On the Error Term for the Number of Solutions of Certain Congruences
(School of Mathematics,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230009,China)
Letf(x)Suppose thatLis the splitting field offover Q with Galois groupG=Gal(L/Q).IfGis Abelian,we call the fieldLis Abelian and thatf(x)is an Abelian polynomial.Otherwise we callf(x)a non-Abelian polynomial.Letr(n)denote the number of solutionsxof the congruencef(x)≡0(modn)satisfying 0≤x<n.We introduce theL-function associated tor(n),
It is a classical problem to study the functionr(n).In 1952 Erdös[1]proved that
and the lower bound
It is hard to refine Erdös’result.Until 2001,Fomenko[2]proved the asymptotic formulae
whereC(f)is a positive constant depending onf.
In[2],Fomenko also proved that for any Abelian polynomialf(x)of degreem,
for a certain positive constantBand any fixedβ<.¡By introducing the¢Langlands functionality to this problem,Kim[6]improved the error termOxexp(−B(logx)β)intoO(x1−3/(m+3)+ε)for any fixedε>0.
In addition,in[6]it was shown that for any non-Abelian polynomialf(x)of degreem≥2,
whereαis the residue ofL(s)which is defined in(1.1)at its simple poles=1.Recently based on Kim’s method,LYU[7]improved Kim’s result and obtained the sharper error termO¡x1−3/(m+6)+ε¢.
Motivated by[2-4],the aim of the present paper is to investigate∆(x)in mean square and we shall prove the following theorem
Theorem 1Let∆(x)be defined in(1.3).For any non-Abelian polynomialf(x)of degreem≥2 and suppose thatm≥3.Then we have
In fact the proof shows that
RemarkForm=2,3,the result of Theorem 1 is as good as that obtained under the Riemann Hypothesis on DirichletL-functions on average.
NotationsThe Vinogradov symbolA≪Bmeans thatBis positive and the ratioA/Bis bounded.The letterεan arbitrary small positive number,not the same at each occurrence.
§2.Proof of Theorem 1
To prove Theorem 1,we need the following lemmas.
Lemma 2.1LetKbe a Galois extension of degreenover Q andL(s)be defined in(1.1).Then we have
whereU(s)denotes a Dirichlet series,which is absolutely and uniformly convergent for Re(s)>andζ(s,K)denotes the Dedekind zeta function of the fieldK
ProofThis follows immediately by the arguments(see pages 319-320)in[7].
Lemma 2.2LetKbe an algebraic number field of degreem.Then for any fixedε>0
ProofBy Lemma 2.5 in[8]and the Phragmén-Lindelöf principle for a strip(see e.g.Theorem 5.53 in Iwaniec and Kowalski[5],this lemma follows.
Now we begin to complete the proof of Theorem 1.By the definition ofr(n),we have
From Lemma 3 in[1],it is known that the functionr(n)is multiplicative and satisfies
for natural numberl>0,whereDis the discriminant off(x).Then we have
whereω(n)denotes the number of distinct prime divisors ofnandτ(n)is the divisor function.
From(2.4),(1.1)and Perron’s formula(see Proposition 5.54 in[5]),we get
By the propertyL(s)only has a simple pole ats=1 for>and Cauchy’s residue theorem,we have
Then in order to prove(1.4)in Theorem 1,we shall prove the following results.
To go further,we get
where we have used lemmas 2.1 and 2.2.
By Lemma 2.2,we have
which yields
The inequalities(2.7)~(2.8)immediately follow from(2.9),(2.12)~(2.13).That is,we have
Form=2,by takingT=,the detail of the proof of(1.5)is similar to that of(1.4),hence we omit it here.Then the proof of Theorem 1 is completed.
[1]Erdös P.On the sum J London Math,Soc,1952,27:7-15.
[2]FOMENKO O M.The mean number of solutions of certain congruences[J].J Math Sci,2001,105:2257-2268.
[5]IWANIEC H,KOWALSKI E.Analytic number theory[J].Amer Math Soc Colloq Publ,2004,53:204-216.
[6]KIM H H.Functoriality and number of solutions of congruences[J].Acta Arith,2007,128:235-243.
[7]LYU G.Number of solutions of certain congruences[J].Acta Arith,2009,140:317-328.
[8]LYU G,YANG Z.The average behavior of the coefficients of Dedekind zeta function over square numbers[J].J Number Theory,2011,131:1924-1938.
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