摘 要:研究復杂化工过程系统的动态行为特性内在规律及其调控理论和方法是进行化工过程物质与能量高效利用的集成优化的前提条件。对于复杂的化工系统,操作条件与过程结果的输入输出多重性、稳定性和可控性是其重要的行为特征,良好的系统行为特征是过程高效能/质转换的重要保障。该研究以烯烃制备、聚烯烃合成等工业过程为对象,重点研究复杂过程系统的稳定性和可控性条件,即对如何确保所设计的复杂化工过程在不确定因素扰动下仍能维持稳定操作的关键科学问题(如输入输出多重性、稳定性以及可控性等)进行综合研究,拟应用分岔理论和奇异值理论揭示这些化工过程非线性特征与过程流程的拓扑结构以及参数(设计、操作)之间的内在联系的规律,确定具有良好系统行为特征的过程流程拓扑结构以及操作区域,从而使得所设计的过程在本质上具有维持稳定运行的系统特性,从源头上降低不稳定生产的概率或避免事故的发生,为能/质高效转化提供保障。
关键词:多稳态 动态特性 稳定性 拓扑结构 多目标优化
Project Proposal for Nonlinear Behaviors Analaysis and Control of Complex Process System
Wang Hangzhou Yuan Zhihong Qiu Tong Zhao Jinsong Chen Bingzhen
(Tsinghua University)
Abstract:For complex chemical processes, detailed study of system dynamic behavior (system dynamics), including it intrinsic pattern and control theory, serves as significant prerequisites for integrated optimization aiming at highly efficient mass and energy utilization. As the essential characteristics of complicated chemical systems, the input/output multiplicity, stability and controllability will simultaneously determine the level of efficient mass and energy conversion and utilization. This work mainly focuses on the stability and controllability condition for complex process systems. Herein, olefin preparation manufacturing and polyolefin production processes were selected as the major processes to investigate. The scientific problem lies in how to guarantee and maintain stable operation of the designed chemical process even under uncertain disturbances. Bifurcation analysis and singularity theory were introduced to elucidate the inherent relationships existing among process nonlinearity, flow-sheet topology, and design/operating parameters. Identification of optimum topological structure and operating region that are able to intrinsically maintain stable operation will significantly contribute to inherently safer process design, which eliminates/minimizes potential hazards at the source root level and laid a solid foundationthe cornerstone for highly efficient mass and energy utilization.
Key Words:Multi-steady state; Dynamic behavior; Tability; Topological structure; Multi-object optimization