【摘 要】
创新 输入假说 意义协商 支架
Krashen输入假说(Input Hypothesis)提出“可理解的语言输入”(comprehensible input),“二语习得产生的一个条件就是习得者需要比他现有水平更高一点的语言输入”。我们假定学习者现有水平为i(input),理想的输入为i+1;第二语言習得能力的关键因素是接触大量的、有意义的、有趣的或是相关的第二语言输入材料。根据这个理论教师可以做示范达到这个效果。如译林版9A Unit2 Colors这一课,学生根据课本上的要求完成广告的相关填空题后,要求学生完成Reasons:Is it a good fruit juice advertisement?Why?针对这样的要求,学生往往只会写一些简单的句子而且意思也很单调。这时可以发挥教师示范的作用。教师可以列出以下一段话:Because of the outdoor sunshine and the scene,it seems that the woman is on holiday. I think it is a good fruit juice advertisement because it makes people feel warm and reminds them of the summer holidays. The sunshine and beaches make them feel thirsty, maybe they'd like to drink some fruit juice.有了这样的教师范例,学生分别有了很不错的语言输出:
S1:I think this is a good advertisement because the scene is mainly green. It is the colour of nature. It makes me feel that the juice is natural and healthy. I'd like to sit on the beach and drink the juice.
S2:I think this is a good advertisement because the sunshine and beaches make me feel thirsty, and the model looks so cheerful. I want to be as cheerful as the girl.
当学生在教师的示范下有了较好的语言输出后,教师进一步发挥示范作用,向学生出示以下一段话:I don't think that this is a good advertisement because the bottle is so big and the color of it is too dark. I don't know what is in the bottle. Maybe it's something unhealthy. Maybe it is something unnatural. I don't feel like drinking it. I prefer something more natural and healthy.教师出示的这一不同的范例一下激活了学生的思维,在接下来的关于另一则广告的观点,许多精彩的语言输出纷至沓来。
如:S1:I think this man has trouble making decisions. He seems to be moving very fast and doing many things at the same time. I don't think it's a good advertisement because most people would rather relax and feel calm.
S2:I think this is a good advertisement. People may feel tired and stressed because of hard work……I think people will get a calm feeling when using the mobile phone.
S3:If people choose to use this mobile phone,it will give them strength. I think when people see the red mobile,they are willing to get it and will make decision easily.
S4:I believe when people use this kind of mobile phone,they will feel happy……in a world,I think this kind of mobile phone will sell well after people see the advertisement.
意义协商是达成《课标》这一要求的一种途径。而要实现意义协商,“追问”是一种很好的方法。教师在教学中要渗透以追问增加话轮的交际策略,引导学生提高语言输出的质和量。如七年级下册Unit6 Outdoor fun第一课时的学习目标是了解一些户外活动的名称,谈论所喜欢的户外活动及原因,激起学生参与户外活动的兴趣。教材中的对话范例涉及到话轮,交流了各自想尝试的户外活动及原因。见以下内容。
T:What outdoor activities would you like to try?
S1:I want to go swimming.
T:Why do you want to go swimming?(第一次追问,了解对方喜欢游泳的原因。)
S1:Because it is so hot in summer,I feel cool in water.
T:But you must be careful not to swim alone.(有关游泳的安全提醒是对对方回答的后续评价,体现交际的自然真实。)By the way,do you like horse riding?(第二次追问,引起新的话轮,使会话继续下去。)
S1:No. I'm afraid of falling off and the horses always run so quickly. What about you?
T:I really love horses and I really want to ride one.(交流自己对于骑马的看法。)
S1:What do you like about horse riding?
【3】Wragg,E.C.1999.An Introduction to Classroom Observation【M】.Routledge & Falmer