗质量为3 g的茄苗包括在2.8~3.2 g范围内茄苗。采用两因素三水平全排列方案设计试验,共计9组,为了测得幼苗损伤率,每组试验重复30次。
3.2.2 比较试验结果与分析
试验结果如表4所示,采用刚性平台时,平均幼苗损伤率为21%,平均吸附响应时间为0.08 s;而采用弹性苗托后,平均幼苗损伤率降至5%,相对于刚性平台时损伤率减少16%,平均吸附响应时间减少至0.03 s,相对于刚性平台时作业时间减少62.5%。
表4 比较拾取试验结果
据表4可知,采用刚性平台时,响应时间与供给负压呈单调下降的关系,当供给负压为10 kPa时,吸附响应时间为0.1~0.15 s,增至32 kPa时,吸附响应时间减少至0.05~0.1 s,供给负压继续增长,吸附响应时间始终大于0.05 s。分析其原因可知:由于负压吸嘴从刚性平台上拾取幼苗,作业时吸附距离设置为0,而大部分茄苗由于有真叶的存在,当吸嘴接触茄苗时,茄苗发生偏移,导致吸附响应时间较长。
改用弹性苗托后,由于置苗板的限位作用,始终保持较小的吸附响应时间,其平均吸附响应时间为0.03 s,相比刚性苗座平均吸附响应时间0.08 s,减少了62.5%。
采用刚性平台时,幼苗损伤率为13%~30%。试验时吸附距离为0 mm,即吸嘴与苗径上表面接触,但是由于茄苗端头真叶的存在,实际茄苗在刚性平台上时并不是平置,而是一端高一端低(图7a),故拾取作业时定会对幼苗造成一定损伤,严重时将幼苗从中折断,由于真叶大小、形状不同,导致挤压时间不同以及茄苗幼嫩程度不同等等造成了损伤率的变化。进一步分析可知,供给负压从10增至32 kPa时,损伤率呈减小的趋势,当供给负压继续增大时,损伤率基本保持在13%~23%之间。改用弹性苗托后,幼苗损伤率较刚性平台时大大降低,损伤率均小于10%。
4 结 论
2)弹性苗托的两根缓冲钢丝支撑间距为9 mm,苗托槽口深度为6 mm,钢丝固定边距为4 mm的条件下,可保证对2.8~5.1 mm范围内嫁接用茄子接穗苗的拾取吸附成功率达到90%以上。
3)对直径为4 mm嫁接用茄子接穗苗在刚性平台与弹性苗托2种工况下的拾取作业性能进行比较:采用弹性苗托时幼苗损伤率降至5%,相对于刚性平台时幼苗损伤率减少16%;平均吸附响应时间为0.03 s,相对于刚性平台时作业时间减少62.5%,大幅提高生产率,降低耗气量。
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Design and experiment on flexible seedling seat of pneumatic pick-up for seedlings
Zhang Qing1,2, Lü Yajun1, Chu Qi1, Li Bo1, Wang Yuewen1, Yang Yanli3, Gu Song1※
(1.,,510642,; 2.,,239000,; 3..,,510642,)
In recent years, under the dual pressures of labor and mechanization, the demand for gardening equipment in the facility is increasing in China. Especially the nursery part has the heavy workload, and there is the most urgent demand for automatic production equipment. Pick-up mechanism is a key part of most nursery production equipment, the pneumatic pick-up is a flexible clamping technology, and it is developed for the seedling clamping job in recent years, but the existing flexible pneumatic pick-up method is based on a rigid platform to pick up seedlings. Because there are individual differences of seedlings, the existing pick-up mechanism is difficult to adapt to the changes of seedlings size and morphology, which results in the stationary adsorption distance that makes it difficult to adsorb all the seedlings on the rigid platform. In the pick-up operation, the negative pressure sucker is set to contact with the seedlings, but the seedlings with true leaves on the rigid platform are not kept at the horizontal state, which will lead to the problems of being difficult of adsorbing seedlings, long operating time, and consuming energy. To solve the above problems, based on vacuum adsorption principle, the study comes up with a flexible pneumatic pick-up method for seedlings. The method is constituted by the negative pressure pick-up finger and flexible seedling seat. The flexible seedling seat designed in this study consists of the plate to put seedling, the buffering steel cable and the fixing plate. The eggplant seedlings are manually placed on the plate with the V-notch, so the eggplant seedlings are limited by the V-notch in the diameter direction. The flexible seedling seat has a certain height, and the seedlings is in the horizontal state on the buffering steel cable, thus solving the problem that the pick-up operation is unstable because it is one end high and one end low for the seedlings due to the existence of the true leaves. At the same time the seedlings are supported by the buffering steel cable. The seedlings on buffering steel cable can avoid rigid extrusion when they are on the rigid platform. By the stress analysis, buffering steel cable diameter is calculated to be 0.32 mm. Because the maximum leaf span is 100.3 mm, the height of seedling seat is designed as 50 mm. In summary, the flexible seedling seat is better than the rigid platform on locating seedlings. The flexible seedling seat can correct the seedling place position. Because of the buffering effect of the flexible seedling seat, it can resolve the problem that the rigid platform is difficult to adapt to the size and morphology of seedlings. On this basis, the experiment is performed to optimize the structural parameter of flexible seedling seat. And the comparison test of the pick-up performance between the rigid platform and the flexible seedling seat is carried out. Test shows that: The support spacing between 2 buffering steel cables of the flexible seedling seat is 9 mm, the notch depth to holding seedling is 6 mm, and the side distance between the fixation point of buffering steel cable and the plate is 4 mm. At the above conditions, the adsorption pick-up success rate can be guaranteed to be over 90% within 2.8-5.1 mm range for eggplant seedlings. On the base of absorbing eggplant seedlings scion successfully with the diameter of the seedling of 4 mm (the diameter of the seedling between 3.8 to 4.2 mm also is classified as the diameter 4 mm), when it is on the rigid platform, the average seedling injury rate is 21%, the average response time for the adsorption is 0.08 s; when it is on the flexible seedling seat with the best combination of structural parameters, the average seedling injury rate is 5%, which is decreased by 16% compared with the rigid platform, the average adsorption response time reduces to 0.03 s, and the productivity increases by 62.5% compared with that on the rigid platform. The findings will provide an important reference for the development of picking device for agricultural robot.
mechanization; optimization; design; seedlings; pneumatic pick-up; flexible seedling seat; rigid platform; negative pressure
张 青,女(汉),安徽安庆人,助教,主要从事智能装备的研究与教学。广州 华南农业大学工程学院,510642。 Email:qingzhang416@sina.com
辜 松,男(汉),广东广州,教授,博士,主要从事现代园艺生产智能装备的研究。广州 华南农业大学工程学院,510642。 Email:sgu666@sina.com
张 青,吕亚军,初 麒,黎 波,王跃文,杨艳丽,辜 松. 幼苗气力拾取弹性苗托的设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(4):69-75. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.010 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhang Qing, Lü Yajun, Chu Qi, Li Bo, Wang Yuewen, Yang Yanli, Gu Song. Design and experiment on flexible seedling seat of pneumatic pick-up for seedlings[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 69-75. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.010 http://www.tcsae.org