Some suggestions on Teaching English Grammar in junior middle schools


校园英语·中旬 2017年2期

【Abstract】The teaching of grammar has been an important aspect of foreign language teaching for the English teachers. In this paper the author first emphasizes the necessity of teaching grammar in junior middle schools. Then it analyses the existing problems in the current grammar teaching. Finally, the author gives some suggestions on the effective approach to the teaching of English Grammar.

【Key words】 teaching English grammar; the effective approach


【关键词】初中英语语法教学 有效教学

I. Introduction

In China, the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach has been accepted by English teachers. However, Restricted by the examination system, many English teachers still have to conduct English grammar in traditional methods. The goal of CLT is to develop students communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately. Grammar rules are one aspect of communicative competence. In fact, language teachers and learners are often frustrated by the disconnect between knowing the rules and being able to apply those rules automatically in language skills. This disconnect reflects a separation between declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge.Declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge is an distinction between “knowledge about” and “knowledge how to”. Declarative knowledge enables a student to describe a rule of grammar and apply it in pattern practice drills while procedural knowledge enables a student to apply a rule of grammar in communication. Procedural knowledge does not convert automatically into declarative knowledge. Andersons (1982) conception, atomization is the process of converting the declarative knowledge into procedural knowledge. In traditional classroom,the emphasis is almost entirely on declarative knowledge while CLT is most focus on procedural knowledge.

II. The present situation of teaching English Grammar

Tthe importance of grammar cannot be denied.Most research has agreed that there is a positive role of instruction for grammar learning. Grammar teaching “can enhance learner proficiency, accuracy and facilitate the internalization of its syntactic system” (Wang,2006).An inadequate knowledge of grammar would severely constrain the capacity for communication. Although it is generally believed that Grammar teaching is less important for children than for adults. As teenagers, the junior middle school students are able to dwell on grammar points.It is necessary for teachers in junior middle schools to teach grammar in class. However, it should be noted that learning grammar itself is not the ultimate goal of leaning English.

There are some existing problems in current grammar teaching.First is the misleading goal of teaching and learning English grammar in pre-learning process Learning grammar itself is not the ultimate goal of learning English. However, restricted by the examination system,the purpose in learning grammar is to succeed in exam.For teachers, grammar teaching is tough and dull work,too.All these will influnce the aspects of learning English. Hence, students attitude towards English language learning is changed from learning actively to passively. The second is the simple teaching method in while-learning process.The purpose of learning and teaching grammar is to pass exam, so language teachers teach grammar by explaining the forms and rules and then drilling students on them. Lots of study proved that students do not develop the ability to use grammar correctly by doing mechanical drills, because these drills separate grammatical rules form their function. Although students can produce correct forms on exercises and tests, but consistently make errors when they try to use the language in context. Third is lack of systematic process during internalizing the grammar in post-learning process After teachers presentation and various practice, learners have a long way to internalize grammar into own knowledge. Most teacher more focus on ways of introducing grammar and choosing exercises. After students can do the exercises, especially multiple choice questions, teachers may stop offering other kinds of exercises. In fact, students need more input about this grammar.The grammar ponits are not totally internalized. Students need integrate the grammar into four skills to internalize it. The learners are young, so the teachers need more specific and systematic plan to help them internalize the grammar. Whats more, most teachers dont have enough time to train students integrated skills of applying language. Students will not enough time to digest and absorb what they have learnt.

III. Some Suggestions on teaching grammar

Firstly, Arouse students interests in pre-learning process.Interest is the best teacher. Arousing the students' interest is an important way to improve teaching quality in grammar teaching. Thus, how to arouse students interest is an important issue for teachers to discuss. Here are some suggestions. First, selecting appropriate teaching materials will satisy natural curiosity of the students,and they will not take the class to learn grammar for learning grammar. If the materials are in need of students, the students are easy to accept the grammar. Teachers are encouraged to select some other appropriate materials except the textbook. Second, designing elabrate questions play an important part in foreign language teaching and learning.Teachers can design many different types of questions to stimulate them to participate in the learning process, arouse their interest.Increasing students involvements helps students arose the learning interest.Third, designing the suitable activities will arouse students interest. If the activities meet the studentsneeds,they will be interested in the lesson. English teachers use the different ways to stimulate students interest when they are learning grammar because interest is of great importance.

Secondly,Various ways to teach grammar in while-learning process Wang(2006)mentioned there are three ways to present grammar,namely,ductive method,the inductive method and discovery method. The deductive method is a method that the teacher explains the rules directly with examples in the students native language whereas inductive method is a method that students are given the structure in context and they are asked to work out the rule for themselves.The inductive and deductive methods have their own advantages and disadvantages.The discovery method is prevailng at present. It is similar to the inductive method in that the students are to discover rules by themselves. But the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and rules are then elicited and taught explicitly. Thus teachers present the grammar point in discouese will help students understand easily. Except paying attention to the way of presenting the grammar, teachers can use visible instruments such as charts and maps to aid understanding and teachers avoid difficult grammatical terminologies as much as possible.Teachers should live with the students mistakes and errors,too.

Finally,Emphasis on atomization of grammar in post-learning process The process of knowing grammar to applying grammar is the process of converting declarative knowledge into procedural knowledge.Here are some suggestions on converting them automatically. First, combine mechanical practice and meaningful practice.Practice is of great importance in the teaching and learning of grammar. In order to be familiar with the newly learnt grammar, teachers need to combine these two practices wisely.Second, raise young learnersconsciousness of applying grammar in real communication context. Teachers use various ways .to help learners apply grammar rules from consciously to unconsciously.Third, provide plentiful, appropriate language input.Learners develop both procedural and declarative knowledge based on the input they receive. According to Krashens Input Hypothesis that learning will occur when unknown items are only just beyond the learners present level, comprehensible input i+1. Hence, whether finely tuned input that requires students to pay attention to the relationships among form, meaning, and use for a specific grammar rule, or roughly tuned input that allows students to encounter the grammar rule in a variety of contexts should be comprehensible input. Teachers offer students plentiful, appropriate language input. In this process, teachers can integrate the grammar points into the four skills.Finally, students will gradually apply grammar from consciously to unconsciously.

IV. Conclusion

The goal of grammar instruction is to improve studentscommunicative competence.The sound knowledge of grammar can improve the students competence.In my paper, Ive suggested some new methods and several strategies to follow. However, every teacher has their own way to teach English grammar. Any methods may be perfect, if it puts into the practice properly. As an English teacher we must spend some of our time and interest to study of the effective methods of grammar teaching.


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