Analysis of the Nineteen Ancient Poems
Abstract:I gather lotus blooms across the steam is a poem with highly research value and significance. This paper gives a brief introduction to this poems creation background and artistic value to call on more people pay more attention to the development of our ancient poems.
Key words:creation background;artistic value;I gather lotus blooms across the steam
1. The creation background
Confucianism is the mainstream ideology of the Western Han Dynasty period, and cultivate one's morality, Qijia, pacify and rule the world, are regarded as a living philosophy criterion of Confucian scholars. Confucian scholars hold the view that “A good scholar will make an official”. So they try their best to get a high score for their dream of official career. But officials are only a few, just like a pyramid, to reach the top place; you should go through many difficulties. In addition, at that time gentry intellectuals had a monopoly power, while Confucian scholars who are in the lower position spare every effort to reach a higher place, and realize their ideal job to make a living. But such a chance is negligible. There are poems in the nineteen ancient poems to express such feelings. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the introduction of Buddhism last only a few decades, the social foundation is very weak, which is far from becoming the public important elements of spiritual beliefs, let alone with the culture in the integration of existing Confucian ideas. Taoism is under the constant development, and becomes a social religion. The fusion of the theory of having a longevity to become a immortal, Yin and Yang and the five elements metal promotes the an alchemist, medicine, health to enter the ideology of Confucian scholars to a certain extent, and affects the literary creation and philosophy of life of Confucian scholars. Taoist also has a certain influence on Confucian scholars living ways, such as the description in the poem “The fairy is keen on a high building”. A castle in the courtyard architecture embodies the people of nature worship and yearning, especially the castle, through high overlook, it also can enhance self-confidence, containing and shows a Confucian scholars psychological demands in some special cultural psychology.
2. The cultural level
Generally speaking, nineteen ancient poems reflect in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, lower-middle-class scholars study condition and will to be a official. They try to be a high-class people, but they cant get away from the connection with grassroots. In view of these, their works contain not only the traditional culture of The Books of Songs and The Songs of Chu, but also absorbs the nutrition of folk poems at the same time, all these elements make their poems more real and emotional. “Feminine querimony poetry” is an important theme in the nineteen ancient poems. “Homesick poetry” and “Feminine querimony poetry” are actual two dimensions of emotion.The emotional expression of the nineteen ancient poems is humanity, among it, the most general and typical in the ancient China is womens complex emotions, who miss their husbands or lovers. Their sorrow, upset, depressed can arouse sympathy of readers, no matter which times they belong to.
3. Artistic value
In the poetry history, Nineteen ancient poems is called “Royal crown of a poem with five characters to a line”, its value is undoubted. As for writing techniques, it inherited the rhetorical device of The Book of Songs; as for creation of language, it influenced by a government office in the Han Dynasty for collecting folk songs and ballads, such the use of reduplication, which can make people enjoy the beauty of the poem both in auditory and vision. Nineteen ancient poems has a high aesthetic value, which mainly embodied in lyricism, past dynasties all have high evaluation on this aspect. The creation nineteen ancient poems is still in the preliminary stage, meanwhile, it is a period of poets creative consciousness and cultural construction development. It concentrates on personality temperament, social circumstances and the spiritual life of Confucian scholars, which has significance in learning about social life in late Eastern Han Dynasty. Nowadays, people appreciate nineteen ancient poems, tend to analyze its ideas and forms of art, even make some researches through different subjects. Western theory, such as existentialism, structuralism, decadent, semiotics and accepting aesthetics has been used to analyze the poems.
4. Conclusion
This poem is filled with charm and value. Our ancient poems often contain deep meaning, not only descripe the beautiful scenery, but also their true feelings and heart. As new-area students, we need to spend time in analyzing our spiritual treasure.
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